Soren Johnson's Old World

It probably never makes sense to build a militia when training a warrior/slinger takes the same number of turns. But a high-growth city may be able to build a militia in 3-4 turns, while a slinger/warrior takes 6-8 turns. Militia are great for securing the happiness bonus, holding city sites, helping clear barbs, etc. They're not as useful in a full-scale war. Early game, once I don't need workers/settlers, I'd generally rather have a high growth city contribute militias than build specialists or projects.
Speaking of, does anyone use militias and if so, how much / when? They seem to be cannon fodder (raising the EXP of opponents) and depending on the city can take just as long to build as a military unit, or at least close to it. I do get what you're saying, that in high growth cities you can build them faster, but it seems more productive to build specialists or the other projects. Or is the sole purpose to slow down any blitzkrieg/teleportation invasion (in which case you'd need to build a lot)?
I only build militia if I have no metal / wood for real units. Which doesn't happen often. If you build militia your city does not grow.
I use militia to hold city sites. it galls me that i'm wasting a good military unit idling away on a city site, so i put a militia dude there instead. problem solved. I wasn't aware of any family requirements that required a city to defending it. I'll have to look into that.
apparently they give a happiness bonus.. i guess i'll be putting a militia dude on defense in every city now :)
My roommate just told me about this game and I just watched that video.

Wow, this is what I am going to be playing. I hope you can marry your uncles and all that weird CKII stuff (probably not, but one can dream)

They should allow this, and have this spin off into random events that govern when you marry family members. I get that there is an "ick" factor so maybe they just present this opportunity every now and again. This would be a true reflection of history anyway. Didn't Egyptian ruler siblings marry each other for hundreds of years?
I hate it when my 18yr old daughter gets offered to marry guys twice her age! I like marrying them off to the barbs, they seem to offer better warrior type genes. It would be nice if there were more options, like one from each family instead of just 2 options, or even a wider selection, such as brokering peace via marraige rather than waiting for it to be offered. I guess i could just scout around in the enemies families.. but looking at that screen it doesn't appear that they've really worked on that bit so much, often there are so many options, that the family members at the top of the screen get pushed off the edge of the screen and you can't select them. Well at least at mid-late game it was a chaotic mess when i tried looking into that.
I would very much like this feature as well - i just ran into the problem yesterday. I understand that mousing over the production stats can help you figure out what you need more of, but there are other reasons I want to know quickly whether a city has something.

The most obvious one is the coliseum because that actually lowers unhappiness. The other one is the stronghold/citadel as someone mentioned, b/c that leads to unique units. It'd be nice to see at a quick glance what cities have what buildings other than scrolling around and eyeballing the map (granted, they will undoubtedly make the buildings more illustrative of what they are), or mousing-over things using process of elimination.

For the colloseums, there is a way to see at first glance if its build or not, since the odeom and amphit theater are prerequisite for the colloseum and all 3 have the same round building graphics its easy to just count if a city already had these 3 round buildings, if so, the colloseum is already build.
I hate it when my 18yr old daughter gets offered to marry guys twice her age! I like marrying them off to the barbs, they seem to offer better warrior type genes. It would be nice if there were more options, like one from each family instead of just 2 options, or even a wider selection, such as brokering peace via marraige rather than waiting for it to be offered. I guess i could just scout around in the enemies families.. but looking at that screen it doesn't appear that they've really worked on that bit so much, often there are so many options, that the family members at the top of the screen get pushed off the edge of the screen and you can't select them. Well at least at mid-late game it was a chaotic mess when i tried looking into that.
Haha, hey! That's a secure future you're wrinkling your nose at!
Like Soren, I have not made use of my CivFanatics account in a long time. I wonder how many people are still around who remember me?

I noted some talk in this thread from a couple of weeks ago about random events. While there is a lot of randomness to the event system, there is also plenty of determinism, too. Many events trigger off of the player's selections in other events (thus, the player is charting their own course, to some extent, via their event selections.) Many events are tied to player actions. Some events have multiple ways they can play out, and the way chosen is not by a dice roll, but by things like which Law the player chose from a given Law Pair, or what types of units or specialists may have been developed by the player. More of this kind of determinism will continue to added, as many of the newer events that we are adding (as we go, on an ongoing basis) will have more and more niches involved with the event triggers, and play out more specific event stories.

I'm only a minor contributor to the event pool, but my most recent event added is called "Expertise: Fisher" and it only triggers after player builds a Nets improvement on a water Bonus. Your heir makes a friend, and player gets to choose how to make use of their heir's new friend, who is an expert Fisher.

Too much dice makes it all feel disconnected, while too much determinism makes it too predictable, and able to grow stale after few playthroughs. Our aim is to strike a balance -- keep players on their toes, but also have the events dance with the player, so that the events respond to what a player is doing in their game. The event system should continue to get better over time, as ever-more events continue to be added.

- Sirian
Like Soren, I have not made use of my CivFanatics account in a long time. I wonder how many people are still around who remember me?

I noted some talk in this thread from a couple of weeks ago about random events. While there is a lot of randomness to the event system, there is also plenty of determinism, too. Many events trigger off of the player's selections in other events (thus, the player is charting their own course, to some extent, via their event selections.) Many events are tied to player actions. Some events have multiple ways they can play out, and the way chosen is not by a dice roll, but by things like which Law the player chose from a given Law Pair, or what types of units or specialists may have been developed by the player. More of this kind of determinism will continue to added, as many of the newer events that we are adding (as we go, on an ongoing basis) will have more and more niches involved with the event triggers, and play out more specific event stories.

I'm only a minor contributor to the event pool, but my most recent event added is called "Expertise: Fisher" and it only triggers after player builds a Nets improvement on a water Bonus. Your heir makes a friend, and player gets to choose how to make use of their heir's new friend, who is an expert Fisher.

Too much dice makes it all feel disconnected, while too much determinism makes it too predictable, and able to grow stale after few playthroughs. Our aim is to strike a balance -- keep players on their toes, but also have the events dance with the player, so that the events respond to what a player is doing in their game. The event system should continue to get better over time, as ever-more events continue to be added.

- Sirian
Very cool description. I appreciate the balance!
While there is a lot of randomness to the event system, there is also plenty of determinism, too. Many events trigger off of the player's selections in other events (thus, the player is charting their own course, to some extent, via their event selections.) Many events are tied to player actions. Some events have multiple ways they can play out, and the way chosen is not by a dice roll, but by things like which Law the player chose from a given Law Pair, or what types of units or specialists may have been developed by the player.
I loved the event chains (playing & modding) in Pharaoh & Cleopatra: Queen of the Nile from Impressions Games / Sierra Studios and so I wonder, whether in OldWorld such chains can also result in actions back on the map; eg. a barbarian invasion from the territory on the other side of the (inrectangular) border towards the single player or "rebellions" from urban discontentment ...
Our aim is to strike a balance -- keep players on their toes, but also have the events dance with the player, so that the events respond to what a player is doing in their game.
I suppose, the difficulty levels for the game as a whole take care of a spectrum from friendly/harmless to evil/hard.

Perhaps another degree of freedom focused on the intensity of events can help to finetune the experience for the player (slider in the setup?) - one adjustment may not fit all players:
'keep players on their toes' is great, but I suspect, in the very same situation some may already feel "too much punished" while others just want even MORE rise & fall. And NOT rise & rise even more & rise again.

Without lows you cannot have real highs. But what, if players feel either bored or punished?? All this is not easy; I mean, who from us is an immortal or demigod (let alone Deity)?? The Qadesh-scenario of the mentioned game at VeryHard was (nearly) impossible. Liked that.

I suppose, I want to express, that I fear, if the events have to do 'too much' of the balancing, perhaps many players will hate them for being "too negative". Or that some players want a relatively hard game with events of only quite small amplitudes.
Ive liked it a lot....its been a surprise how good it is, so far IMO

Sure its not perfect

Needs a lot of tweeking but its still in early development stage

Of the first tweek I would want is leaders die too soon IMO....easy fix tho change a year to be split in turn equals one year right now, change it to two seasons per turn.
Kinda suxs you get your leader where you want him and he dies :(

Second tweek I would want is huge map not huge enough IMO....its about half as big as a huge civ map...…...Civ map huge is actually kinda biug, but not that big in this game so far.

End is kinda bland....nothing like Civ ends that are cinematic.....and lacks a way to change it in set-up....maybe comes latter?

I play with no fog of war...I want to see how the AI does tactics and they are kinda bland but effective, the AI builds horsehockey-loads of ballista and rings them around his cities,they all fire, (in support) as you assault and is quite deadly to your attackj…..but its not in-vincible to beat
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I've resisted the Epic store stuff until now, my resolve has crumbled. Bring it on this summer! Gonna be a great 4x year with this and Humankind both.

yeah ive liked the game so far...its not perfect but its kinda fun
I see a lot of Civ players here dismissing this game....a pity cause if you tried it you may like it IMO

Hmm hard to describe it....imagine early years of CIv, with the focus being on your family and development.

So far I only play as Rome, I like the legions of Rome in the game as your custom unit, so pick Rome (Every Civ gets custom units)

I start with my family as the two brothers Romulus and Remus ,,,,just like the legend, and in time your family splits as your sons and daughters marry other characters in the game

My only gripe so far is one turn is one year...and your leaders grow old and die too quickly IMO.

Making one year....two turns would be better IMO
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I see a lot of Civ players here dismissing this game....a pity cause if you tried it you may like it IMO

Hmm hard to describe it....imagine early years of CIv, with the focus being on your family and development.

So far I only play as Rome, I like the legions of Rome in the game as your custom unit, so pick Rome (Every Civ gets custom units)

I start with my family as the two brothers Romulus and Remus ,,,,just like the legend, and in time your family splits as your sons and daughters marry other characters in the game

My only gripe so far is one turn is one year...and your leaders grow old and die too quickly IMO.

Making one year....two turns would be better IMO
I really haven't seen many people dismiss it, which is good, because it's a very good game. I can hardly wait to see how it develops! And like you, I think Rome is my favorite as well.
I really haven't seen many people dismiss it, which is good, because it's a very good game. I can hardly wait to see how it develops! And like you, I think Rome is my favorite as well.

Yea I might try carthage tho…..the custom Elephants seem like a good unit, but starting character being a woman seems a little uneasy for me.
seems a good tribe for a female player tho…….The custom units of other Civs are a little weak in comparison. Greece tho is in 2nd place in one of my games ….he walked over Babylon with his phalanx units. But late game the phalanx seems out-classed by swordsmen while legions of Rome seem never outclassed.

Since the computer AI loves his ballista units, legions, in testudo formation seem the way to go.

Yeah the only weakness of the game so far seems to be once you analize the AI tactics, playing as Rome seems an I-win button

His rows of ballista around a city, while seeming strong can be beaten by legions , in testudo, backed up by longbowmen for bombardment support and horsemen to guard the flanks...….there is your iwin button
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My last game was pretty fun thanks to the map (continents). Played as babylon on highest difficulty.

Second city spot was behind mountains so I couldn't get there. fourth city spot was behind a desert so I couldn't build roads there and movement cost a lot of orders. All barbarians on the map were killed after 30 turns, never got to meet a tribe. Had to live with 3 cities for quite a while. My second leader somehow got to charisma 17, which gave about +360% bonus to civics as governor for a few years before he died.

Looking forward to the next patch.
I'm playing a Carthage game on the latest release patch, and it's starting to chug a bit. But I have really been enjoying playing it today, and I feel this is the best I've been at it - but I know I still have a lot to learn. I do get really into it, too - I was building my daughter up to take over from me and then she goes and dies (typical...), so when my leader died, he got replaced by a six year-old.

One thing that makes me chuckle - I've mentioned it here, and on Discord - is just how many characters are gay. I'm openly LGBTQ+ myself, but when all four Tribes are lead by people with the 'Gay' trait, I just... fell about laughing. Then one died and was replaced by another gay character, and my gay daughter became pregnant before marriage - so the fact the trait really isn't working properly or in any real context is absolutely hilarious to me.

Would also like to point out that you can make the event system a little unhappy if you pick a Law before doing the event (e.g. Slavery or Freedom). I've done it twice now.
My last game was pretty fun thanks to the map (continents). Played as babylon on highest difficulty.

Second city spot was behind mountains so I couldn't get there. fourth city spot was behind a desert so I couldn't build roads there and movement cost a lot of orders. All barbarians on the map were killed after 30 turns, never got to meet a tribe. Had to live with 3 cities for quite a while. My second leader somehow got to charisma 17, which gave about +360% bonus to civics as governor for a few years before he died.

Looking forward to the next patch.

Yeah 2 things i mentioned before

1. Map huge is not really that huge....its about as half as big as a civ 6 huge map
I really hope some one mods some bigger maps......seems like an easy fix?

2. Yeah I really wish they would make a year 2 turns instead of suxs your leaders die too soon IMO

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