South Africa (UKNES IV)

Now it's 29 credits as Congo-Brazzaville is also mine,so now 12 countries freed (will update soon).
sorry that write more, but free from what?
this is my last post, i promise, and I always keep my promises (atleast last one for today)
from despotism and dictators (I'm a strong democracy,almost only one in Africa)
loads of money and troops who can't be stopped (no matter how many are killed). Some people get all the luck
dam man 37??? how the hell...???

im lazy, so i gonna ask you to do this: could you list all the countries you 'liberated' and what their income is. if you can figure out what turn you took them, that would be nice too. i thought i was doing well, but i aint even close to 37 CPT
Roddy,look at my first post into the CIA World Factbook article about South Africa.I added which country was when conquered.All countries except for Burundi and Uganda were 2 Credits,these two nations 1 Credit.
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