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Space Opera 2016-10-05

Yoda, thanks for the great comments. Also, thanks for trying the scenario. Your thoughts mean a lot, seeing as you you have done some great modding (MEM).:)

You get to know the game very quickly, although it's quite different from anything I've played before.
I'm glad you like the gameplay. I'm not the first to work with non-linear type tech trees. I think it works very well for mods/scenarios that do not cover as long of a time frame.

Normally I don't download soundtracks, since I usually just listen to my own music or the television, but I figured that since I had downloaded it anyway I might as well try it out. Very cool addition! It went very well with the theme, without getting annoying like the standard civ3 music.
I'm glad you like it. Civ music definitely would not have worked.

Make more civ specific stuff. The units doesn't have to have the same stats all the time, some civs could be stronger in offence and weak in defence and vice versa.
Agreed, the civs are too similar. This is the number one thing that I am working on for the next release.

Get rid of the not-required-for-era-advancement icon, it has no place in graphical athmosphere of this mod, and with the specialised tech tree it serves no purpose.
Why didn't I think of that? I'll replace it with a blank pcx.

More civilopedia would be cool. I liked the story, and I felt like I wanted to know more.
This is the other area I will improve on for the next version.

When my cities started to grow big, it was quite annoying that I had no citizens available, the only thing I could do was increase my luxury rate, which screwed my economy a bit.
Do you mean specialist citizens? There are three available in the game - entertainer, scientist, and security. Are you not able to use them? They do require certain advances (I can't remember off the top of my head, but it says in the Civolopedia).

The AI seems to do very well in defensive wars and very bad in offence. They have a huge amount of units, but they don't manage to transport them very well. With a fleet of four Destroyers I was able to block any invasion attempts the ai had on my system.
Yes, the AI could be better at offense. I'm adding some bigger transports in an effort to improve this. Also, I find playing up a difficulty level or two makes the AI harder, and capable of at least scaring me on the offensive. Sorry if you already play Sid.;)
Yoda, thanks for the great comments. Also, thanks for trying the scenario. Your thoughts mean a lot, seeing as you you have done some great modding (MEM).:)
Well embryodead have at minimum just as much credit for MEMII as I have. But I do like to think I've become a veteran in the modding buisness by now. ;)

Agreed, the civs are too similar. This is the number one thing that I am working on for the next release.
Good, flavour is the thing that makes me want to play something more than just once, since I want to try out all the different stuff. That's why the WH mod is so incredibly great in my oppinion, as the fantasy setting allows for very different civilizations. With a space mod you have the same opportunity to have diverse civilizations that historical mods don't.

Why didn't I think of that? I'll replace it with a blank pcx.
Or better yet, find another use for it. I didn't have a use for it in Twillight of Byzantium, so it was changed to an icon representing the techs that couldn't be traded. Now I realize no techs can be traded in this mod, but there might be something else you could use it for.

Do you mean specialist citizens? There are three available in the game - entertainer, scientist, and security. Are you not able to use them? They do require certain advances (I can't remember off the top of my head, but it says in the Civolopedia).
Yes, but I hadn't researched any of those techs in the beginning. ;) I remember Lotm had the same problem some versions ago, and it's just really annoying in the long run, not being able to handle unhappyness normally.

Yes, the AI could be better at offense. I'm adding some bigger transports in an effort to improve this. Also, I find playing up a difficulty level or two makes the AI harder, and capable of at least scaring me on the offensive.
The problem is that this would also strenthen the human players offence capabilities. Maybe make the Frigates a bit stronger in defence? Since I went for Destroyers quite fast, my fleet could kill all those Frigates off quickly.

Sorry if you already play Sid.;)
Not at all! I suck so I only play monarch. :lol:
NavyDawg this is an awsome scenario, I'm having a lot of fun with it. I can't wait for the next release. Playing this makes me want to learn how to create units so that I can design my own space craft.
A Minor Bug:

Since the Smuggler Federation has its own Tech Tree, they can't get :rolleyes: the Techs Required for Specialists.
Thus they have no way to deal with Unhappiness, and all their cities are constantly in :( Civil Disorder.
i have played this scenario multiple times and it is very, very good. but there does seem to be one problem, the cpus do the same thing EVERYtime no matter what. so i was wondering if there was any other maps? the one on post 105 is inactive or somthing. my computer cant seem to find the url.
I might try a new map, it ill prolly be a standard or small but ill see how it goes.

As long as you dont go to civ4 anytime soon, my computer seems to hate that game...

I may be wrong but i think the chief problem with the AI is the new form of researching. I think the abilty to be able to research only your military first is the problem, AIs seem to care more about defense then culture which some AIs have none of throughout the game. I have thought it over and found two good(i think) solutions.
1. Make society and infrastructure techs give more buildings in less techs.
2. revert to a normal era-tech screen and give a lot of optional techs.
@ Redwall, Good catch, I'll make it so that there is not tech required for entertainers.

No, I think it's better the way it is now...
Maybe they could get their own Specialist, a :mischief: Bar Tender :beer::cheers::beer: perhaps?
No, I think it's better the way it is now...
Maybe they could get their own Specialist, a :mischief: Bar Tender :beer::cheers::beer: perhaps?

That's not a bad idea; the need to research even the "basic" specialists adds some depths to the scenario and another specialist only available with a pirate tech will not break the game.
NavyDawg; I must commend you for making this scenario. I am playing a game as the Confederacy right now, and am loving it. Thank you for making this. But, just to add another voice to the crowd, I agree that this scenario would benefit greatly from improved differences between the civilzations.

Leaven; It appears that the link to your map is broken. Could you possibly, if you still have it, reupload it? I would really like to try it.
I was playing the uncharted map(great job by the way) and i thought of something you should incorporate into the new space opera, some kind of warp drives. Just to ease travel around the map. Maybe, putting invincible units on airfields? And putting certain warp points on the map for each civ?I tried it but i didn't have time to make the technology, make all the points and work out the kinks. Anyone else think this is a good idea?
Hey NavyDawg, if you would like you can host your mod on our server. The average DL speed is 200Kb/sec and there is no wait time for DL. PM if you want to host it on our server.
Hey , sorry to "bump" this but I wanted to know if I could use the interface from this to use with my own space mod. No one else has come close to generic space interface, but it was never released as a seperate pack, to my knowledge. I pm'd NavyDawg, but he must be busy right now. Should I go ahead and use it, even if i plan to release it on the forums?
Well, i take the silence as a unanimous 'yes' I will be using NavyDawg's superb interface in my mod. Thanks guys. Look for it in the next couple weeks! It might actually finish!
I'm trying to download this on my new computer, but the link doesn't work anymore. The site says something about the files being moved to another site and asks me for a login to download the files. This is very frustrating seeing as this is my favorite scenario on this site.

Can anyone help me out with this?
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