Audentes Fortuna Iuvat
Yoda, thanks for the great comments. Also, thanks for trying the scenario. Your thoughts mean a lot, seeing as you you have done some great modding (MEM).

I'm glad you like the gameplay. I'm not the first to work with non-linear type tech trees. I think it works very well for mods/scenarios that do not cover as long of a time frame.You get to know the game very quickly, although it's quite different from anything I've played before.
I'm glad you like it. Civ music definitely would not have worked.Normally I don't download soundtracks, since I usually just listen to my own music or the television, but I figured that since I had downloaded it anyway I might as well try it out. Very cool addition! It went very well with the theme, without getting annoying like the standard civ3 music.
Agreed, the civs are too similar. This is the number one thing that I am working on for the next release.Make more civ specific stuff. The units doesn't have to have the same stats all the time, some civs could be stronger in offence and weak in defence and vice versa.
Why didn't I think of that? I'll replace it with a blank pcx.Get rid of the not-required-for-era-advancement icon, it has no place in graphical athmosphere of this mod, and with the specialised tech tree it serves no purpose.
This is the other area I will improve on for the next version.More civilopedia would be cool. I liked the story, and I felt like I wanted to know more.
Do you mean specialist citizens? There are three available in the game - entertainer, scientist, and security. Are you not able to use them? They do require certain advances (I can't remember off the top of my head, but it says in the Civolopedia).When my cities started to grow big, it was quite annoying that I had no citizens available, the only thing I could do was increase my luxury rate, which screwed my economy a bit.
Yes, the AI could be better at offense. I'm adding some bigger transports in an effort to improve this. Also, I find playing up a difficulty level or two makes the AI harder, and capable of at least scaring me on the offensive. Sorry if you already play Sid.The AI seems to do very well in defensive wars and very bad in offence. They have a huge amount of units, but they don't manage to transport them very well. With a fleet of four Destroyers I was able to block any invasion attempts the ai had on my system.