Spanish Scenario Succession Game!!!!


Dec 18, 2001
I need players for a succession game. Thisis a scenario bcause i nade way to many changes on my civ3mod. The scenario also has alot of changes mainly from the charts in the manual.

Settlers and workers have 2 movement and cost only 1 pop
Pyramids is a granary in every city
Oracle is a temple in every city
and other changes.

The UU is the conquistador(duh) and it comes at the researching of metallurgy:D I need about 4 other players too.

Diff. lev: Warlord(cause I suck, it can b changed though.never hurts to try)
Temp: warm
Climate: normal
Map size: standard
type: archipeligo
Ocean: 70%
turn time: 20 turns untill Industrail age( that will b discussed later)

I think that's it. please come, its my first succession game too.;) :D

P.S. i will post the game after my turn
Ok, I'll join your game. It will be fun to play on Warlord and not have to worry so much. I've also been looking to get in a succession game recently, so this works. :)

So - what are the details on the Spanish? Such as which civ traits they have, the stats for their unique unit, etc. Just curious is all - I'll play as any civilization of course. Not sure I understand why settlers and workers have two movement either, but ok - it should make for quick expansion at least (though archipelago tends to cancel that out... hmmm) Interesting setup to be sure!
Thanks Sulla. you'r in and i'll post the traits

Spanish Leader: Phillip II
UU a/d/m = 7/5/2 (Cavalry)
(i sacrificed the movement for defence and attack)
Militaristic and Expansionist/Religious(need votes on which one)
The UU name is conquistador, i'm not sure if i said so, but it also starts a golden age. Golden ages last 50 turns.

anyone else wanna play?
Interesting that you've made the unique unit weaker than the original - that extra movement point really changes the usefulness of Cavalry. But I like the idea of a very different/more challenging conquest in late Middle Ages.

As for the civ traits, you have to decide how hard you want this game to be. Expansionistic is essentially useless on this game - we can use 2-move workers to scout land - while (in my opinion) religious is the best trait of all. So do you want a challenge, or go for more fun? It's your game, so you decide.

I'm also posting because I want to move this thread up to the top of the forum :D
Why would u say it is weaker? i hope i'm not insulting u but the Conquistador has a 7/5/2 which is stronger than a cossack or cavalry but slower by 1 movement point. also i decided to make them expansionist and militaristic.
Well, I feel pretty strongly that the best feature of Cavalry is not its 6 attack but its three movement. Let me try to explain by breaking it down in a comparison with the Conquistador.

Attack: 6 vs 7
The new unit gets a bonus to attack, which is good for a unique unit. However, this is not a large difference overall. While a unit like the Iroquois Mounted Warrior gets a significant bonus (3 vs 2 is a 50% increase) this goes only from 6 to 7, a 16% increase. Nice, but that's not going to change the outcome of many battles.

Defense: 3 vs 5
Now here is the best feature of the new unit - 5 defense is A LOT better than 3 - 67% better in percentage. This opens up a new use for Cavalry, where it can be used for defense. But I find myself asking, "Why use Cavalry for defense when Riflemen are cheaper and better at defending?" I can't recall ever using them for defense except in extreme situations where I couldn't get a regular defensive unit into a city. So this benefit is kind of like the attack benefit the French Musketeer gets - not very helpful since the unit isn't used for that purpose.

Movement - 3 vs 2
OK, now here's what I think is most important. While 3 moves vs 2 might not seem like much, it makes a big difference. It slows down large offensive operations much more than you might think. The reason for this deals with cultural borders; most cities you attack will have a cultural radius that extends about 2 spaces out. With a two move unit, you can move next to the city, but not attack, which means the AI gets to attack you before you attack them, bombard with artillery, etc. With a three move unit, you can move next to the city AND attack, which can set up some massive blitzing if the AI has railroads and you have a lot of units (capture city, gain access to railroads in city limit, leapfrog to nest city...) Try playing with tanks versus modern armor to see what I mean - the extra movement is the best part of the modern tank.

OK, well maybe I've said too much but this was fun to write. Don't take this as any kind of criticism, like I said I like the idea of a different kind of Cavalry to play around with, but I do think it's not as strong. It shouldn't mean much on an archipelago map anyway. That and let's keep this post high on the forum!

Come on people, we need more people to sign up! No experience necessary. :lol:
I c ur point. But it still is a strong unit to use, mostly for unit sweeping and then have the artillery and slower units come in safely. it is stronger than a cossack but a little slower. but the sacrifice won't matter much, to me, cause flight and tanks are right around the corner.

Thanks for the reply Sulla:D
More thought on issue reveals Conquistador not as bad as I thought - ability to attack and defend means it can both attack enemy cities and defend artillery at same time - no need for rifle/infantry to travel with attacking force. And more artillery means weaker enemies in cities => fewer losses => more elite units => more great leaders! ;) Not so bad at all!

If only we could get some more peeps to play now...
Hi, I'd like to join. I've never played one of these but I've been reading some of the others and I think I know how they work.
Another player - Excellent! I was starting to worry that no one ever wanted to play as the poor Spaniards :D

I will take my turn as soon as Civanator posts, and then it will pass to Hammurabi II. Anyone else interested in joining? There are still open spots.
Are we going to use the patch for version 1.17 on this game? I know it is a mod, but will the mod be using the patch?
If you're still looking for players - I'd like to join. This sounds pretty cool.

-- Ravensfire
sorry it took me so long to reply but my internet went down

but yes u can all play and We are using 1.16 patch
oh yah, here is the game. Also, where do screenshots go after i take them?

the summary:
(1) 4000 b.c. Madrid was founded, road to the southern wines is started
2 3950 b.c. scout heads north, Madrid starts archer, Bronze working started

3 3900 b.c. road finished
4 3850 b.c. nothing
5 3800 b.c. "
6 3750 b.c. "
7 3700 b.c. archer finshed, barrcks started
8 3650 b.c. nothing
9 3600 nothing
10 3550 got a warrior from a goody hut
11 3500 Madrid's borders expand, finished road in forest
12 3450 more wines to the north, scout heads south, warrior gets map from huns
13 3400 Madrid finishes barracks, temple ordered
14 3350 scout finds gems to the south
15 3300 more gems and a spice found
16 3250 nata
17 3200 nata
18 3150 got pottery from a tribe
19 3100 nata
20 3050 nata
sorry it took me so long to reply but my internet went down

but yes u can all play and We are using 1.16 patch
oh yah, here is the game. Also, where do screenshots go after i take them?

the summary:
(1) 4000 b.c. Madrid was founded, road to the southern wines is started
2 3950 b.c. scout heads north, Madrid starts archer, Bronze working started

3 3900 b.c. road finished
4 3850 b.c. nothing
5 3800 b.c. "
6 3750 b.c. "
7 3700 b.c. archer finshed, barrcks started
8 3650 b.c. nothing
9 3600 nothing
10 3550 got a warrior from a goody hut
11 3500 Madrid's borders expand, finished road in forest
12 3450 more wines to the north, scout heads south, warrior gets map from huns
13 3400 Madrid finishes barracks, temple ordered
14 3350 scout finds gems to the south
15 3300 more gems and a spice found
16 3250 nata
17 3200 nata
18 3150 got pottery from a tribe
19 3100 nata
20 3050 nata

and the game....
What's the playing order?
I have the game, will play and post within the next few hours. Hammurabi II should be next, followed by ravensfire. Not sure exactly how to load a mod, but I should be able to figure it out. I will put up screen shots too for your viewing pleasure :D
but yes u can all play and We are using 1.16 patch
Civanator, I think you may have misunderstood. I meant the 1.17 patch that's coming out Friday. Are we using that?
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