SSG01 - Succession Story Game - Holland to Hydrae

Challenging, yes; impossible, not by any means. Not as an agricultural Civ with food bonuses. Heck, we probably needed a challenge.

I'm fine with the curragh before the settler, I just figured I'd toss the thought out there. I think it is likely we can stay peaceful for quite some time yet, if we want to, but I do agree with CB that an AA war is probable. We should have one eye on our military as we go.
it looks to me like we have a strong position - I'll write up the turn log when I write up a story, but we have 1 city down, another settler on the way, have met 2 civilizations, 1 of whom is nicely clearing out barbs for us and we will have 3 native luxes.
2950 BC Settler->curragh

Japan up BW, CB, Masonry

IBT - japanese city appears to our south

2900 - settler move south, barb (Shangian) warrior wanders north near by

3 settler moves

4 2800 - curragh->settler
move onto tobacco. Meet persia - guess he popped a barb hut
Persia is up BW, Masonry, WC and CB, has 55 gold and ivory (so we have to worry about AC's at some point)
Persia has 2 towns now, Perseopolis and Pasgardae. Japan now has WC as well.

Decide to send curragh east

IBT - 2 barb warriors are to the east of Amsterdam

2750 settle rotterdan east of tobacco - there are 5 elephants nearby, 1 of which is in Osakas borders, which explains
why japan settled there. Not exactly sure what happens to nearly 40K people (rotterdam has 10K and amsterdam lost 49K to the settler)
curragh finds a 3rd luxury (furs)

IBT now there are 4 warriors - 2 goths, 2 shangians

2710 - worker finishes mining, moves to either road bg or connect silks

ibt 1 goth warrior impales himself on the persian warrior, the other moves towards him, 1 shangian moves off the mountain

2670 lux to 20% worker moves to silks

ibt persian kills the other goth, shangian forties on the border, other one goes away

2630 - we find japanese capitol to our southeast - they have furs hooked up

ibt - Tokugowa wants our curragh to leave, we are happy to
Persian fighting MORE warriors, in the fog - what level barbs, exactly, are we playing at?

2590 - Amsterdam settler->worker
Rotterdam warrior->warrior
Curragh finds a Kuhorsehockeye camp south of the japanese.

I want the other worker cause we need to mine another tile to get Amsterdam up to speed, so I figure a 2nd worker is a good investment now, especially as we are making 5 spt and 5 food.
We would end up with 5 turn settlers anyway (2 at 5/5, 3 at 7/4)

2550 - curragh keeps exploring, warrior moves south to explore.

The way I set up rotterdam, if you move the citizen to the BG, you'll get faster growth. I figure this one would either go for barbs or back to amsterdam.

Persia seems to be bashing camps - they now have 80 gold.

The story for this turnset can be found here

You would think that, since I work with computers for a living and have moderated chat forums, I could handle a simple link. You would be incorrect!!
This is our world.

I have the curragh exploring to the west - we have 2 barb warriors to our east. Persia seems to be south east of us.


  • our world, 2550 BC.JPG
    our world, 2550 BC.JPG
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Yeah, sorry to be such a fussbudget. I just got a thing about passing around the actual game....

The roster now looks like this:

1. Anaxagoras - fast asleep
2. AutomatedTeller - just played
3. Rodent - UP!!
4. CivRulesAll - On Deck
5. CommandoBob - In The Hole
6. ThinkTank - yawning in the dugout
Got it, will play it whenever i have time
yup :)

As you can tell from the screenie, Rotterdam is near a bunch of elephants - the warrior is on top of a 5th. Persia has an ivory as well, so I'd assume that all the ivory in the world is in this area ;)
Pre-build for S0Z, or do we liberate it? Japan or Persia will certainly build it, so the question is whether we spend the shields and get it early and with culture intact, or spend for military and plan to admire someone else's work. In a non-story game, I'd probably go for the latter, but what makes for a better plot?

City site 3 is a no-brainer. Site 4 will depend on what happens in the interim.
well, taking it means battle and battle is always good, plus we can get some good stories about quelling resistance. On the other hand, I suspect we will run out of room to expand before the SoZ is built, so we might end up building it anyway.
well, taking it means battle and battle is always good, plus we can get some good stories about quelling resistance.
True, but we'll have many battles and many resisters to crush.

Building The Statue of Zeus would span several turnsets (I'm guessing at about 30 turns for some reason) and provide a lot of drama (Rotter's Folly or Rotter's Glory; citizens complaining/bragging about the construction effort; alleged efforts by other civs to sabotage the work; space aliens inspiring someone to build the thing in the first place).

Not only that, it would also give us a chance to define how Ivory relates to Zeus and to Ancient Cavalry and such. I've never understood the rationale for this wonder; now we have a chance to create our own reason for it's existance.
True, but we'll have many battles and many resisters to crush.

Building The Statue of Zeus would span several turnsets (I'm guessing at about 30 turns for some reason) and provide a lot of drama (Rotter's Folly or Rotter's Glory; citizens complaining/bragging about the construction effort; alleged efforts by other civs to sabotage the work; space aliens inspiring someone to build the thing in the first place).

Not only that, it would also give us a chance to define how Ivory relates to Zeus and to Ancient Cavalry and such. I've never understood the rationale for this wonder; now we have a chance to create our own reason for it's existance.
Ivory is the elephants tusks, and its used to build the statue.
Ivory is the elephants tusks, and its used to build the statue.

In antiquity, the ivory was thin plates installed over a wooden skeleton works, so yes, that explains the connection to elephants. How the statue is supposed to generate Ancient Cavalry spontaneously remains quite a mystery, however. ;)

Perhaps it is Zeus himself who sends them....

I look forward to hearing the story, myself.
I think our position is so tight that we may face war with only 4 or 5 cities. If that estimation is right I think we cannot afford one city off duty for any wonder.

"I think we need the save, there, 'Teller," said Penn.

I first thought the pun was about cold fusion, but it appears to be about a pair of illusionists/comedians. Are they any good?
lurker's comment: Er, AutomatedTeller, Where's the link to the story in your post? :p
Penn and Teller are an acquired taste, but they can be pretty funny. I always forget which is Penn and which is Teller. They are indeed comedic illusionists, so if that was a guess, it was a good one.
I think our position is so tight that we may face war with only 4 or 5 cities. If that estimation is right I think we cannot afford one city off duty for any wonder.

I'm not so sure. We will only be forced into war if the AI decides it can't expand any other way, or if we appear pitifully weak. It is us that may feel hemmed in, but I actually think we should be able to co-exist for some time yet. Of course, we'll have to build military elsewhere in the meantime, but we were going to do that anyway. I have tried the early SoZ strategy before, and it can work. We should be able to stave them off while construction is pending.

I first thought the pun was about cold fusion, but it appears to be about a pair of illusionists/comedians. Are they any good?

I'll leave the cold fusion jokes for a later era. ;) Meanwhile, I was just commenting on the "disappeared" save. I've never seen Penn and Teller in person or as a full show. The bits I have seen are modestly funny.
Penn and Teller are... interesting. Penn is a big loud guy, Teller never speaks. They do magic, but it's always with a twist. Early on (I dunno if they still do this), many of the magic tricks involved Teller being put in dangerous positions and, if I remember correctly, hurt or killed - except, of course, he wasn't.

I remember when I first saw them, I had no idea what to make of them.
Sorta like Super Dave Osborne?
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