2950 BC Settler->curragh
Japan up BW, CB, Masonry
IBT - japanese city appears to our south
2900 - settler move south, barb (Shangian) warrior wanders north near by
3 settler moves
4 2800 - curragh->settler
move onto tobacco. Meet persia - guess he popped a barb hut
Persia is up BW, Masonry, WC and CB, has 55 gold and ivory (so we have to worry about AC's at some point)
Persia has 2 towns now, Perseopolis and Pasgardae. Japan now has WC as well.
Decide to send curragh east
IBT - 2 barb warriors are to the east of Amsterdam
2750 settle rotterdan east of tobacco - there are 5 elephants nearby, 1 of which is in Osakas borders, which explains
why japan settled there. Not exactly sure what happens to nearly 40K people (rotterdam has 10K and amsterdam lost 49K to the settler)
curragh finds a 3rd luxury (furs)
IBT now there are 4 warriors - 2 goths, 2 shangians
2710 - worker finishes mining, moves to either road bg or connect silks
ibt 1 goth warrior impales himself on the persian warrior, the other moves towards him, 1 shangian moves off the mountain
2670 lux to 20% worker moves to silks
ibt persian kills the other goth, shangian forties on the border, other one goes away
2630 - we find japanese capitol to our southeast - they have furs hooked up
ibt - Tokugowa wants our curragh to leave, we are happy to
Persian fighting MORE warriors, in the fog - what level barbs, exactly, are we playing at?
2590 - Amsterdam settler->worker
Rotterdam warrior->warrior
Curragh finds a Kuhorsehockeye camp south of the japanese.
I want the other worker cause we need to mine another tile to get Amsterdam up to speed, so I figure a 2nd worker is a good investment now, especially as we are making 5 spt and 5 food.
We would end up with 5 turn settlers anyway (2 at 5/5, 3 at 7/4)
2550 - curragh keeps exploring, warrior moves south to explore.
The way I set up rotterdam, if you move the citizen to the BG, you'll get faster growth. I figure this one would either go for barbs or back to amsterdam.
Persia seems to be bashing camps - they now have 80 gold.
The story for this turnset can be found
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