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Star Wars (I-VI)

This exercise is fruitless. I'd rather be bitter about the prequels sucking with an irrationalized scapegoat.
ı think the central issue driving the prequel triogies is the sense of betrayal Anakin felt to drive him away from the good - for a moment

Turned away from good for a moment? The kid was a total from the first movie to the end (barring the final scenes in VI). That's one of my major problems with the prequels. The originals put him up as some stalwart hero that is tragically turned to the dark side, but that's not the case at all. It definitely didn't help that Hayden Christiansen didn't give a very good performance and that Anakin had literally no chemistry with either Obi Wan or Padme, but that's for another time.
What was really odd about the sequels is how young the make the empire. In the original trilogy, it's the general impression the empire is around for at least some decades, with the Jedi being gone for at least more than one human generation (enough for people like Han Solo to consider the force a fairy tale).
Not really. That was prevalent in the seventies-eighties EU stuff, along with Alan Dean Foster's novelization of the first movie (and even then, not that prevalent; Brian Daley's Han Solo books imply pretty strongly that the Empire is new and its control of much of the galaxy is somewhat weak) but by the time Tim Zahn wrote the Thrawn trilogy, pretty much everybody had the Clone Wars nailed down to somewhere between thirty and twenty years before ANH. With the exception of the ANH novelization itself, I don't think there's anything that explicitly contradicts the notion of having the Clone Wars a few decades beforehand.

And, of course, there's the age factor; Obi-Wan had to have had to have been able to train Anakin and then see him lost to the dark side, and with Alec Guinness being 63 when ANH came out, there really isn't a particularly big window for that to have happened. ("A few more decades" would've put the Clone Wars in Obi-Wan's teens and made nonsense of Obi-Wan having been Anakin's Master.)
Okay, but some of the summaries of Star Wars novels make it feel like every second Republic citizen was a Jedi :D
Jedi make stories more interesting. Even books that aren't about Jedi end up including them for the awesome factor. Plus, since one of the main things differentiating the Star Wars universe from every other sci-fi/space opera IP out there is the Force, it makes sense to bring that in.
And, of course, there's the age factor; Obi-Wan had to have had to have been able to train Anakin and then see him lost to the dark side, and with Alec Guinness being 63 when ANH came out, there really isn't a particularly big window for that to have happened. ("A few more decades" would've put the Clone Wars in Obi-Wan's teens and made nonsense of Obi-Wan having been Anakin's Master.)
I'm far from versed in Star Wars canon, but how hard would it have been to put in some sort of story about how Jedi age at a slower rate due to their connection to the force (or something similar)? That way the Empire can have been around for longer while still having strange age issues resulting from Alec Guinness looking 63.
Are those people even humans like us?

goes off to wookiepedia...
Not really. That was prevalent in the seventies-eighties EU stuff, along with Alan Dean Foster's novelization of the first movie (and even then, not that prevalent; Brian Daley's Han Solo books imply pretty strongly that the Empire is new and its control of much of the galaxy is somewhat weak) but by the time Tim Zahn wrote the Thrawn trilogy, pretty much everybody had the Clone Wars nailed down to somewhere between thirty and twenty years before ANH. With the exception of the ANH novelization itself, I don't think there's anything that explicitly contradicts the notion of having the Clone Wars a few decades beforehand.

And, of course, there's the age factor; Obi-Wan had to have had to have been able to train Anakin and then see him lost to the dark side, and with Alec Guinness being 63 when ANH came out, there really isn't a particularly big window for that to have happened. ("A few more decades" would've put the Clone Wars in Obi-Wan's teens and made nonsense of Obi-Wan having been Anakin's Master.)
Fair point. Maybe I was focusing to much on A New Hope, which really had a different concept of the lore than even its sequels (and integral aspects of the story like Vader = Anakin Skywalker (do I need to put this into spoilers? :D) not planned out yet).

Jedi make stories more interesting. Even books that aren't about Jedi end up including them for the awesome factor. Plus, since one of the main things differentiating the Star Wars universe from every other sci-fi/space opera IP out there is the Force, it makes sense to bring that in.
Sure. That's one reason why I don't like the Star Wars EU or EUs in general. They have to copy elements of the canon to stay close to it, but by doing so they make the canon material less unique, which often detracts from its appeal.
I'm far from versed in Star Wars canon, but how hard would it have been to put in some sort of story about how Jedi age at a slower rate due to their connection to the force (or something similar)? That way the Empire can have been around for longer while still having strange age issues resulting from Alec Guinness looking 63.
I guess you could, in theory, although it would still clash with Luke and Leia (since they were conceived by Anakin but he didn't know of their existence, much less that there were two, something separated Anakin and Padmé between conception and birth, and damn if the destruction of the Jedi doesn't fit pretty well there). And you'd have to explain how Obi-Wan could have served Bail Organa in the Clone Wars, since Organa was notably not Force-sensitive and therefore would have, in your system, aged faster than Kenobi (yet still have been around). But why would you want to? Honestly, the story fits better this way.
in response to post #78 , ı think ı have misunderstood the previous lines . Anakin is younger than Padme and ı took the premise as it would be better if they were of equal age or Anakin was older .
anakin was good , totally good , was pushed to evil and kept there . You know Luke's entire game plan was trusting in that and that was yet another kick in the backside of the established Jedi order . Albeit at the time both Yoda and Kenobi had seen much of their mistakes . Said Yoda is a kid favourite .
Are you describing an alternate version of the story here? :confused:

Because Anakin is obviously NOT "totally good", as Episode II goes out of its way to show, even without any direct meddling on Palpatine's part at all.
Are you describing an alternate version of the story here? :confused:

Because Anakin is obviously NOT "totally good", as Episode II goes out of its way to show, even without any direct meddling on Palpatine's part at all.

Even in episode 1! the kid is a total !
Yeah, Child Actors rarely work for title roles. That is why I am really glad the Dune miniseries changed Pauls age from 15 to 21-ish.
ahha that must be sand people and the tiny massacre Anakin conducted . Would give an example on how at the time warfare was conducted in the area called Greater Middle East in 2002 and how that still did not clear an offensive , but then it would finaly end in an infraction . One might actually put a lot of Palpatine trickery onto it . But that would add another 30 minutes into it and would cut the Episodes -3 , -2 and -1 . There is still hope for them . Maybe .

and what did he do in Episode I ?

have suggested people don't get it . Probably neither do ı yet let's go on .
carrying on from a point ı have failed to convey effectively in the time honoured r16 fail:

considering these jedi dudes are so capable seeing the future , reading minds , moving things without touching , looking as if they move faster than lazer bolts , ı might say an older Anakin might have seen flaws in Padme's love earlier . As it is the Jedi code not to have connections , that would have also worked against them . In the sense she would have been random entertainment and no more , assuming an older Anakin meant a fuller training . Star Wars is a mass consumption item and many concepts are readily taken from this planet and used without much modification and eternal love is simple one .

reminding the mass consumption angle and considering nerds / geeks are loyal support , one might also look for sinister marketing means since heart breaking by popular girl of the class type , wiser and looking for small innocent fun , happen daily .

going ahead in the SW saga and assuming by the beginning of Episode 3 both of them were silly stupid with their affection to each other - love is supposed to do this , according to books - Anakin the dangerous weapon would be seeing no flaws in Padme the anchor , the brake , the breakwater , the reason to live . Starting the attention from the time he is just a kid makes it the center piece of his life . The hole in the soul thing . And the fall , the sense of betrayal would be higher . ı understand such a disagreement can be devastating in real life . The only way left to Darth Vader would be believing he had killed his wife and the only thing he could do would be surviving long enough to learn the trick to bring her back . Never minding the trick is himself , a force sensitive Skywalker .

of course it is still possible to have more adult Skywalker and write the dialogs accordingly . Maybe it is that it has worked this way and this poster is pleased with it , sees no need for modifications . For all its worth . Afterall one might say Anakin was meant to love Padme from day one ( the angel thing and the wooden Jake and the what the hell Nathalie ) and it would hurt him in the end for there had to be a Vader to kill a Sidious . Force made him do it .

there has been mention of Yoda somewhere in the back and let me tell you ı was 11 in 1982 and the Empire had newly arrived in Turkey . It was highly exasperating to see him fighting R2 for a flashlight and not funny , for me . ı was unbelieving in the AT ATs and waiting for space battle and this little green thing was a waste of my ticket money . Turned out he was a quite a guy , size matters not has become part of my outlook and it does serve its part . And Luke learned that he had the Force because things were living around him and he had to respect them for it and patience was a virtue . Yoda is so cool .
ahha that must be sand people and the tiny massacre Anakin conducted . Would give an example on how at the time warfare was conducted in the area called Greater Middle East in 2002 and how that still did not clear an offensive , but then it would finaly end in an infraction . One might actually put a lot of Palpatine trickery onto it . But that would add another 30 minutes into it and would cut the Episodes -3 , -2 and -1 . There is still hope for them . Maybe .

Doesn't matter. The guy is just an asshat, even to his so called "Best Friend" Obi Wan he's a jerk-off. I was hoping for a paragon, or at least SOMETHING that would indicate Anakin was what he was described as by Obi Wan in Ep IV.
hahahaha Mass Effect morality

Lots of writers, not just Lucas, were caught between the rock and the hard place of having to make Anakin believably good but also foreshadowing his fall to the dark side; only a few managed to bring it off.
well , it inevitably comes to your SW is yours , mine is mine . Yet , had ı have the right to argue to sway others to my view , ı would do it .

jedi are not supposed to have attachment to others lest it cloud their judgement . Obi Wan would not like the human being in Anakin . Only after he discovers that he and they as the whole Jedi council have been fools he needs something to hold onto . And Anakin becomes a friend , better to remember him like as Anakin than Darth . Darth is a success story , from some weird angle , afterall .
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