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Star Wars Mod

Subject To Change

Spoiler :
Ancient Old Republic - Carth Onasi and Bastila Shan (from KOTOR 1 and 2)
Galactic Senate (from the prequels) - Chancellor Palpatine
Galactic Empire - Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader
Mandalorians - Mandalore (real name Canderous Ordo)
Confederacy of Independent Systems (The Seperatists) - General Grievous and Count Dooku
Quarrens - Tiressi
Sith Empire - Darth Malak and Darth Nihilous
Rebel Alliance - Mon Mothma and Princess Leia
Wookiees - Tarffull and Chewbacca
Chiss Empire - Grand Admiral Thrawn
Hutt Empire - Jabba the Hutt
Black Sun Crime Syndicate - Prince Xixor and Princess Savan
New Republic - Borsk
Imperial Remnant - Grand Admiral Palleon
Vuuzhan Vong - Shmrra Jaamane
Rakatan Infinite Empire - The One


Spoiler :
Gang Control
Heredity Rule

Black Market Smugglers
Trade Guilds
Independent Buisnesses
Free Market

Tribal Warfare
Mandalorian Tradition
Droid Army
Clone Army


No Force
Basic Force
Enlightened Force
Free Force

Spoiler :

Light Side
The True Way
Dark Side

Spoiler :

Artillery-Death Ray
Axeman-Sam Infantry
Cannon-Ion Cannon
Carrier-Space Frigate
Cavalry-Advanced Combat Droid
Chariot-Astromech Droid
Crossbowman-Mech Infantry
Destroyer-Streamlined Starfighter
Explorer-Space Explorer
Fighter-Speeder Bike
Frigate-Improved Starfighter
Galley-Space Shuttle
Great Artist-Great Dancer
Great Engineer-Great Merchant
Great Merchant-Great Musician
Great Prophet-Great Sensitive
Great Scientist-Great Scientist
Grenadier-Vibro Man
Gunship-Assasin Droid
Horse Archer-Basic Combat Droid
Infantry-Super Trooper
Ironclad-Heavy Starfighter
Jet Fighter-Landspeeder
Knight-Combat Droid
Machine Gun-Soldier
Marine-Space Marine
Mech Infantry-Jet Trooper
Missionaries-Jedi and Sith
Modern Armor-Space Armor
Pikeman-Vibroax Man
Rifleman-Mech Trooper
SAM Infantry-Night Soldier
Scout-Galactic Scout
Stealth Bomber-Bombing Speeder
Submarine-Droid Starfighter
Swordsman-Vibrosword Man
Tank-Modern Armor
Transport-MTS (Massive Transport of Spaceships)
War Elephant-Siege Droids
Work Boat-Satellite
Worker-Space Worker



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I'll contribute an ugly wookie!
What do you think the space units should be
Like should they be like flight units or should they be in a seperate map somehow
Civmansam said:
What do you think the space units should be
Like should they be like flight units or should they be in a seperate map somehow

Seperate map?? :confused:

At any rate.. I've tried tinkering with mods before in the past, and tried to come up with something similar for Civ 2 waaaaaaaay back in the day.. What I tried to do before losing patience (and ultimately interest) was for the 'galactic' maps make them use mostly "water" type terrain (ie, black with a few dots of stars to represent the emptiness of space and to keep the AI from putting pointless outposts evywhere). The I would try to have a few of the actual "land" type terrains (represented by planets/stars/moons etc) where you could start colonies. All the space units (ie, capital ships, starfighters etc) would be flagged 'naval' units for that purpose, though all ground units (stormtroopers, etc) still flagged as ground units. Never decided whether or not to make fighter units actual fighters or leave them as naval units before I gave up.

As for a 'planet side' map (ie, highland or plains) the terrain obviously wouldn't need anywhere near as much modification.

I don't know if anyone else followed this train of thought back in Civ 2, and I didn't shop around much for other space type mods or scenarios when i was at work, so I apologize if to anyone I seem to be taking credit for others work..

Don't know if this'll help you or not in your endeavors, but I just thought I'd throw in my $0.02 on the subect..
yeah id forget the second map- too complicated but the mod sounds good so far, i mite download soon
Maybe you could add the Old Sith Empire and the New Republic as civs. Other than that you're off to a good start.
Civmansam said:
What do you think the space units should be
Like should they be like flight units or should they be in a seperate map somehow

That's a really cool idea...gives of the feeling of two battles happening in parallel, space and land. You wouldn't really need a separate map, just a map that is larger vertically. So, the regular land terrain would be on the bottom, with a space "plane" to the north (which would look like "above"), which could just be given a generic space-looking terrain, with impassable atmosphere terrain between the two. I guess you'd have to find a way to get your spaceships up there, but it could be done by rebasing them to a space station from a land-bound city launch pad. Once in space, the ships could a) fight one another, and b) affect ground battles by launching weakened nukes to the land terrain...functioning like catapults in space. There would have to be some incentive to fight this space battle, so maybe you could add some sort of city attack bonus to whoever has more active spaceships, but the ability to rain death from above might be enough to make space superiority worthwhile.
nice to see a star wars mod out
was dissapointed by own cause didn't read the forum before downloading
was expecting a lot more changes
but thanks a lot
i might advise your, to work out your civilizations on paper a bit, before adding them in one by one. for my fantasy pack, i worked out the civs with 6/7 at a time, and putting them in at groups of 3. this way, you won't have to do all the work at once, and get a huge load of errors, and still make good progress (i'm not saying that adding 3 at a time is the best way, but it goes a bit faster)
Here's my list of possible star wars civs, maybe it will help. (These are all real species or governments from the star wars universe.

Old Republic
C.I.S. (Confederacy of Independant Systems)
Galactic Empire
Rebel Alliance
New Republic
Imperial Remnant
Yuuzan Vong
Ewoks (just for fun)

I understand how difficult it would be to make a different set of units for each species but if you could you'd be my hero.:king:
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