
I think it's proportional to their size/population/power/something like that.
I especially like the idea of having limited service for species
The only issue I can see with any of that is that it's going to take weeks to reach us. :(
The 1.5 patch is a patch. There will also be a DLC.
Spoiler Screenshot :

These are all the empires in the galaxy. All four except me is in the same federation
A small galaxy you have there. I believe your sectors function better when you have several small sectors, not one gigantic sector.
Did the small galaxy as kind of a test thing.

I disagree on the sector issue:
1. The larger a sector is, the more access it has to minerals and energy, so it will be more able to build tile improvements
2. Having fewer, larger sectors (I usually try to have one large, but sometimes I can't because it'll get disconnected) makes it easier to have governors for all of them, since you have a cap on number of leaders

Only thing I can imagine more sectors is better at is increased specialisation, but that doesn't really seem viable to me
More bigger sectors is clearly the answer.
Picked Stellaris up again after a while. Got a game where the War in Heaven started. I’m looking forward to that as I haven’t experienced it before. I’m pretty annoyed, though, that the War in Heaven apparently caused both by vassals to free themselves and my federation partner to leave the federation.
I was in that situation

one of the empires declared war on one of the guys in my federation
they had like 200000 fleat power so I couldn't beat them in battle so I basically gave up the game
Anyone know when the new patch is to be dropped? I looked at the PDX website, but I couldn't find it.
6th of april is when the expansion hits and the patches usually accompany them.
Thanks for the info.
It is released!

To celebrate, I've rebuilt the aliens I played my very first game with using the new government system. Its time for my happy space-mushrooms to go out and spread friendship and spiritualism with the galaxy again, only this time with added psionic powers :D

Jedi-Shrooms here we go! :lol:
Hey all,

Been intrigued by Stellaris for a while... How would you guys rate it ?

I'Ve played MOO/MOO2 and AC back in the days, and more recently GALCIV 2 and GALCIV3...

Got bored with Galciv3 pretty fast. Is Stellaris more interesting and does it captivates for a longer time ?

Basically an all time 4x player here, played all version of Civ

There's a week end sale on Steam right, trying to figure out if it's worth the buy at $26

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