• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

StJNES4: The Normal Story NES

To Egypt:
(was that thing about the UN and the 5 powers having permanent veto diplomacy or OOC? anyways...)
We disagree with you about the 5 powers having permanent power to full veto. If such a UN is created, then we will not join at all and we will not abide by its laws.
To the BURR
From the Democratic Republic of Egypt

That is your decision to make. However I see the following powers as candidates for a permanent security council.

1. Republic of Britian
2. Republic of Sinhala
3. Imperial Republic of China
4. Bolshevik Union of Russian Republics.
5. Democratic Republic of Egypt
To Egypt:
Sorry but even though we are honored to be placed as a candidate for the position of power, we also can't help but thinkt hat you are just trying to sway us against our ideals. If we are to join such an organization and even be one of its leaders, we first require that elections to Security Council seats (among the entire UN membership) be made regularly, to make it fair.
This may work but i dont think it should be permenat. What if in comming years say Eygpt and its country crumbles they would not be a power anymore.
I think that the the UN should be led by all countries were are democratic are we not.
Egypt then would not join such a program for the diminishing of our own power.
Sinhala thinks that elections every five to ten years would be the best form for selecting a security council.
Constitution of the Republic of Spain

We the people of the Republic of Spain hereby make this Constitution to create liberty, equality, and freedom for the peoples of Spain and abolish the evils of the dictatorial powers that once threatened our own people with destruction.

Article I-The Executive Branch
The executvie branch of the Republic of Spain shall be composed of a democratically elected president and his advisors. The President shall be commander-in-chief of the armed forces, and shall have the authority to veto any law passed by the Parliament, although the President's say is not final. The Vice President shall be assistant to the President and take over as Acting President while the President is away or incapacitated. The Cabinet shall consist of the Minister of War, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of the Interior, the Minister of Justice, and the Minister of Finance. The Cabinet can over rule a President's veto unanimously. Each minister is responsible for enforcing lawas and making policies for his field.

Article II-The Legislative Branch
The Legislative Branch shall be called the Parliament and be composed of two branches, the House of Representatives being the lower body and the Senate being the higher body. The House of Representatives shall be elected by a consensus of a populace and the Senate shall consist of one voting senator from each province and commonwealth and one non-voting senator for each colony, dependency, or territory. Both bodies shall have lawmaking power. They shall set taxes and determine a budget for the nation, which is then the responsibility of the executive branch to enforce. The Parliament shall also have the power to enact consrciption and mobilization in the wartime.

Article III-The Judicial Branch
The Judicial Branch shall be responsible for ruling on and interperting the laws of the Republic of Spain. If a law is deemed unfair or unconstitutional, then the Judicial Branch, headed by the Supreme Court will overturn it. There will be smaller criminal and civil courts created by th eParliament, overseen by the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court shall be elected by the people and shall appoint judges to the lower courts.

Article IV-Elections
Presidential and gubernatorial elections for Spain and it's commonwealths shall be held every 6 years and everyone in Spain proper may vote. Governors of territories, colonies, and dependencies shall be appointed by the President and confirmed by the territorial legislature. Commonwealths shall elect other leaders in their own fashion, as long as it is democratic (with the exception of the Presidential elections, which shall be modeled after those of Spain. Governors of provinces shall be elected by a consensus of the people. Supreme Court Judges shall be elected by all citizens of Spain proper for terms of ten years each.

Article V-Status of the Land
Spain proper shall be divided into the following provinces: Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria, Pais del Vascue, Navarre, La Rioja, Aragon, Madrid, Valencia, Castile y Leon, Castile-La Mancha, Extremadura, Andalusia, Murcia, Lisboa, Porto, Colvilha, Portalegre, Beja, Faro, Ceuta, y Los Islas Balearicas. There are currently no lands with commonwealth status. Territories with colonial status include the Los Islas Malvas (Falkland Islands), Yucatan, and El Isla Sud de Canada. Territories with dependency status are Corsica, Sardinia, Los Islas Canarias, and Los Azores. Province status is only granted to those regions within or close to Spain proper. Commonwealth status is granted to semi-independent territories. Colonial status is granted to far overseas territories. Dependency status is granted to close territories and new territories of Spain.

Article VI-Ratification and Modification of This Document
This document shall be put into effect when representatives from a majority of the provinces, commonwealths, colonies, and dependencies have signed it. This constitution can be modified by consensus of two-thirds of provincial, colonial, commonwealth, and dependency legislatures. An amendment can only be modified or abolished the same way it was created.

Signed by the Representatives of the People of Spain
Madrid, Republic of Spain
September 15, 1854

Ratified by the Representatives of the Territories of Spain
Madrid, Republic of Spain
November 6, 1854
To Denmark
From NPC European Countries

We will join this.

From Mexico

If you can force the Johanite Union to let us do so, we wish too.

To Johanite Union
From New Zealand Rebels

Yes, this constitution sounds fitting to us.

OOC: Anything I missed? If i did, please quote it.
To: Denmark
From: Spain

We will join the European Union.

To: USoA
From: Spain

We will consider the sale of our lands on the Yucatan Peninsula. We will get back to you.

To: The World
From: Spain

Spain does not like the idea of another UN. It will only create feuding between nations and will be weak and ineffective like all organizations of this type in the past have.
To Denmark:
We, likewise, will join the European Union.
To all ACE nations:

We would like to ensure that ACE is still working. The thrity year old economic agreement is still functioning.

The current membership is:

South Africa
Johantie Union

any other nations wishing to join are more than welcome to.
To: Egypt
From: Spain

We will join ACE.
yes we will still be members

* Hassan Kachlou the Center Forward

Hassan Kachlou Cen. Forward
Driss Benzekr Lef. Forward
Abdel Sabry Rig. Forward
Tarek Said Cen. Halfback
Mohamed Emara Lef. halfback
Ahmed Hasser Rig. Halfback
Younes El Anoury Keeper
Nushrad Allkamad Rig. Fullback
Uzmien Asmekan Lef. Fullback
Hasich Menkienan Sweeper
Asmenkin Bostuka Alternate

* Manger Asiridad Manifiayer at press confrence on how the reform in Government will change the team. He says “ The team will still play the best they can. We wont let alittle reformation change how we play.”
* The team hard at work training for the next match. * Children leagues are starting all accross Morocco. * The team sporting the new Moroccan Jersey.
( From left to right Top Row: Asmenkin Bostuka, Younes El Anoury, Hasich Menkienan, Uzmien Asmekan, Nushrad Allkamad, Ahmed Hasser Bottom Row: Mohamed Emara, Tarek Said, Abdel Sabry, Driss Benzekr, Hassan Kachlou)
arghh there were supposed to be pics
To Prussia, Spain and Germany

We will accept you all into ACE. We will begin setting up the trade routes as we can.
January 15th - Uruguay becomes a commonwealth. Elections for new government to take place in March.
President Lenin has allowed a vote concerning possible commonwealth status for the colony of Uruguay to be made in the Comissariat. The majority voted to make Uruguay a commonwealth of Russia. On the day of January 15th, 1853, several political groups in Uruguay registered to qualify for government elections:
1. Social-Democratic Party - sympathetic to the social-democratic system set up in Egypt and want to fuse elements of both the Egyptian and Russian systems. (left wing; pro-Social-Democracy)
2. Democratic Party - want to set up a system similar to the one that was in the GRDR. (left wing; pro-Democracy)
3. National-Democratic Party - more conservative, nationalistic counterpart of the Democrats. (right wing; pro-Democracy)
4. Republican Party - liberal republicans, modeled after the First and Second Russian Republics. (left wing; pro-Republic)
5. People's Nationalist Party - the most right-wing party that is competing, they are fascists. (right wing; pro-Fascism)

February 19 - Eastern Orthodox Unity Week succssful!
About 200,000 Orthodox priests from all over the world came to Hagia Sophia, the golden-domed cathedral that is revered as the birthplace of Eastern Orthodoxy itself. The Patriarch told the priests to keep the people in their own respective countries believing and loyal to the Eastern Orthodox faith.

March 15 - Elections to a Provisional Government in Uruguay. Republican Party wins in a stunning upset.
The results for the elections to the Uruguay Provisional Government showed the Republicans as main victors. The Provisional Government consists of 25 people who will draft a constitution for Uruguay. The results were tallied and converted to be proportional to the number of available seats in the Provisional Government.
1. Social-Democrats - 1/25
2. Democrats - 4/25
3. National-Democrats - 1/25
4. Republicans - 18/25
5. People's Nationalists - 1/25
The Provisional Government has declared a new Republic of Uruguay, a commonwealth of BURR, to exist, with a new constitution due March 15th next year.

May 3 - Republican Congress dissolves itself due to unpopularity and lack of organization. Popular Comissariat is renamed as the Senatorial Soviet of the Bolshevik Union of Russian Republics as new elections are called
The Republican Congress has voted to dissolve itself because it was highly unpopular and even Congressmen themselves denounce this lower house of the Supreme Soviet as troublesome to law making. All powers the Congress had were given to the new Senatorial Soviet (Popular Comissariat). President Lenin has called new elections to the Senatorial Soviet and has allowed two more parties to register to vote in a sudden move of democratization. The elections are scheduled to take place on July 28th.

June 1 - Bolsheviks and Mensheviks merge together as two new parties are announced
The Bolshevik and Menshevik parties have merged together into the Russian Socialist Party once again, as the two new opposition parties were announced:
1. Russian Republican Party - want to restore Second Republic.
2. Russian Corporatist Party - want to create a corporatist government.

July 28th - Elections to Senatorial Soviet
200 Senatorial seats available
1. Socialists - 79
2. Republicans - 78
3. Corporatists - 43
Socialists just barely win against the Republicans. Apparently Republicanism is still very strong among the Russians.

December 11 - Social and land reform declared complete in BURR as the Soviet approves of a trade route with the new commonwealth Republic of Uruguay.
The sections of the Economic Liberty Plan (ELP) concerning social and land reform have been completed. The ELP, however, remains in effect. Meanwhile, the Soviet has approved of trade with the new commonwealth Republic of Uruguay.

From Bolshevik Union of Russian Republics

To League of Democratic Nations:
As you see we are already democratizing our government. May we join your League?

To Denmark and Prussia:
Why were we not included in this idea for a Trans-Baltic Defensive Alliance? We may have just one port city on the Baltic but we are still a presence there. We wish to join the Trans-Baltic Defensive Alliance.

To Republic of Uruguay:
Would you accept trade?

From Bolshevik Republic of Quebec

To Uruguay:
Will you accept trade?

From Republic of Uruguay

To Russia and Quebec:
Yes we will accept your trade.

Orders PM-ed
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