StJNES4: The Normal Story NES

Mar 3, 2002
Bay Area, California
Welcome to my fourth, and probably last, StJNES.

This will be a normal story nes, starting from 4000bc. Although, I will try to make it the most realistic yet. I will be basing most of my ideas and strategies off of Skilord's SNESAbsolution at Apolyton.

First off, there are limitations in armed forces. First off, it will be the normal stjnes sizes: None, Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, Very Large, Gigantic, Imperial. To increase, it takes 1 turn, and decreases your economy by one. You may also train your army, the training going by Farmers, Trained, Superior. To train it takes 1 turn.

Second, you can mobilize your army for a bonus in attacking. To mobilize a size three army (medium) and below, it takes 1 turn. For every size going up it increases a turn (Large would be 2 turns, Very Large would be 3 turns). You must one wait turn after your army finishes mobilizing to have the effect (so if I have a medium army and say mobilize in my orders, I can't attack with mobilized army the same turn)

Each time you increase your army, it will be increased by 100,000 men now normally. Sometimes it will varry when you increase, depending on what population of ur country is in and waht state of peace or war.

About training. To train your troops from poor to moderate, it will cost an economic level and will lower you troop number. However, to have a Moderatly trained army means you msut have a stable economy. If you dip below stable, your army will immedietly go to poor. You increase training from moderate to well-trained the same, but to have a well trained army your economy must never dip below Growing. Those who are there now have just this turn to bring your economy up to where it needs to be. If you can't then your troops training will go down. Another way to train your troops is to fight wars. I will be determining how much training your troops get from wars.

Same goes for navy with training. However, you can also better equip your navy for an economy level per 20 ships. This adds a huge bonus to your navy, and you can only do it to all your navy at once (you cant do 20 ships at a time). Each time you increase navy, you build 5 ships.

Remember, people, this will go for 3 turns. At the end we will have another poll to see if we want to keep it or loose it. I will be doing the update to nations stats in both numbers and words (i will keep the words in a word document) so if we decide to go back i will have accurate stats.

To Increase your economy, you must do something first - build roads, decrease taxes, do something. If you want to increase economy, that is the only thing you can increase in a turn. It takes one turn.

Economy Sizes:

Confidence in leader is determed on how much you right stories. If it is high, your military will fight better, and you may recieve gifts and such.

You can make wonders, and say what they do. I will then determine the amount of turns it takes.

I will determine when each person advances an age. Education helps.

You may have UU's that you make. You can only have one per nation per age. You make it and describe it.

You may create your own civ. Here is the Template:

Nation Name
Government: (only depotism or tribal)
Army: (small or tiny or medium without a navy)
Navy: (small or tiny)
Age: Stone Age
Education: Poor
Confidence in Leader: Medium

A couple rules that have been added:

To trade it costs: A,) 2 economic levels per route per person. B.) a sea route clear of any enemies or a train connection. A trade route can be broken by an enemy. You get an economic boost every three turns for each partner. You can have a sea route without a navy, but you must have a coastline. You may go through a neighbor nation to get to another through train tracks if you have permission.

You are able to conscript only army. How it works is this: You can, in time of war, activate a draft inwhich you army will be increased, how much will be subject to my decision (will mostly be based on population and size of empire). This does not take an economy level. The only bad thing is that this soldiers will be very poorly trained. The only reason you'd want to do this is if you were trying to slow down the enemy for a turn or 2 while you did something, or you are fighting another conscripted army. Oh, and for conscription you must have industrial age.

The wars section have been moved down the page a bit.

Industrial Age UU's:

Teutonic Order:
Modern Knight: A Modern Knight armed with a Needle Gun and with Armor, which is a bullet resistant as it can be made while still being light enough to be useful, their horses are also armored, with a thick layer of rubber beneath their armor to allow more resiliance. Teams of Modern Knights carry Gatling guns, strung between the Horses. The horses are a special breed of Clydesdale, bred for speed. They are not fast moving units, but are leathal as all get out and armored enough to keep glancing shots at bay.

Desert Guerilla: These men are lightly armed forces able to blend into the desert. To the point that they are almost invisible at 7 yards. Adept at trapping, stealth and harrassing attacks, these units can operate on their own for several months without outside support.

Canyon Trooper: Have a very good armor, but a weak gun. That is where the regular troopers come in, who have a decent gun and light armor. So the two combined working together will come in handy. Plus, they work well in high heat because of custom water suits.

Red Cavalry: They have increase attack, and are better trained. Very loyal to the USSA.

Pacifican Ironclad/Longboat: An Ironclad that has alot more cannons on it and has a row deck that gives the thing the extra meneuvering ability it needs in combat...

Cossack Dragoons : This is the new special elite forces. They are mounted-horse troops that are very swift and agile. They were selected out of the most intelligent, best-trained, expert, and most loyal mounted-horse soldiers and regimens. They are very loyal to the Greater Russian Republic, its Senate, and its President. Known also for their skillful attack, they are to be used by the Republic only in anti-terrorism, external-aid-in-peacekeeping, and in dire cases of war.

South American Empire:
South American Heavy Machine Gunner:
Really high in defense, is equipped with a nice machine gun and defense procedures are top notch.

African Corps:
These troops are the best of the best in teh african army. They live for one goal- to defend SAF from its enemies. They have better weapons then most other troops, and special traning, but the most important improvement is their loyalty to the country. They will do anything in the name of their country.
Imperial Republic of Egypt
Ruler: /Sheep2
Government: Gunaist Democratic Socialism
Economy: Recession
Army: 1,700,000 men, Well Trained, Early Modern Age, Fully Mobilized*
Conscription: 3,200,000
Navy: 18 ships, Well Trained, Early Modern Age, 4 Destroyers, 5 Submarines, 3 Battleships, 2 Air Craft Carriers, 10 Cruisers
Air Force: 35 Fighters, 15 Bombers
Age: Early Modern Age
Education: Excellent
Religion: Atheist
Culture: Very High
UU: Desert Guerilla, 10,000
Confidence in Leader: FREKIN HUGE!

Ruler: Warman17
Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Economy: Growing
Army: 3,900,000 men Well Trained, Early Modern Age, Fully Mobilized*
Conscription: 1,050,000
Navy: 25 ships, Well Trained, Early Modern Age, 15 Destroyers
Air Force: 20 Fighters
Age: Early Modern Age
Education: Excellent!
Religion: Judaism and Islam
Culture: HUGE!
UU: SSF, 20,000
Confidence in Leader: Great

National Republic of Spain
Ruler: Emperor Enrique Cerveza/Naervod
Government: Fascism
Economy: Failing
Army: 1,299,800, Well Trained, Early Modern Age
Yucatan Colonial Army: 10,000 men
Canadian Colonial Army: 10,000 men
Falklands Colonial Army: 10,000 men
Navy: 15 ships, Moderately Trained, Early Modern Age, 5 Submarines, 4 Destroyers, 2 Battleships, 1 Air Craft Carrier
Air Force: 12 Bi-Planes, 5 Fighters, 5 Bombers
Age: Early Modern Age
Education: Very Great
Religion: Catholicism
Culture: Medium
UU: Franco II fighters
Confidence in Leader: Excellent

Sinhala Republic
Ruler: Plexus
Government: Republic
Economy: Prosperous
Army: 2,550,000 men, Well Trained, Early Modern Age
Conscription: 5,050,000 men, Poorly Trained
Navy: 30 ships, Moderately Trained, Industrial Age
Air Force: 50 Fighters
Age: Early Modern Age
Education: Very High
Religion: Hinduism
Culture: Very High
UU: Ceylon Fighter: One of the most agile planes
Confidence in Leader: High

Bolshevik Union of Russian Republics
Ruler: Kamilian
Government: Republic
Economy: Stable
Army: 2,020,000 men, Well Trained, Early Modern Age, Fully Mobilized
Army Conscription: 3,000,000
Navy: 10 ships, Moderately Trained, Early Modern Age, 8 Dreadnaughts, 7 Cruisers, 2 Battleships, 2 Air Craft Carriers
Air Force: 20 Fighters
Age: Early Modern Age
Education: Great
Religion: Eastern Orthodox Catholicism
Culture: Great!
UU: Cossack Dragoons, 20,000
Confidence in Leader: FREKIN HUGE!

Ruler: TNG
Government: Federal Republic (Democracy)
Economy: Outstanding+2
Army: 3,500,000, Well Trained, Early Modern Age
Navy: 40 ships, Well Trained, Early Modern Age, 6 Destroyers, 5 Battleship
Air Force: 25 Fighters, 5 Bombers
Age: Early Modern Age
Education: Excellent
Religion: Islam
Culture: Very High
Confidence in Leader: Medium

Ruler: Death
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Economy: Growing
Army: 2,500,000 men, Moderately Trained, Early Modern Age
Navy: 15 ships, Moderately Trained, Early Modern Age, 2 destroyers, 4 Battleships
Air Force: 10 Fighters, 5 Bombers
Age: Early Modern Age
Education: Good
Religion: Buddhist
Culture: Medium
UU: Vietnam Dive Bomber, 50
Confidence in Leader: Medium

Ruler: TheSilentPuma
Government: Republican Triumverate
Economy: Growing
Army: 1,550,000 men, Well Trained, Early Modern Age
American Colonial Army: 260,000 men
Alaskan Colonial Army: 120,000 men
Navy: 30 ships, Moderately Trained, Industrial Age, 5 Battleships, 12 Destroyers, 5 Submarines, 6 Air Craft Carriers
Air Force: 15 Fighters
Age: Early Modern Age
Education: Extraordinary
Religion: Buddhism
Culture: High
UU: Chinese Marine Corp, good amphibious attack, 50
Confidence in Leader: High

Democratic Republic of Denmark*
Ruler: Dexter
Government: Conservative Democracy
Economy: Failing
Army: 1,300,000 men, Well Trained, Early Modern Age, Fully Mobilized
Navy: 50 Ships, Well Trained, Industrial Age, 36 Destroyers, 10 Battleships
Air Force: 30 Fighters, 10 Bombers
Age: Early Modern Age
Education: Excellent
Religion: Eastern Orthodox and Catholicism
Culture: Great
Confidence in Leader: Medium

United American Empires
Ruler: Erez
Government: Democracy
Economy: Growing
Army: 2,300,000, Moderately Trained, Early Modern Age, Fully Mobilized*
Conscription: 1,000,000
Navy: 15 ships, Moderately Trained, Early Modern Age, 3 Battleships, 7 Submarines, 2 Destroyers
Age: Early Modern Age
Education: Very High
Religion: Catholicism and Eastern Orthodox.
Culture: Medium
UU: Long Range Bomber/Fighter, 10
Confidence in Leader: Medium

League of Northern Nations
Ruler: /China444 and Azale
Government: Democracy
Economy: Growing
Army: 1,200,000 men, Moderately Trained, Industrial Age
Recife Colonial Army: 40,000 men
Navy: 25 ships, Well Trained, Industrial Age, 2 Destroyers, 4 Battleships
Air Force: 10 Bi-Planes
Age: Early Modern Age
Education: Good
Religion: Eastern Orthodox Catholicism
Culture: High
UU: Modern Knight, 11,000
Confidence in Leader: Medium

Ruler: Azale
Government: Corporatism
Economy: Failing
Army: 1,600,000 men, Moderately Trained, Industrial Age
Navy: 5 Destroyers
Air Force: 10 Fighters
Age: Early Modern Age
Education: Great
Religion: Eastern Orthodox Catholicism
Culture: Very High
Confidence in Leader: Medium

Socialist State of Congo
Ruler: Emu
Government: Socialism
Economy: Stable
Army: 3,850,000, Moderately Trained, Industrial Age
Navy: 0 ships, Poorly Trained, Industrial Age
Age: Industrial Age
Education: Good
Religion: Polytheistic
Culture: Good
Confidence in Leader: Medium

Ruler: human-slaughter
Government: Democracy
Economy: Growing
Army: 3,499,800 men, Moderately Trained, Industrial Age
Navy: 30 ships, Poorly Trained, Industrial Age, 5 Destroyers
Age: Early Modern Age
Education: Medium
Religion: Catholicism
Culture: Medium
Confidence in Leader: Medium

Ruler: aaminion/David Mareni
Government: Democracy
Economy: Growing
Army: 900,000, Moderately Trained, Industrial Age
Navy: 15 ships, Moderately trained, Industrial Age
Air Force: 40 Fighters, 10 Bombers
Age: Early Modern Age
Education: Good
Religion: Atheist
Culture: Medium
Confidence in Leader: Good

Ruler: IceEye
Government: Democracy
Economy: Stable
Army: 1,700,000 men, Well Trained, Early Modern Age
Conscription: 500,000
Guinea Colonial Army: 10,000 men
Indonesia Colonial Army: 10,000 men
Fiji Colonial Army: 10,000 men
Navy: 65 ships, Moderately Trained, Industrial Age, 10 Ironclads, 10 Battleships, 4 U-Boats, 4 Destroyers
Air Force: 6 Fighters
Age: Early Modern Age
Education: Very Excellent
Religion: Shintoism
Culture: Very High
Confidence in Leader: Medium

Ruler: Amon Savag
Government: Socialism
Economy: Stable
Army: 1,500,000 men, Moderately Trained, Early Modern Age, 1,000,000 mobilized
Navy: 15 ships, Moderately Trained, Industrial Age, 3 Destroyers, 5 Battleships, 6 Submarines
Air Force: 23 Fighters, 10 Carpet Bombers
Age: Early Modern Age
Education: Medium
Religion: Mormonism and Eastern Orthodox
Culture: Medium
UU: Red Cavalry, 10,000
Confidence in Leader: High

Democratic Republic of Britain
Ruler: Sharkey
Government: Democracy
Economy: Stable
Army: 1,000,000 men, Well Trained, Early Modern Age, Fully Mobilized*
Newfoundland Colonial Army: 10,000 men
Navy: 75 ships, Moderately Trained, Industrial Age, 18 Destroyers, 8 Battleships, 5 Submarines
Age: Early Modern Age
Education: Good
Religion: Catholicism
Culture: Medium
Confidence in Leader: Medium

Ruler: Jack_www
Government: Despotism
Economy: Outstanding
Army: 1,000,000 men, Poorly Trained, Early Modern Age
Conscription: 500,000 Men.
Alaska National Guard: 10,000 men
Hawaii National Guard: 10,000 men
Navy: 10 ships, Well Trained, Imperial Age, 2 Battleships, 6 U-Boats
Age: Early Modern Age
Education: Good
Religion: Hinno-Shintoism
Culture: Low
UU: Pacifican Ironclad/Longboat, 5
Confidence in Leader: Medium


Ruler: NPC
Government: Corporatism
Economy: Growing
Army: 2,100,000, Moderately Trained, Industrial Age
Navy: 35 ships, Moderately Trained, Industrial Age
Age: Industrial Age
Education: Low
Religion: Indigenous
Culture: Medium
Confidence in Leader: Medium

South Africa Federation
Ruler: NPC
Government: Federal Republic
Economy: Outstanding
Army: 2,000,000 Moderately Trained, Early Modern Age, Fully Mobilized*
Navy: 0 ships, Poorly Trained, Early Modern Age, 4 Destroyers
Age: Early Modern Age
Education: Good
Religion: Judaism
Culture: Good
UU: African Corps: 50,000
Confidence in Leader: Medium

French Socialist Republic
Ruler: NPC
Government: Socialism
Economy: Growing
Army: 2,000,000 men, Moderately Trained, Early Modern Age, Fully Mobilized*
Conscription: 1,000,000 men
Navy: 4 ships, Poorly Trained, Early Modern Age, 10 Battleship, 2 Destroyers, 7 submarines
Air Force: 6 Fighters
Age: Industrial Age
Education: Low
Religion: Catholicism
Culture: High
UU: Pocket Battleship, smaller and cheaper battleship
Confidence in Leader: Medium

Federal Republic of Mozambique
Ruler: NPC
Government: Democracy
Economy: Stable
Army: 1,900,000 Moderately Trained, Early Modern Age
Navy: 10 ships, Poorly Trained, Industrial Age
Age: Industrial Age
Education: Medium
Religion: African
Culture: Good
Confidence in Leader: Medium

Ruler: NPC
Government: Republic
Economy: Stable
Army: 2,875,000 men, Well Trained, Early Modern Age
Navy: 50 ships, Well Trained, Industrial Age, 10 Dreadnaughts, 20 Destroyers
Age: Early Modern Age
Education: Great!
Religion: Eastern Orthodox Catholicism and Judaism
Culture: Okay
Confidence in Leader: Medium

Battahira – Commonwealth of Sinhala –
Ruler: Plexus
Government: Republic
Economy: Prosperous
Army: 1,200,000 men, Moderately Trained, Early Modern Age
Navy: 20 ships, Moderately Trained, Industrial Age, 2 Destroyers
Age: Early Modern Age
Education: Very High
Religion: Buddhism
Culture: Medium
Confidence in Leader: Medium

Saharan Socialist Republic
Ruler: NPC
Government: Socialism
Economy: Failing
Army: 1,399,600, Moderately Trained, Early Modern Age
Navy: 20 ships, Moderately Trained, Industrial Age, 5 Destroyers
Age: Early Modern Age
Education: Medium
Religion: Islam
Culture: Medium
Confidence in Leader: Medium

Mexico – Commonwealth of Ozeania –
Ruler: NPC
Government: Democracy
Economy: Prosperous
Army: 1,000,000, Moderately Trained, Industrial Age, Mobilized
Navy: 5 ships, moderately trained, Industrial Age
Age: Industrial Age
Education: Low
Religion: Indigenous
Culture: Medium
Confidence in Leader: Medium

Rome – Commonwealth of Sinhala –
Ruler: NPC
Government: Republic
Economy: Prosperous
Army: 600,000 men, Moderately Trained, Early Modern Age
Navy: 5 ships, Moderately Trained, Industrial Age
Age: Early Modern Age
Education: Very High
Religion: Catholicism
Culture: Medium
Confidence in Leader: Medium

Ruler: NPC
Government: Fascist
Economy: Growing
Army: 3,100,000, Moderately Trained, Industrial Age
Navy: 20 ships, Moderately Trained, Industrial Age, 14 destroyers, 3 Battleship
Age: Industrial Age
Education: Medium
Religion: Catholicism
Culture: Medium
Confidence in Leader: Medium

Apulia – Commonwealth of Sinhala –
Ruler: NPC
Government: Republic
Economy: Growing
Army: 900,000, Poorly Trained, Early Modern Age
Navy: 10 ships, Moderately Trained, Industrial Age, 8 Destroyers
Age: Early Modern Age
Education: Very High
Religion: Catholicism
Culture: Medium
Confidence in Leader: Medium

Quebec – Commonwealth of Russia –
Ruler: NPC
Government: Socialist
Economy: Failing
Army: 1,200,000, Moderately Trained, Early Modern Age, Fully Mobilized*
Navy: 10 ships, Moderately Trained, Industrial Age, 8 Destroyers, 2 Battleships
Age: Early Modern Age
Education: Medium
Religion: Eastern Orthodox
Culture: Medium
Confidence in Leader: Medium

New Canada – Commonwealth of Britain –
Ruler: NPC
Government: Democracy
Economy: Failing
Army: 950,000, Moderately Trained, Early Modern Age
Navy: 15 ships, Moderately Trained, Industrial Age, 5 Destroyers
Age: Early Modern Age
Education: Low
Religion: Catholicism
Culture: Medium
Confidence in Leader: Medium

New Sioux
Ruler: NPC
Government: Republic
Economy: Stable
Army: 600,000, Moderately Trained, Early Modern Age
Conscription: 2,000,000
Age: Early Modern Age
Education: Low
Religion: Sioux
Culture: Medium
Confidence in Leader: Medium

Uruguay – Commonwealth of Russia –
Ruler: NPC
Government: Socialist
Economy: Recession
Army: 1,600,000, Moderately Trained, Early Modern Age
Navy: 10 ships, Moderately Trained, Early Modern Age
Air Force: 20 Fighters
Age: Early Modern Age
Education: Low
Religion: Eastern Orthodox
Culture: Medium
Confidence in Leader: Medium

Ruler: NPC
Government: Theocracy
Economy: Prosperous
Army: 2,200,000, Poorly Trained, Early Modern Age
Age: Early Modern Age
Education: Low
Religion: Kvaskism
Culture: High
Confidence in Leader: Extremely High

Greenland – Commonwealth of Russia –
Ruler: NPC
Government: Theocracy
Economy: Recession
Army: 200,000, Poorly Trained, Early Modern Age
Navy: 1 Battleship
Age: Early Modern Age
Education: Low
Religion: Kvaskism
Culture: High
Confidence in Leader: Extremely High
(thx to Warman17)
4600 BC:
Huge Mud Hill of Seoul: Giant man made hill made as a symbol of the Chosan
4500 BC:
Orlando Wall: A large wall circling Orlando and reaching the sea.
Statue of Wings of Halifax: A large statue dedicating explorers
Grand Lighthouse of Brisbane: A 60ft Tower with a giant fire on the top, showing the world the greatnes of Johonites.
Grand Ziggurat of Ur: 145ft tall Ziggurat. ALrgest Ziggurat in the world.
4400 BC:
Appalachian Road: Earliest road connecting Flodrida and Iriqouis
2500 BC:
Ki Statue of Ur: A 55ft tall Bronze Statue of the Sumerian god Ki
Statue of Kazakstan: A 40ft Stone statue representing Kazakstan unity.
2400 BC:
Choson Wall: 400 mile long wall, 30 goot wide, spanning the North of the Korean Penninsula
1500 BC:
Great Colossus of Inchon: 110 ft tall Bronze Statue resting in Inchon harbour
500 BC:
Hanging Gardens of Babylon: 130 ft tall Ziggurat with gardens covering the whole of the outside and most of the inside.
100 AD:
Temple of Jerusalam(Solomon): A large temple, enclosed by 4 walls, it is an important site to the Jewish religon
Hagia Sophia: The large cathedral located in Moscow. Known for it's Onion Domes.
300 AD:
JS Bach's Cathedral: Located in San Fransisco. Largest Cathedral in the world. Very important to Catholics.
800 AD:
Grand Navel Yard of Haifa: Largest port/docks/navel yard in the world.
Mother Russia Statue of Quebecograd: 45 ft tall Statue in the square of Quebecograd. It is a monument to Russia.
1100 AD:
The Pulaski National War Academy: Located in Lwow, Russia and is the focal point of all war geniuses.
1500 AD:
Military Academy of Sumer: Located in Assur, the whole of the army is upgraded due to the advances at the academy, and the population that flocks there to learn the ways of modern warfare
1600 AD:
Pacifican Nation Museum: Located in Seoul, this maginificent structure is the top notch institution for the modern age of that time. This university is what propelled Pacifica into the Industrial Age, and thus the world.
Warsaw Academy was completed in Warsaw, Teutonic Order. This Academy focuses mostly on military other then science, and upgrades the army and navy to modern technology.

Ages of StJNES4
(thx to Sheep2)
Age of Pre-history - 5000bc
Age of Settlment and Agriculture 5000bc-4600bc
Age of National Emergence 4600bc - 4000bc
Age of Barbaric Reactionaries 4000bc-2900bc
Age of Middle Eastern Dominance 2900bc-2200bc
The fall of the Middle Eastern Hegemony 2200bc-1800bc
The Dark Ages of Death 1800bc-1600bc
The Emergence of Asia 1600bc-1400bc
Asian Dominance 1400bc - 1000bc
Fall of Asia 1000bc - 900bc
Relgious Revolutions 900bc
The Age of Strife and War 900bc - ad100
The Rise of Russia ad 100 - ad 500
Age of Empires and Imperial ambition ad 500 - ad 1100
The Age of the French Sail ad 1100-1600
The Age of Industry and Development ad 1600-1820
The Age of the Nile ad 1820-

Current Alliances
Grand Alliance - Russia, Greece, Sumer
Grand Entente - France, Britain, Teutonic Order, Morocco, China
First War of American Unity
The war between the Halifaxians and Iroquois did not last long. THe Iroquois, advancing to the Halifaxian capital, made a deal to have peace if the two empires emerged. Peace was agreeable, and the Iroquois Confederacy of Two Nations emerged.

The War of Machuria
Begining with the Chinses versus the mongols, the war soon spread to the Chosons. Being outnumbered, the Chosons were pushed back almost to the Korean Peninsula when the Mongols agreed to aid the Chosons and get revenge on the Chinese. The Chinese were pushed back, the Mongols setting up a border between the two countries when finally the Chinese gave up.

1st War for Australian Control
The long and costly war was fought between the Johanites and the Aborigines. At first, the Johanites with their mobilized army seemed on the winning side, but then the Aborigines were able to mobilize as well and the front stabilized. However, the Johanties were able to circle a huge amount of troops in 3200bc, and effectivly ended the chance for Aborigine victory. The Aborigines, loosing on the east and west front, opened a new on in the far west, and never was on the defensive there. There the Aborigines conquered more land, but most of the populated Aborigine land now lay under Johanite control in the east, and the army suffered irreplacable losses. Peace was finally made, under Johanite terms, giving the Johanites the most productive Aborigine land and the Aborigine colony of New Zealand.

War of Irish Assimilation
Being pestered by the sea by the Irish since they were a nation, the Scottish finally decided to annex the island under their control. The Scottish army came, saw, and conquered with much ease the Irish army and land.

The Greco-Israeli War
Began by the Greek Imperialistic idea of the Baltic lands under their control, they attacked the Israeli European owned land very easily, and peace was made that all the lands in Europe were given to the Greeks, while the Israelis benefited nothing.

The Egyptian War for African Supremecy
The Great Roman fleet of Tririmese wiped out the Egyptian Canoe fleet in the Med. Sea. The Egyptians were soon being invaded now by Rome's allies, the Teutons and Kuypers, while the Romans concentrated on Carthage. However, the Carthage overpowered the Roman fleet and captured Sicily, though loosing ground to Roman legions. Egypt was almost fully taken over by the Tuetons. Soon, the war ended with the Tuetonic withdrawal, the Kuyper withdrawal, the Roman colony oging to carthage, Sicily returning to Rome, and Crete and Sardinia going to Rome.

War of the South
The Chicago troop crossed borders into Floridian territory gaining much land in the first steps of the war. However, with full control of the lifeline of Chicago - the Mississippi - Chicago soon gave up to a mutual peace.

The War of the Middle East
The Sumerians, sensing the weakness of the Israeli army from the past war with the Greeks, took the opertunity to attack. They advanced quickly to the capital of Jerusalem, though heavy fighting remained in the north. That is when Greece decided a better ally was Sumer and not nuetrality, and aided by taking much of Turkey. The war ended with the complete annexation of Israel by Greece and Sumer.

War of Eastern Kazakh
The Kazakhstanis invade unfortified western Mongolia. They take much land in the begining, though when the Mongol forces return are swept off their feet and soon begged for mercy. Peace was made at new borders, according to the wishes of Mongolia, even after the Georgians came to help Kazakhstan.

Russian War of the South
Georgia invaded Russian south, and soon took much land that limited the production of Russia and will hurt the Russians for a while to come. The lands were taken and peace made by the Georgians.

The War of the English Channel
The Scottish, attempting a two front war, smashed the Kuyper Confederation fleet and landed in Normandy only to be pounded out the next two turns.

Assimilation of Arabia
The Greeks and Sumerians fought harder wars when they practiced at home. The Arabians were quickly wiped out of their own land and it was taken by Sumer and Greece, and in the very end Egypt got a slice as well.

The War of the Lakes
Chicago troops charge into UEA great lake area. The fighting is on the side of Chicago at first, but then is caught in a stalemate as the world's largest armies clash. The front is driven back to prewar borders and peace is made.

War of Georgia, World War One
The alliance of Greece, Sumer, and Russia combined to invade the Georgians under Russian leadership. Russia quickly gains the lands they lost in the war before, as Greece pushes eastwards. The Sumerians, taking the blunt of the Georgian army, is able to defeat it and take the capital. Soon Geogia is pushed all the way to its eastern realms, where peace is made with almost all nations. Throughout the war the Kazkakhs side with the Georgians and so the Mongols side with the Russian alliance so that it turns into world war one. Mongolia greatly defeats Kazakhstan. Soon, Kazakhstan turns on its ally, Georgia, and gains land there. Georgia is soon destroyed.

2nd War of Oceania
Johanites once against invade the weak Aborigines. The Aborigines quickly give up on their fight in Australia and retreat to Guinea where they hold out until signing peace with Johanites to the fact that they are given small autonimity rule within the Johanite Realm.

The Quick Battles of Europe
Teutonic Order defends from Scottish invasions in Scandinavia, as well as a Scottish invasion of mainland Teutonic Order. The Spanish soon get involved and, after two tries, land an invasion force in England. Peace is soon made with the switch of governmnets in Scotland and the releasal of all the lands in Scandinavia, after Kuyper invasion.

The War of Roman Dissolve
The Grand Alliance of Teutonic Order, Sumer, Russia, Spain, and Greece all gang up on the Roman Nation after finding out the Romans were supplying the rebellions in Byzantine. The Roman Legions, well trained and ready for this, were able to easily hold back all armies except the Greeks. As a result of weakness, the Moroccans invade Gibraltar. Rome soon falls, though, due to heavy fighting and amphibious landings. The nation is split into New Rome, Old Rome, Yugoslavia, and Switzerland. Peace is made between all by Greece and Yugoslavia. Fightign incurs until the Egyptians break their isolationism and aid the Yugoslavians, and soon peace is made.

The Moroccan War of Goal
A war that began with the invasion by Morocco into Gibraltar when Spanish armies were off fighting Rome. Spain immedietly recalled its troops and effectivly pushed the Moroccans out of Gibraltar. The Spanish armada effectivly cut Morocco off from any outside ships. The Moroccan front in Spanish Africa was soon pusehd back with the help of Scottish and Russian forces, and Morocco was forced into peace, without penalties.

The War of Chinese Expansion
Fueled from hatred in their defeat of War of Manchuria, Chinese troops make huge gains in a suprise attack, and then erect the Great Chinese Wall to gaurd their holdings from Mongolian attacks. It is successful. However, the Pacificans invade from the north and break the Ho Sho line and dive into china, and Sinhalese from the west, plus the declaration of independence by the Vietnamese. China's future was clear, until the gift of Medieval technology came, strengthning the armies. Peace was finally made, with the collapse of Mongolia and the partition of its land. One payment of economy level had to be given to Sinhala by China for peace.

Scottish Pre-Emptive War
The Scottish, hearing rumors of a African invasion of Congo, decided to launch a pre-emptive invasion of the African Union. The front stretched all the way across the Union's north border with Egypt, Scotland trying to break off trade between the two nations. The invasion seemed succssful in the begining until the Africans decided to mobilize. Then a coup in London had overthrown the monarchy and installed a Republic, the Republic of Britain. The Consul immedietly sought peace with Africa, and so was given it.

The War of the Nile
Started from an attempted murder of the Russian Consul, the war, first between Carthage and Russia, turned to a 6 nation war. After hearing of the war, Greece and Egypt soon sided with Russia and invaded Carthage. In response, Carthaginian soldiers quickly successfully invaded Egypt, gaining control of the Nile before Sumerian troops aided Egypt in pushing the Carthaginians out and into their own country. Soon the Franco Republic also joined in. The ending result was Teutonic Order, Russia, Franco Republic, Egypt, and Greece controlling northern Carthage with the coastline. Carthage now exists as a small desert tribe in the center of the Sahara. Sardinia was traded to Spain in exchange for an army upgrade.

The War for the Sea
Seeing their only chance for a coastline, Kazakh forces invaded Persia quickly and decisivly. The Persians were quickly outrun throughout every battle. Russian troops aided Kazakhstan, though it was a huge embarrasment as many Russian troops died in the desert, proving Russia's enability to fight in the desert. In the end, Sumer also declared war and took a good chunk of land when Persia surrendered to it.

The War for the Alps
The Switzerland nation, the only post-Roman nation still surviving, entered a war with France after they were kicked from Egypt. The French at first had a hard time, but ended up taking the country under their control.

The Rockie War
Because many lands in Chicagoland ceded from their nation to join the Sioux, jealous Chicago troops invaded Sioux to teach them a lesson. Peace was soon signed without a counterattack, awarding Chicagoland more land in the Rockies.

Carthaginian Revival
Another quick war in this age, defeated Carthage was able to muster up a huge army to march into Morocco and claim a coastline on the Atlantic. Carthaginian Princes knew that if they did not cease the coastline now, it may forever dwarf Carthage and the economy would never succeed over those of the Europeans and Egyptians.

The War to Begin All Wars
Africa invaded the British African colony, only to find a harder battle then they thought. British troops had massed there before, having already built large forts that were still active. Also, apart of the Grand Entente, Moroccan and French troops came to the British rescue in holding back the Africans when the land dwindled to only a few miles wide. Admitting defeat and having lost many men already, the British surrendered to Africa. However, the French were not finished. Commiting the full French might to the war, France was able to free the colony and add it to it's own empire, then siging a cease-fire with Africa.

Sinhalese Fights for World Power World War Two
The Sinhalese, thinking it would be a quick annexation record like that of the Pacifcans, invaded British Malay. However, what they forgot was the ally to their east, China. Seeing their opportunity to wage a defensive war, China launches an invasion with their puppet nation, Vietnam, into Sinhala after Britain signs peace. This war soon involves much of the east and France. Through this war, Pacifica is able to discover industrial technology, creating new weapons of war and mass production. This technology soon spreads to China, and then to the rest of the world. The first trenches are seen on the sinhalese front with China. As Vietnam makes progress and China continues to hold the line in Sinhala, Sinhala gives birth to a new nation in their African lands, Battahira. However, the French were already on their way there after conquering Sinhalese Seychilles and Maldives, and the new country was already faced with an invasion of a super power. Trenches soon formed in the hard desert ground as French troops arrive and push westward. Meanwhile in Asia, Sinhala is able to create the Machine gun and spread it to Pacifica, which brings deadly results.

This is all for now, I will definetly add more as the game progresses.
Ruler: Warman17
Government: depotism(King)
Army: small
Navy: tiny
Age: Stone Age
Education: Poor
Confidence in Leader: Medium
The Empire of the Nile
Government: Despotism
Army: Small
Navy: Tiny
Age: Stone Age
Education: Poor
Confidence in Leader: Medium
Oh, and there will be many hardships in expansion. This will hopefully add to the story of the game, and will represent the real hardships of expansion.

The small tribes you will meet during expansion will not be NPC's or represented on the map.

NPC's will come later, when you expand more and scout out areas.

Ruler: Anders Scotterson/EQandCivfanatic
Government: Monarchy
Army: small
Navy: small
Age Stone Age
Education: Poor
Confidence in Leader: Medium

Floridians are well known for their skill in naval fighting. the armored "Gator Ships" of the Floridian empire, covered with wood with holes in the sides for archers to fire out of easily destroy the war canoes of the lesser tribes in the Keys.

The Floridian capitol of Orlando is in the heart of the empire and is a center of trade and Floridian prosperity.

Located in RL Florida, the Floridians are prepared to begin a bid for greatness.
Ruler: General Azale
Government: republic
Army: small
Navy: small
Age: Stone Age
Education: Poor
Confidence in Leader: Medium
Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia
UU: Halifax Infantry (industrial, can mount horse and be cavalry or be infantry, increased defense)
Azale, I think you misinterprited some rules.

You can have a UU for each of the Age, so you can have UU for Stone Age AND one for Industrial Age, as well as Bronze age and all the rest.

Also, you can not be a republic just yet. Only despotism or tribal (tribal confederacy might suit your needs).

Ruler: Puglover the Great
Government: Tribal
Army: Small
Navy: Tiny
Age: Stone Age
Education: Poor
Confidence in Leader: Medium
UU (stone): Shaman (better religous leadership)


- Grow Economy by building Bazaars

- Expand (a LOT)
Nation Name: Spain
Ruler: Emperor Enrique Cerveza
Government: Despotism
Army: Small
Navy: Tiny
Age: Stone Age
Education: Poor
Confidence in Leader: Medium

Location: Southeast coast of Iberian Peninsula

The inhabitants of the Iberian Peninsula had been hardened fighting against the barbarians of the region. They had much better weapons than many of the people if the world and thus called themselves Hombres de Guerra (men of war). They were ferocious on attack and could rip through enemy infantry.

Emporer Cerveza walked among his citizens. He could tell that they were suffering, but he would lead the people of Spain to domination of Southern Europe and Northwestern Africa. He was to be the man to set Spain on its course through history. He stood on a rock and shouted, "Para Espana!" and the people replied back in a very similar style.

The Spanish Empire was rising...
I think the Cresent area in the MNid ERast is too crowded. Puglover can you move somewhere else. We already have Sumer and the Nile. We don;t need a third.
i will join as Georgia (Like the SNESA Georgia, in Russia) because I like Eastern Euroopean civs.

Nation Name: Georgia
Ruler: King Illych Cossa Ivar
Government: Absolutely Despotic Despotism
Army: Medium
Navy: Tiny
Age: Stone Age
Education: Poor
Confidence in Leader: Medium
I have updated the first map with everyone.

Also, there are no horsemen yet, Skilord, so no mounted cossack, sorry.

I hope some people take Eastern Asians civs, lol.

1st Update will be tomorrow night, and will have religons added.

Since I most likely will be gone tomorrow,

Expand west and northwest
Upgrade navy
Build roads throughout territory

Expand south and west
Begin construction of a great wall that connects the capitol of Orlando to the coastal city of Titusville.
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