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StNNES III: Ruins of Empires

then wher eis the response; i'f feel aweful silly at beign pissed for nothing, btu as it is, i se enio response; the entire poitn was to see what the reaction of carthiginas was, as its just as simpel to go through, and kill, enslave, or exile, every citizen of carthage,and salt the earth as a full proclimation tonot mess with tartessos- but I'm not that kind of guy
Xen said:
To: carthaginian dissenters
From; Tartessosp

tartessos prides tisefl on its fair treatment of all people sunder its banner, or under the defac to banner of our nation; and to this, end, we feel your pangs of resetnment, fro we woudl feel the same if we were in your place; to this end, we offer you the sam eamoutn of self rule as Tyrrhenia has, and that no amount fo tartessian culture will be forced upon you, unless you choose to adopt it; the exaction to that, woudl be that government documents must be written in tartessian script, and in the tartessian language, for purposes of standardizaiton withing the union at large. We do this to show that tartessos is not s aofrign ruler, or an occupyer fo your naton, but that the union of our nations in thsi manner is for th ebenifit of BOTH our peoples, and nbot merelly for the benift of Tartessos, and that your people will be treated as equals, on equal ground as any from Tartessos or Tyrrhenia

From: Some

This sounds acceptable

From: Rest

Not foreign rule? Your nation is totally unlike ours, and we wish you to be out!
North King said:
OOC: No stats for the Turks. Rest assured, they are powerful.

To: Shang
From: Chu

Certainly. But this new state must have a new name, and Chu-shang is not exactly graceful...

To Chu
From Shang
Wat do you think about Chiang?
To: Shang
From: Chu

A bit on the ugly side, perhaps name it after your son, the heir to the throne. What is his name?
OCC: Orders are edited now too. Capulet, don't say anything.
North King said:
To: Shang
From: Chu

A bit on the ugly side, perhaps name it after your son, the heir to the throne. What is his name?


OOC: I can't believe i'm arguing over a name...

alex994 said:
To Zhou
From Shang

We advise you to fortify ur eastern borders, as it is open to attack by the barbarians to the north.

Answer soon?
To: Shang
From: Chu

How about something simple. Like the Yangtze Empire. Or maybe China? Hmm...

To: Shang
From: Zhou

A good point... Shall do.
To Chu
From Shang

The Yangtze Empire.
To: Shang
From: Chu

Agreed then. May the marraige commence and the Yangtze Empire unite and live on through history!
Prince Ghengis Khan of the Turkish Khanate rode along side his escort along the unpaved dirt road to the Capital City. Hundreds of Horsemen marched along the dirt roads to military meeting places. The Khulans marched stotically along the road, their black War paint giving them a much more mencing apperance. Ghengis had never seen such powerful looking army, barring his own army.

Reaching the palace quickly Ghengis dismounted from his horse, his bodyguards following obidently. Passing through the guard checkpoints. Ghengis quickly reached the inner sanctum, the throne room. Reaching the doorway, the guards open the doors to Ghengis, yet stopped the bodyguards short. "Only the heir is allowed through." the left guard said. Nodding to his bodyguards Ghengis walked through alone.

"Welcome, my son." Biling said. The lone fire in the center illuminated only Biling's feet and his hands crossed. A repeat of Bilings coming of age over 30 years ago. "Come close, my son, and learn how to be King. I will teach you the intrigue of words, of the court. I will teach you how to destroy nations with only words. I will teach you how to lead men, I will teach you how to rule this fighting nation. Come close, and look into the fire. We will learn tonight, in silence."

A man becomes an old man, and a boy becomes a man. Impurites are burned away in the flames of war.

Black Knight to F6
To Tibetians
From Shang
We ask that you allow us to send small groups of scouts to look for civilized people beyond you.
To: Shang
From: Tibetians

Sure. Its not like we'll eat them like the barbarians to our south and north.
OCC: Eye-candy for the mod to update faster ;)

The Khulan March to War


  • Mongols.JPG
    373.5 KB · Views: 96
OCC: It fit well with my UU, so I posted it. Its a good game isn't it?
OOC: Are those the scythians or parthians?
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