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Stryker ICV (m1126) (Nov 15, 2005)


Dec 22, 2004

Download the complete unit


fidget-> default-> run -> fortify -> attack -> victory -> death
This unit includes

Civilopedia Icons
Units32 icon
8 Animation files
8 sound files
Civilopedia.txt content
Pediaicons.txt content
and two wallpapers: high-res and Lower-res


The Stryker ICV (m1126)

The highly capabable Stryker first entered service in 2002.

It is fast (62+ mph), has a medium range (330+ miles), and very capable.
It typically transports 9 troops, but there are 10 varients each of which has slight different capabilities and missions.

This unit is scaled from the Firaxis modern armor and my Hummer.

Special thanks to Wyrmshadow for finding the model.
Looks great, as usual... :)
Sweet, I really like the Strykers. Good job.
Very nice, I can't forget the time I honestly saw one of these (or at least a vehicle very similar, without the machine gun of course) going down a highway.

@ Everyone, thanks guys.

@Orthanc, I saw one last week. In fact I saw 6-7 of 'em. I live an hour or so away from Fort Lewis.

@Spacer One: Not a bad idea, not sure if there is a good way to implement something like that with Bryce... but if I get bored this weekend I can play with it.
plustaticman said:
Outstanding. Thank you.
Thank you for your service. I made a 2nd wallpaper with a simplified motif. So no matter what resolution you run your screen at, you can just set it to be centered and then turn you default background color to white and it will blend perfectly.
Late tonight I am going to make a title page out of the high-res wallpaper.
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