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Stupidest Culture Flip Yet!


Dec 21, 2001
Culture Flipping doesn't get more ridiculous than this.

I led all as the Iroquois, but Greece Declared War with no warning (or apparent reason) anyway even though they had been "Polite" for centuries and we had just concluded a trade deal.

I crushed them. None too smart by their AI.

914 to 538 is the score, Iroquois to Greeks, and that difference is rapidly increasing owing to my military victory twelve turns earlier.

I have eighteen cities, and the Greeks just two. My Culture is very high, likely five times that of the Greeks. Sparta has a temple and library, plus the usual useless large garrison. My Military could swat the Greeks like a fly.

So what happens? Sparta flips, turns Greek, and the garrison vanishes. "Imagine"!!

No, I can't imagine. IT IS EFFING ABSURD.

So now I go to war, raze Sparta, but even the Indians will hate me as a "warmonger".

:mad: :mad:

Another game ruined.

Obviously, Culture Flipping is determined ONLY by the PROXIMITY of one civ's laborers to their capital city, and no doubt some randomizing factor. It is truly a joke.
I know it was stupid of me to even bother reading one of Zouave's posts, but it's late and I needed some entertainment.

I'm left wondering how his entire game was ruined by one lousy flip from a civ that he could "swat like a fly"? If the garrison was useless, then it's no great loss. Or was he really stupid enough to use an entire army as a garrison for a single city, so that if they are eliminated, the whole game is ruined?

Of course you can never ever go to war in this game or everyone will hate you forever and call you a "warmonger". That's why nobody who's any good at this game ever starts a war with anybody, ever. Right?

Oh, and obviously there's a lot more to culture flipping than proximity to the capitol. Naturally there's some random factors involved. Otherwise every city closer to an enemy capitol than your own would automatically flip as soon as you build or capture it, every time.

Oops, didn't notice that that last part was only a joke. Yep, I agree, something about the post and its author is pretty ridiculous, all right.
I should add that Sparta was a city of 12 with ten happy citizens, and just one unhappy, when it flipped.

I guess in Civ III they weren't happy enough! :crazyeyes :rolleyes: :p
Read the manual on WLTKD. Obviously your city didn't have one, and therefore didn't get the benefit of cutting the likelihood of flips by 50%.
folks, get it: Culture flip works strange!

that said: there are ways around it, the extreme being letting it flip intentionally, then retaking it again and again - sometimes faster then starving it down and when you use elite units you ight get a leader from it.

but distance to capital and culture by previous owner are overemphasized. Culture before should be reduced over time - how much arabic culture is to be found in the heads of granadas inhabitants today?????????

Salvor: you can declare wars and fight them through no sweat in ancient times. just be done before you have contact with everyone and/or you reach medieval times. Then they are usually so afraid (IO have the Indians trembling even though they have three times my military strength at least) that they daren`t be unfriendly. Calling me a warmonger might just be a bad idea.......
Heard about that one too,so one can really have a reputation which scares the s**t out of the other civs,eh?
I killed of the other two civ on my continent real fast with Legionarys, then proceeded to lead in tech, always updating a few units of every type - scares the hell outta them. Also I made contact after killing the others off and never gave them a Map - they`re in the blind...... Never actually had that before; there was always some idiot who didn`t get it, but this time the bully method worked :D

I even managed to get tribute from a civ on a different continent that had never even seem one of my units, hehehehe
I think we need to remember that *nothing* is a sure thing in this game.
I have had cities flip back when all conditions were met.. built culture, posted minimal garrison, 10 happy, none unhappy, with WLTK going, 1 local national, 9 from my culture having grown... Nothing is certain. THat is rare--like only once with me... but it can happen.
Relations?? ??? I went to war with Rome, knowing England had an MPP. After 7 turns, her army was in shreds. Most of her infantry remained--home guard, since I had not bothered to take but a couple cities, those in my territory. Her 21 cav were gone, her 34 knights were gone, her ironclads were gone and her 1 army is gone, so she paid 250 gold for peace. two turns later, she was still jerking around in my waters, so I told her to get out. "We come and go as we please...."
The 5 Roman armies are gone, her 37 cav are gone, and I am in the process of taking the last few cities. If I asked for peace, Rome would probably grant it, but remain furious with me forever. Liz is arrogant....and polite.:D
The bigger the military presence in a city (under a certain govt) the higher the chance of a culture flip, especially since you had taken it from the greeks.

Whe government are you?
The AI uses city-flipping to target the players huge armies, in a cheat. So reload a turn before the flip and take out ALL the garrison. Most likely the city will not flip. :)
Originally posted by simwiz2
The AI uses city-flipping to target the players huge armies, in a cheat. So reload a turn before the flip and take out ALL the garrison. Most likely the city will not flip. :)

Sure, man.
eyrei, stay cool. garrison somehow affects the random element, so taking troops out does help sometimes. so it looks like an ai cheat which it isn`t
I have noticed that as well.

Plus, Zouave, "built-up" culture makes a big difference, and as Sparta was undoubtedly one of their oldest cities, this would have been hard for you to overcome.
Originally posted by Killer
eyrei, stay cool. garrison somehow affects the random element, so taking troops out does help sometimes. so it looks like an ai cheat which it isn`t

Yeah. Sorry. I guess I am just really sick of this topic. What ever happened to that thread by Dan from Firaxis about culture flipping?
The Spartans and the troops garrisoned there would obviously prefer to follow a rather primitive artificial intelligence wearing unusual clothing and a permanent grimace named Alex, than Zouave.
Originally posted by Zachriel
The Spartans and the troops garrisoned there would obviously prefer to follow a rather primitive artificial intelligence wearing unusual clothing and a permanent grimace named Alex, than Zouave.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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