• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .
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  • "7-21-3" still an official main stable release, or
  • this "1.2.1" is an official stable main release, or
  • "v1.0.0" is an official main stable release?
There are still some players on the forum wandering and asking about new version system and compatiblity with modmods, which, imo, has been pain in the butt, for a long time.

Maybe it would be a nice idea to pin some new thread explaining this and linking to the main stable release, the latest beta, and finally get rid of the "7-23-3" junk version messing up in players' minds?

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Could it be possible to prevent the AI to create melee naval unit in "lake cities" ? Makes me feel bad for them.

View attachment 616448

Bug reports should go on Github.

  • "7-21-3" still an official main stable release, or
  • this "1.2.1" is an official stable main release, or
  • "v1.0.0" is an official main stable release?
There are still some players on the forum wandering and asking about new version system and compatiblity with modmods, which, imo, has been pain in the butt, for a long time.

Maybe it would be a nice idea to pin some new thread explaining this and linking to the main stable release, the latest beta, and finally get rid of the "7-23-3" junk version messing up in players' minds

1.2.1 is the latest stable release. Point me to where the wrong version is listed and I'll correct it.
Bug reports should go on Github.

1.2.1 is the latest stable release. Point me to where the wrong version is listed and I'll correct it.
  • I suppose in this link, there should be better information and link to the stable release. Now there is v1.0.0 It should be reneamed or...
  • there should be another thread pinned, where there would be always a link to the latest release and nothing more. This would make the life of new players much easier. No need to search through the pile of threads;
  • also you should find the 7-23-3 thread and edit with appropriate info;
  • and maybe change the title of 1.2.1 thread to add the word "official"; sometimes people might think, that if Gazebo is not the person who released new version, then this is some new beta.
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CITY-STATES uppgrades their units a bit early for tribute to have any value (at least in early game). My usual approach of building a few units is a waste of time (in this patch) since they now get spearmen in no time...
  • I suppose in this link, there should be better information and link to the stable release. Now there is v1.0.0 It should be reneamed or...
  • there should be another thread pinned, where there would be always a link to the latest release and nothing more. This would make the life of new players much easier. No need to search through the pile of threads;
  • also you should find the 7-23-3 thread and edit with appropriate info;
  • and maybe change the title of 1.2.1 thread to add the word "official"; sometimes people might think, that if Gazebo is not the person who released new version, then this is some new beta.

The stickied How To Install thread has been updated with the latest link, and I removed the obsolete paragraphs about old/beta version links from it as well.
I always felt uneasy with lake cities constructing ships, but haven't seen the AI do it so I thought it was fine. That was just my luck I guess because this is not fine. I can think of a workaround for this that could disallow either all naval units or just the melee (and plus submarine maybe?).

@YoullPay4ThisInTime @civistys just to double-check, are you using any other mods?

Sorry for the late reply. The only mod i'm using that could impact this is Enhanced naval warfare but I doubt it. This is default AI behavior.
Has Venice been changed since I last played it. The reason I ask, is they had the ability to build 3 Colonia Puppet cities plus buying CS, & puppeting others in war. In my latest game I suddenly noticed they had 6 cities, soon to be 5 as Morocco quite rightly took exception to them plonking one down in between two of their cities. The capital, Ormus a CS they had bought, & 4 others they had built from Merchants. Is this now correct, as if so does make them more interesting.
Has Venice been changed since I last played it. The reason I ask, is they had the ability to build 3 Colonia Puppet cities plus buying CS, & puppeting others in war. In my latest game I suddenly noticed they had 6 cities, soon to be 5 as Morocco quite rightly took exception to them plonking one down in between two of their cities. The capital, Ormus a CS they had bought, & 4 others they had built from Merchants. Is this now correct, as if so does make them more interesting.

The limit of 3 Colonia was incorrectly implemented. Not sure it needs to be fixed, honestly.
Does anyone know if this can work with multiplayer? I got a previous version to work when I put it in the DLC folder a few years ago, but I am not able to get this version to run when I do the same thing.
I successfully started a pitboss MP game and played a few turns from two different computers. Can't say anything more than that.
I am about to finish a game and I think this is the most stable and balanced version I have ever played. Great job!
A minor thing: It seems that city states don't build defensive buildings, which makes them very easy to conquer.
A minor thing: It seems that city states don't build defensive buildings, which makes them very easy to conquer.
They most definitely are building them, or at least some of them. They might not always build all of them. It seems to be rare that they build religious buildings such as the Order but they most definitely build walls, castles and armories. Using IGE could just verify this, as well as visually or the fact that they do bombard you and your units which requires buildings.

Are you looking at the city after you conquered them? If you are the explanation is easy cause defensive structures are destroyed when you take the city, except for when playing as Rome etc (they are the one that keeps all structures arn't they? It's been quite some time since I played them).

c5vox-cswalls.png c5vox-cswallscast.png

Has both walls and castle which can be seen and noted.
So I played a few games (marathon, deity, huge) now on the latest patch and there seems to be a somewhat disturbing pattern. Whomever gets the first wonder of the AI just seems to spam out all the ancient and most of the classical wonders after that. We are now talking whomever gets Stonehenge or Pyramids also tends to get the other one then the Statue of Zeus, Mausoleum, Great Walls etc. It doesn't appear to be tied to specific civilizations but it's just whomever gets there first just goes nuts, while also doing the normal AI stuff of settling etc. It has now happened with the Maya, Poland, Siam, Portugal and a few others. It's just first come, first serve, get them all.

They don't have particularly great starting locations or anything. It's just if they get the first it just rolls over.

The first one he didn't get was me getting Terracota, second was Great lighthouse (he has no coast)

So anyone else noticed that or is it just my imagination forming patterns where there are none?
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In my games it's not the case at all. All AI have similar count of wonders (some may have fewer if they are doing bad, but it's expected). I play on Emperor standard
In my games the Wonders seem to be spread out evenly enough. I've not seen any Civ monopolise all/most the wonders. Play on Emperor
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I just noted the newest version, but I am currently playing this one, & have found something weird, which is also very annoying. I am playing Arabia on a continents type map, sharing mine with Morroco & Ottomans, with Huns, Venice, Polynesia, Korea, & France on the other. By the time I had discovered the other continent Huns & Venice were both in partnership with sizeable empires.Then the AI ruthlessly cut them down, taking all their cities & kocking them out of the game. Quite impressive. Morrocco on my continent, even got the Venetian capital. Now they have all turned on me & all except Polynesia have decalred war, putting me in a bad position.

Now here comes my issue. Before the war started both France & Ottomans had put in proposals to WC to take my two vassals Bogota & Vancouver, & I knew my chances of keeping either were slim. So vote came, & as expected both are taken from me & declare war.Everything as normal. I take all my troops out of Vancouver, defensive war, & then notice instead of attacking me they were attacking each other, with Ottomans bombarding them. So now we have a ludicrous three way war, even though Vancouver is somehow still Ottomans ally. How can this be. You can hardly be an ally whilst at war with the person you are allying. I presume this is a bug, as it is certainly ridiculous. What happens if I liberate it, does it return to Ottomans.

I think the problem is with the WC but bogota is a faithful servant of France with no problems. Anyone else seen this. I can only think that Ottomans declared on them after gaining them as ally, but no confirmation of that, & they would hardly still be allied.

Update: Ottomans take city of their ally & next go I take it back & liberate it, & it doesn't revert back to Ottomans as ally.
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They most definitely are building them, or at least some of them. They might not always build all of them. It seems to be rare that they build religious buildings such as the Order but they most definitely build walls, castles and armories. Using IGE could just verify this, as well as visually or the fact that they do bombard you and your units which requires buildings.

Are you looking at the city after you conquered them? If you are the explanation is easy cause defensive structures are destroyed when you take the city, except for when playing as Rome etc (they are the one that keeps all structures arn't they? It's been quite some time since I played them).

View attachment 616977 View attachment 616978

Has both walls and castle which can be seen and noted.
Unfortunately not in my game (see attachment). No CS builds any defensive buildings.
I also tried the newest version (1.3.4) and the problem is still there.


  • citystate.jpg
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