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Succession Game: The Chinese

I believe you hold shift and right click on the leaders head you want to change and then select the civ leader you want to appear there. It might be ctrl right-click but I'm not positive...... ;)
After centuries of despotic rule the Cinese people rose up against their oppressive rulers in 320 AD. Chaos and anarchy followed. There were riots in the ancient capital and other major cities as China endured a Dark Age lasting almost fifty years.It was in this period that far off Persia declared war on China's neighbor, Greece. Also during this time the Japanese finished a great project they call the 'Hanging Gardens'. They stole the idea from China and perhaps it was this event which brought order back to China. The Republic of China was founded om 360 AD.

The fledgling republic was offered an alliance against Greece by Xerxes. The leaders of China were inclined to accept the offer until a lowly clerk in the Senate pointed out that Persia cannot send an army to Greece. Not wanting to face Greece alone the offer was declined.

Right after dismissing the Persian ambassador the Senate received an emmisary from Zululand. The young Senate was shocked as Shaka'a demands for Chinese gold and maps was read. The Senate unanimously refused to give in (since Zulu forces would have to go through Greece to get to China). Word was soon forwarded that Shaka had declared war on China. The Senate immediately sought an alliance with Alexander of Greece but the price (Chinese maps) was too high. The Senate next sought help from Egypt and Cleopatra was so eager for the alliance that she actually paid China for the deal! Bolstered by this success the Senate established and embassy in Paris hoping to entice Joan of Arc to join the crusade against Zululand. Joan was not as accomodating as the lovely Cleopatra.

Three bands of Chinese explorers/warriors were ambushed and massacred by Zulu horsemen in the far off south. One other band took to the mountains. They succeeded in destroying Zulu roads to a gem depot and killed 2 Zulu warrior bands and 3 detachments of archers that were sent against them. they nearly killed another band of archers before falling in battle.


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EEEEEEEEEEEEK! War with Zululand? They're the leading power!




Okay, I'm done :D .
In 380 AD Alexander asked for an alliance against Persia. Remembering that Persian armies cannot reach China, the Senate was inclined to accept the offer. However, at the time, Chinese workers had ALMOST completed a road to Delphi. It was hoped the road would open trade to some far off lands and it was thought that Greece would offer very favorable trade terms for the alliance against Persia once the road was open. So, the Senate declined Alexander's offer while urging their workers to press on through the jungle. This descision proved fateful for Alex promptly allied with Shaka!:eek:

China's friends in Egypt were contacted. Cleopatra was willing to join the war against Greece but she wanted to learn the inside workings of the Chinese Senate. China chose to fight alone. Walls were orders for the border cities and the Chinese army (3 catapults and 3 archers) was rushed towards Delphi. It was hoped that a quick strike could capture that city and force peace. This was not to be for Greek archers and swordsmen appeared in the jungles near Delphi. In the bloody fighting that followed the Greek losses were larger than those suffered by China, yet, the siege of Delphi had to be lifted before it even began. The Chinese army pulled back to a defensive position near Tatung. They fortified to await whatever forced the new republic could muster. In 450 AD Xinjian barely escaped capture by Greek archers. Luckily the new walls held! A Greek army of archers landed in China near Tientsin but was quickly dispatched by Chinese horsemen. The army also held it's own inflicting damage on Alexander's army as horsemen filtered south from Beijing. After initially refusing Chinese envoys Alexander will now accept peace for 80 gold. The Senate refused to pay. They also continually refuse to pay Shaka the 180 gold that he demands as the price of peace.

Egypt and Zululand made peace in 480 amid rumors that Shaka had hired a Chinese national, named Sun Tsu, to teach Zulus the art of war. Other rumors said that greatlighthouses were being constructed in India and France.

All was not darkness and war during this period of China's history. Most cities contined working on internal improvements despite the war. New cities were also founded on the northern islands: Beiwan and Beifeng on the northeast island and Kaifeng on the northwest island. A harbor was also completed on the northwest island.


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We lost the Gardens during anarchy. We had 8 turns to go on it so we wouldn't have gotten it even if we hadn't been in anarchy.

Our worst fears have been realized. We're fighting Alex and he has hoplites and swordsmen and we don't. We've got iron on the NW island and a harbor but can't build swordsmen on the mainland! :( I think we need astronomy or navigation!:mad: Our science rate isn't so hot but no one has any tech to sell us.

It just occurred to me that the iron on that island may not yet be within our borders. Not sure.:confused:

It may be worth our while to pay off Alex. Trouble is we can't afford to buy off both Greece and Zululand so war continues.

Here's the file...
Knight Dragon is up.

Rhodes and Ephesus should be neutralized first, as they are in our midst.

Lets kick Alexander's @$$!

As for the iron, I dont get it.:confused: If the horses are coming across, the iron should too. Maybe KD can figure it out during his turn.

Give me swordsmen and horsemen, and I'll have him begging for peace!:hammer:
we must have more than one source of horses somewhere. No resources travel accross until astronomy is discovered. That is the prerequisite. Can't wait to have iron!!!
Astronomy actually. Knight-Dragon should be here tonight, and he can figure it out.

Give me more soldiers noble leader... ;)
Alright, will play in another 10 hours or so. Got back to Spore pretty late on Sunday night and was damn tiring fr all the shopping (for Chinese New Year). :D

I figure during my turn will take those 2 Greek cities within our midst and then try to squeeze a peace outta them after that. And building some more units. We need riders and pikes if we want to attempt a serious war against Greek hoplites, so we all need to be a bit patient. :o
Knight-Dragon: When is Chinese New Year? I'm a (metal) rat. I did alot of reading about Chinese astrology last year. Found out that rat men shouldn't marry horse women. My first wife was a (fire) horse. If only I had found Chinese astrolgy twenty years ago...
Chinese New Year is Feb 12 and 13. In the old days, it lasts 2 whole weeks IIRC. :eek: Even now, some of the local Chinese-owned firms will give their staff one week or so off. Unfortunately I work for a German bank. :o

I don't know about those zodiac/geomancy/soothsaying stuff. Not really into them. I don't even have an altar in my new house. :p You know more than me in this case. ;)
My question: The foreign advisor screen only shows 8 civs. When there are more how do you change which civs you can look at?
Press shift-D and then a list of the available AI civs will appear. ;)
The Xia-Long emperor ascended the Dragon Throne.

Highlights : -

510 - Saw right away there's iron just outside Beifeng on the Dongbei (east-north) island. Can connect cos can reach the island thru shallow water!

520 - Attked Rhodes with horsemen. Both were forced to withdraw w/o inflicting any dmg on the hoplite....

530 - Made peace with Greece and paid 20 gold. Peace... for now.

550 - France and Persia began building the Art of War.

560 - Other civs began building too.... Rushed harbour in Beifeng.

570 - We got iron!More civs building the AoW! Egypt finished building the Lighthouse. Traded the Persians for feudalism in exchange for our world map. The Persians are far far away.... ;)

580 - Zulu impis appearing on our southern borders...

600 - Theology! Researching chivalry in 13 turns.

610 - Our swordsmen massing outside Rhodes and that other Greek city.

630 - Killed 2 impis outside Tatung.

640 - Made peace with the Zulus for 60 gold. Zulu swordsmen crawling outside Chengdu in numbers...

650 - Zulu forces left...


Well, joe, I left you a force of some horse and swordsmen outside Rhodes. Use wisely. :cool: More swordsmen will arrive there soon also. We got a steady stream of swordsmen coming thru. :mwaha:
My turn! :D

I had a feeling about that iron...;) Thanks Knight-Dragon.

Im not sure what Im going to do, yet. I might just build-up a ton of riders and let the next few players get the glory...
660 BC
- The new Prime Minister of China takes office.

-The Sisitine Chapel is begun in Beijing.

680 BC
- Greek troops move up to our border at Tatung, attempting to menace China. We move 3 swordsmen past Rhodes to show we are not impressed.

690 BC
-The Greeks back off, and we now have more force in the south. Silly Greeks. :p

- Beijing switches production to Sun Tzu's, because of its superior size and capacity. Tsingtao is now building the Sistine Chapel.

700 BC
- No less than 5 other civs ask for our maps! We flatly refuse all!

710 BC
- Tokugawa of Japan wants Theology from us. Pfah! Even though he is supplying us horses, we wish to keep our secrets to ourselves. We do give him a gift of 21 gold, hoping to mollify him.

720 BC
- China begins training Riders! They use paper cut-outs of Alexander for target practice.

- Our scientists are put to the task of improving our sea trade. Education! The science rate, previously 40% of our economy, is pushed to 50% and luxuries are increased to 10% to induce workers to toil harder.

Thus we are running a small deficit. Some uneeded city improvements are sold off, and marketplaces are ordered to be built in many cities. Then aquaducts, since larger cities produce more commerce.

730 BC
-3 more civs ask for our maps, and we tell them we lost them somewhere... :rolleyes: ;)

Greedy Tokugawa insisted we give up Theology for continued trade!
:mad: Fortunately for Japan, we have no idea what atomic fission means.
We wheel and deal for a long, long time, until finaly an agreement is reached.
We give furs, Chivalry (d'oh) and 80 gold in return for horses and Japan's territory map. Now we know where they are...;)

An attempt to trade with Shaka was fruitless, he is more arrogant than Tokugawa.

- A lone Greek Hoplite wanders out of Rhodes into our territory. We kindly ask him to leave. He assures us that they were just probing our defenses...er...ah, picking berries, yeah thats it, and will leave immeadiately.

Thus we continue to build our markets and a few riders, feeling confident the peace will last. Some settlers are also started to expand and consolidate our new islands. Our future looks prosperous!
When we begin attking Greece, one of the priorities is to take out their iron first (if they only have one tile; the one near Thermoplyae). Just a reminder. ;)

Greece must go..... quietly into the night. They're squatting on our territory! :D :lol: :mwaha:

Time to evict them, I say. Thermoplyae will make a nice second capital. :cooool:
740 AD

- Hoplites taking their sweet @$$ time leaving our teritory are asked again to GTFO!
Alexander declares WAR on China!

- Chinese troops massed on the border pour into Greece killing 2 hoplites and an archer, for the loss of 1 horseman!


- Rhodes and Ephesus are captured by our troops! 4 hoplites killed for the loss of 1 swordsman and 1 horseman!

- 2 horsemen load onto a galley for a possible attack from the sea...


- Moving troops to the frontier, not a single Greek soldier in sight.


- Troops massing at Chengdu, for attack on Thermopylae.

- Greek galley sunk off Anyang! *whew* I thought we might lose our raiding party for a second there...


- Iroquois and Zulu galleys are violating our borders! :mad:
We express our displeasure, but they keep coming. I dont think they are loaded, just exploring our coast.

- Still no peep out of Greece. :confused:


- Large Greek army moves into attack position near Tatung! Our forces are quickly re-routed to meet this new threat.

- Marauders (2 horsemen) land at Corinth to wage partisan warfare.

- Across the Globe, the Persians have completely destroyed the Russians! :eek:


- The Greeks pillage the road to Delphi, but we wipe them out without losing any units. 3 hoplites and an archer gone.

- Chinese marauders pillage roads to some gems at Corinth.


- Our swordsmen crush the Greek troops outside Delphi and push to the city gates! Mwa-ha!

- A really large Greek army moves into sight of our marauding horsemen at Corinth.
Our diversionary tactic has worked, and bought us time to get our riders to Chengdu.
Fearing their time has run out, and not expecting much, the 2 horsemen launch a suicide attack at the city.
The first horseman kills a hoplite defender! Woo-hoo!
The second horseman loses at first, then out of sheer desperation, overcomes and tramples the second hoplite!
We ride in and raze their city! Corinth is gone!!! Alexander lost his gems! HA!


- Universities can now be built, our wise men look into Astronomy...

- Delphi is razed to the ground and a seperate skirmish is fought in the jungle nearby. We lose a swordsman, but the Greeks lose 2 and an archer. We have a nice group of elite swordsmen now...

- More Greek troops appear outside Chengdu. They seem to have alot more than us, but Riders have made it to the front. Finaly!


- We buy knowledge of engineering from Japan for 75 gold.

- Horsemen, archers and swordsmen attack the Greek troops at Chegdu before they get to the city and wipe out many for moderate losses. The last Greek standing is mowed down by a Rider, and something awesome occurs...

China has entered a Golden Age!

- Sadly, the Prime Minister has served his term and must step down in his finest hour.
*whew* What a turn...

OK, donsig, its all you. Then KD is next.

Heres the deal:

6 turns til the AoW is done in Beijing. I would start a university next, then Copernicus' after that.

8 turns til Sistine Chapel in Tsingtao. It needs an aquaduct after that, and then since it has the Colossus, a university would be prudent.

I loaded the build-que so it will go to those things automaticaly, unless you change it.

I built ALOT of markets and aquaducts, some are still underway but close. Once they finish, you have alot of Rider-building cities all set to go. ;)

War stuff:
There is still a large group of Greek troops in the fog west of us, where Corinth was . :D
So watch out for them, they might sneak up on Anyang.

I suggest you regroup and launch a massed attack to take Thermo and then Athens. I bet you get a Great Leader with all those elite swordsmen I left you.

You and KD are all set to rampage all over Greece! Good luck and have a blast with the Riders! 3 movement points!!! They really cook!

Will post the attachment as soon as I zip it.
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