Suggestion for American cities?

I guess it's a lot of work and I think Leoreth leans more towards favouring historical outcomes than potential alternate history anyway.
It's not that I prefer historical outcomes. I just lack access to information about what alternate history would look like.
I still really like the idea of America's city-style and naming to be dependent upon spawn on the dominant power on the Eastern seaboard, but I don't know how codeable that is.
I guess it's a lot of work and I think Leoreth leans more towards favouring historical outcomes than potential alternate history anyway.

Still, it doesn't *really* make sense for an Anglo-America to found dozens of cities with names like Los Angeles and El Paso, although I guess America is full of cities like 'Cicero' and 'Carthage' too.

I wonder where the origin of the dynamic name "Anti-Reelectionist Mexico" comes from.

Well its complicated, because in reality America did build these cities, they just happened to retain names from a colonial power. I also am still learning python and I can't imagine the coding it would take to accomplish what you are tying to do. Because in some cases Spain is actually in Mexico to start with, and of course with a 1700 AD start everything is supposed to be historical anyway.
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