Suggestions and Requests

Should West Africa be within France's historical area?
France was a major colonial power there, even holding the largest colony in Africa for almost a century. If no, then at least they should be able to ask for it in World Congresses.
Should West Africa be within France's historical area?
France was a major colonial power there, even holding the largest colony in Africa for almost a century. If no, then at least they should be able to ask for it in World Congresses.

Isn't most of it already?
What is a European Federation referring to if not a construct similar to the EU? A sovereign European superstate of some kind is usually referred to as a federal European Union so it makes sense that people come to that conclusion.

The European Confederation was a similarly named entity, designed to serve as an explicitly [Nazi] German orbiting European union of states.
Should West Africa be within France's historical area?
France was a major colonial power there, even holding the largest colony in Africa for almost a century. If no, then at least they should be able to ask for it in World Congresses.

That reminds me: I noticed during my Viking playthrough that they get Bordeaux and its 1N and 1N1E tiles as historical area, but not Normandy (1N1W and 1N2W of Paris). Is there a particular reason for this?
One feature I would really appreciate is the ability to name my civ. In Civ 4 you normally can do it through the Your Details button, but DOC automatically overrides it with the assigned dynamic name.
Does the new map have unreachable resources like this? If so, could there be tiles changed or resources moved so that they can be reached? My Siberian expansion will never be complete unless every resource is under my control :crazyeye:
Spoiler :

I believe its been mentioned before but sometimes "global warming" mechanic can feel too severe. Knocking out an entire towns youve spent years developing instantly in my recent game. Not sure if there is a reasonable solution to it.

And also I belive its been mentioned before as well, but sometimes I cant trade for a civ's slaves even though I can see that they have some. Not sure why this happens?
Definitely in favour of updating all information that people feel need updating, but I am bad at identifying which things that would be. A community project sounds like a good idea.

This is probably better suited for this thread, or perhaps a new one. My personal requests would mostly concern the Civilopedia:

-Religion pages should have their associated wonders visible (I think this is a great way to give some strategic depths to religious choices without falling into stereotypes so it should be put in evidence some more).
-Paganism should have its own page in the religion section, if only to have all the victory conditions easily reachable in one place (preferably with which civs get which pagan religion).
-The specifics of which religions can cohabit with paganism or other religions, unhappiness, etc. could be documented too.
-Leaders could have their conditions for appearing visible on their page? Not really important but nice to have.
-Conditional civs already have their conditions listed on the concept page, but having that information displayed on the civ's page could be nice.
-This is maybe too much but would it be possible to have a civ's page have a bit more transparency regarding its modifiers? I have no idea if those correlate with the stars rating, for example.
-I feel that one or two pages documenting conqueror events and barbarian waves would be easier for new players.

For the map:
-I wonder if an alert similar to "a new civilization's birth is imminent" would be appropriate at the start of a barbarian wave, or if that goes against the spirit of the challenge. They're a huge pain for beginner players, while experienced ones will usually know when and where they're happening already.
-Possibly an alert when your core shifts for civs for which this is relevant?
Already documented:
  • Whether a religion is "local", i.e. can coexist with pagan temples
Easily implemented:
  • Wonders in religion page
  • Dedicated Pages for Pagan Religions without history entries
  • Warning for conquerors: doable for scheduled conquerors
  • Announcement for core/period changes
Requires outside writing (I won't write/compile these entries but if someone provides them I can add them):
  • History entries for Pagan Religions
  • Concepts section detailing the existence of conqueror events (i.e. general time period and area, no exact dates)
Difficult to implement:
  • Leader conditions: they are implemented as code, therefore not easy to automatically transfer into civilopedia
  • Conditional civs: implemented as code, therefore not easy to automatically transfer into civilopedia
  • Barbarian spawn warning/announcement: I would like to do so, but it requires a refactor of the barbarian spawn code (not touched in a long time) to do right
  • Civilization modifiers: not meant to be transparent
  • Barbarian waves: it's too hard to tell what is a "wave" and what is a "normal" spawn, I think this should just be learned during play

These are my takes on them. I don't consider knowing exact modifiers part of the gameplay, in general part of the game is learning and getting a feel for aspects like these. I agree though that both the categories and values of the star ratings are not very helpful here (they are in no relation to modifiers and are chosen subjectively to describe the game experience). I think they would need a complete overhaul that is out of scope of this discussion.

I am hesitant to document game rules implemented in code in the civilopedia without relying on that code to create the pedia entries. Information like that is too much at risk of getting outdated. Documenting certain aspects partially or incorrectly can be more harmful than not documenting them at all, because it creates the expectation that you should have been told about something you are not aware of.
Already documented:
  • Whether a religion is "local", i.e. can coexist with pagan temples
Easily implemented:
  • Wonders in religion page
  • Dedicated Pages for Pagan Religions without history entries
  • Warning for conquerors: doable for scheduled conquerors
  • Announcement for core/period changes
Requires outside writing (I won't write/compile these entries but if someone provides them I can add them):
  • History entries for Pagan Religions
  • Concepts section detailing the existence of conqueror events (i.e. general time period and area, no exact dates)
Difficult to implement:
  • Leader conditions: they are implemented as code, therefore not easy to automatically transfer into civilopedia
  • Conditional civs: implemented as code, therefore not easy to automatically transfer into civilopedia
  • Barbarian spawn warning/announcement: I would like to do so, but it requires a refactor of the barbarian spawn code (not touched in a long time) to do right
  • Civilization modifiers: not meant to be transparent
  • Barbarian waves: it's too hard to tell what is a "wave" and what is a "normal" spawn, I think this should just be learned during play

These are my takes on them. I don't consider knowing exact modifiers part of the gameplay, in general part of the game is learning and getting a feel for aspects like these. I agree though that both the categories and values of the star ratings are not very helpful here (they are in no relation to modifiers and are chosen subjectively to describe the game experience). I think they would need a complete overhaul that is out of scope of this discussion.

I am hesitant to document game rules implemented in code in the civilopedia without relying on that code to create the pedia entries. Information like that is too much at risk of getting outdated. Documenting certain aspects partially or incorrectly can be more harmful than not documenting them at all, because it creates the expectation that you should have been told about something you are not aware of.

Where can I find the conqueror events in the code? All I remember are the Rome/Greece/, New World, Mongolian, Turkic, Tamil, and USA conquers in the west. Am I missing any?
What are the chances of seeing additional wonders added to the game? I feel maybe a couple more modern Asian wonders could do wonders (pun not intended) for the game. If there is any chance, should we suggest any wonders we'd like added? Also is it a requirement that there is existing art (models/skin) for the suggested wonder or are there people involved in the mod who are ready and willing to create them if needed?
What are the chances of seeing additional wonders added to the game? I feel maybe a couple more modern Asian wonders could do wonders (pun not intended) for the game. If there is any chance, should we suggest any wonders we'd like added? Also is it a requirement that there is existing art (models/skin) for the suggested wonder or are there people involved in the mod who are ready and willing to create them if needed?

I would say suggest them anyway. I'm always interested in interesting ideas for new wonder/ new wonder abilities. Even if they are not to be included, I enjoy the discussion about wonder abilities and how they effect the game. Art shouldn't be a problem. A couple of the wonder models used in this mod are made by me.
The First Flight Memorial- Commenerates the first flight in the world. Either +1 gold to airports or -10% airplane production cost before lasers.
Chances for additional wonders are nonzero! Especially if they are from a region/era combination that is currently not sufficiently covered. If you have ideas for effects, please include them as well.

Also, inclusion is difficult without a graphical model for the wonder, so include a suggestion for that as well.
Another suggestion:
Hobbiton, with graphics based on the real tourist site of New Zealand

Requires: Cinema and Park, Hollywood must exist (though not by the player)
Tech Required: Tourism
Cannot be built on plain/desert tiles (Hobbiton is green)

+2 Great Artist, +8 culture
+25% gold for the city
Extra happiness and gold for every cinema.
"Floralis Generica" - Wonder suggestion - Tourism tech
+2 Great artist points per turn
(builds 50 % faster with IRON)(builds 50 % faster with COAL) - this is due to the fact that the structure is made of stainless steel.

Effects -
- Great Generals, if they can be used, counts as two/three different GPs, for GoldenAge purposes
- One GP type, of any kind (grat artist, engineer, prophet), counts as different GPs, for GoldenAge purposes.
- MAYBE - The first GP, of any kind (grat artist, engineer, prophet), counts as two different GPs, for GoldenAge purposes.

As the last UHV in Argentina requires 6 Golden ages, considering that 1 Golden age can be obtained by completing the two previous UHVs, it takes 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 great peoples to start the other 5 golden ages that are necessary.

However getting 5 or 6 DIFFERENT great people, to perform the last GA is difficult as the current great people system may simply give you a second great people that would not be useful to get these last GA. So, the idea of this wonder would be to make this aspect a little easier, but it should have the effect balanced so as not to get too much overpower (if it gives the effect of, GP counting doubled for all units, it would be very strong, because in a GA that would be required 6 units you could use 1Great Artist+1Great Engineer+1Great Prophet, so in this example wonder would be very strong).

Regarding the Great Generals, I don't know if the way I suggested would be good, as it would kind of transfer the UP from argentineCIV to any Civ that builds the wonder, but also creating an effect that is usable by only a single civ in the game would not be interesting.

Regarding the requisitions for construction would be
- have the civic "secularism" - This would be interesting to prevent/delay Civs like USA/England/"Tolerant" civic users Civs to take it
- being a capital city (the latter would be very interesting since it would be one of the few wonders (if not the only one) that needs to be built in the capital, since the construction is in the city of Buenos Aires, which is the capital of Argentina)érica
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I also strongly support the addition of the Floralis! Not only we have the art asset, it would also include a wonder for the only civ that doesn't have its own "personal" one.

I suggested the same some years ago in this thread and Leoreth said that he was interested in adding it but he couldn't find a interesting and thematic effect related to environmentalism for it. Maybe we can revisit some ideas and brainstorm a good environmental related effect?
I also strongly support the addition of the Floralis! Not only we have the art asset, it would also include a wonder for the only civ that doesn't have its own "personal" one.

I suggested the same some years ago in this thread and Leoreth said that he was interested in adding it but he couldn't find a interesting and thematic effect related to environmentalism for it. Maybe we can revisit some ideas and brainstorm a good environmental related effect?

Maybe +1 health for every national park in the country or nearby?
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