Survival: The Next CFCRPG


Disturber of Worldviews
Nov 26, 2002
A group of tourists are on a canoe trip down dangerous areas of the Amazon River. The guide makes a miscalculation and the canoes are shredded in the rapids. Through a stroke of amazing luck, the tourists get out safely. But the guide is unconscious and badly wounded. Will these tourists survive? What if YOU are the tourists?

This is a sequel to CivCube's RPG. Fill out the character template to play.

Equipment: (none)

Pick a background for your character.

Bird-Watcher - Has better long-distance vision than others. Is usually the first to spot danger.

Eagle Scout - Best at survival know-how. Taken

Hunter - The one to search the environment for any clues and such. Excellent for hunting for food. Taken

Soldier - When brute force is necessary, this is your person. Best for strength-related tasks. Taken

Entertainer - Oh my, that was hilarious, dude! Entertainer can raise morale of other characters. Taken

Naturalist - Has a gift with the flora and fauna of the world.

Professor - The real brain of the group. Can have an encyclopediac knowledge of something sometimes. Taken

Doctor - Can heal the sick and wounded better than others. Taken

Engineer - A science wonk. Likely that he or she can invent something out of scarce supplies. Taken

Guide: Nothing much. Might know a little about the area. Taken

Our Survivors


Name: Lee Jade
Background: Soldier
Player: CivGeneral
Equipment: two longknives, rocks


Name: Cube
Background: Eagle Scout
Player: CivCube
Equipment: rocks


Name: Sir Perfectly Perfect of Perfection The First
Background: Professor
Player: Perfection
Equipment: rocks


Name: Daras
Background: Doctor
Player: Thrawn
Equipment: rocks

Name: Sydney Bombshell
Background: Entertainer
Player: Superevie
Equipment: Ancient Tablet, rocks

Name: Seymour Butts
Background: Engineer
Player: WildFire
Equipment: rocks

Name: Erik Mesoy
Background: Hunter (native)
Player: Erik Mesoy
Equipment: A hunting spear, rocks

Name: Mr. N
Background: Guide
Player: Syterion
Equipment: rocks
Name: Lee Jade
Background: Soldier
Player: CivGeneral
Equipment: (none)
I'll try to revive the first RPG when I can. I still have some cool things in store. :)

Name: Cube
Background: Eagle Scout
Player: CivCube
I'll accept six players. Game starts at 5:00 PM Central Time.
Name: Sydney Bombshell
Background: Entertainer
Player: Superevie
Equipment: (none)
Originally posted by puglover
I'll accept six players. Game starts at 5:00 PM Central Time.

6:00 PM Eastern Time, 4:00 PM Mountan Time, and 3:00 PM Pacific Time.
Originally posted by CivGeneral

6:00 PM Eastern Time, 4:00 PM Mountan Time, and 3:00 PM Pacific Time.

Thank you. :)
"LOOK OUT!" "STEER, STUPID!" "WAAAA!" These were the sounds of the 6 castaways, suddenly stranded in the middle of Nowhere. The castaways empty their wet, soggy pockets and find a compass, wet matches, a candy bar, and a half-empty aresol can of Bug-Away. The poor castaways see a log, some overhanging vines, a couple small plants, and some tall tropical trees in the surrounding area next to the raging rapids of the Amazon River. The guide is badly hurt. What will these castaways do first to survive?
I'm going to go root around in the smashed-up boats. Check how bad the guide's wounds are.
Name: Seymour Butts
Background: Engineer
Player: WildFire
Equipment: a nuke if you wanna give it to me
Originally posted by WildFire
Equipment: a nuke if you wanna give it to me

Ummmm. No. :p Yeah, yeah I'm no fun. ;)
Originally posted by CivCube
I'm going to go root around in the smashed-up boats. Check how bad the guide's wounds are.

All the boats either floated down the river or were cut in half. The only thing you find is Professor Perfection's botany book, a pack of wet matches, and a candy bar. The guide legs have deep cuts and are bleeding pretty bad. His hands are horribly scratched and his face was bruised on the rocks.
If the plants and vines check out to not be poisonous, I'd like to get them. Could use them to attempt to stop the guide bleeding, if not, well they should come in handy somewhere.
I'd think using textiles would help stop the bleeding better ;)

The real question is how can we help prevent the spread of infection, we don't want him getting gangreene on us!

Still we better grab whatever remains of the boats we can. We could fashion crude tools from any metal componants, metal makes a much better cutting tool then trying to work stone. Plus we may need a fire, and cutting down trees would be exhaustive (especially without metal tools) also it would be green-wood and not burn as well. (Unless there is some good dead trees we can cut)
In the meantime, I'll start doing jumping jacks. Be prepared, my scout leader always said.
I'm going to frolic on the beach in slow-motion to entertain the other stressed out castaways. :p
Perfection rips off some of his sleeve to wrap around the guide's leg. This stops the bleeding. But the sleeve won't last too long.

Sydney fails to entertain the castaways because in the middle of her frolic, she trips over a weird-shaped stone. It appears to be buried in the ground with a little bit sticking out. There also appears to be a strange symbol on the rock.

Seymour builds.... something. Turns out, he has just built a good bandage out of vine material, textile, and human hair. (I'm going easy on you this time. Next time be more specific. :p )

Cube does jumping jacks and is now warmed-up and ready to work.

A piece of aluminum from one of the canoes is recovered. A large piece is stuck on a rock on the other side of the rapids. If you could find a way to get to the other side...
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