Survival: The Next CFCRPG

Lousy tablet, just won't shut up will you?

*Smashes tablet into little pieces with rock*

*Grinds up little pieces into fine powder with a couple other rocks*

*Goes to the to the top of the highest point in the land and scatters it all over the place*


I think he's hallucinating about some war god, too much licking of toads I suspect.
Perf! *puts tablet back together again with much difficulty with Super Glue* This is important. Although I'm not really that important, as I'm the entertainer. *dances around trying to make everyone laugh*
Hahahahaha! Hahahahahahaha!

I search this strange man. What else does he have on him?
A search reveals nothing, other than a large tatoo of a lizard on his back.
Suddenly there is a booming voice from the jungle. "COME BACK AND FACE MY WRATH, MAN OF THE LIZARD CLAN!!!!"
It looks like some troops are going to come here pretty quickly. I suggest we use the stranger as cover.
Hmm, I wonder where can I get an M-16 or an AK-47. Is there a dead solder anywhere with an AK-47 with some ammo?
Is The Japanese dude willing to go ahead. If we can get some goods out of it well be set. As long as we can use the goods to trade for Medical Supplies, Food, and weapons.
Well he's still all drugged up, I doubt he'll put up much of a fight! I could make some more, get the natives addicted, then make them subservient to our wishes.

Oh, and would someone please help burn Superevie, we don't need any witches befouling this place with their magic superglue
No one is hurting Superevie. Supereive just used materials from the plants to make the glue
Strangly, How did Superevie managed to smuggle in Superglue when we had nothing in inventory?
Now now now, Lets not get to the Event that happened in Salem, MA in the 1600's :s.
The Japanese dude might be the witch....
Originally posted by CivGeneral
Now now now, Lets not get to the Event that happened in Salem, MA in the 1600's :s.
That's right let's burn the witch before she can spread her satanic tendrils around the rest of us! The Japenese dude may or may not also be a witch, but I suspect selling him to the Jungel Folk will result in his death.

Whatever happened to the guide, is he still alive

*Goes over to check*
The guide coughes and opens his eyes after being unconcious this whole time. "w-w-where are we? *cough*" Suddenly, out of the forest comes a man with an eagle's head and sharp claws on his fingers. He lets out a screech and then says, "FOREIGNERS!!! WHY DO YOU DISTURB THE SACRED GROUNDS OF MUUMBA!?!?!" He seems to have a Japanese accent.
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