That sounds like your folder is read-only or something. Try making a new folder and trying again (where it is isn't important, remember). If it still doesn't work, we can try other things. Vista or XP?
I know there are programs for Mac, but I don't have any personal experience, so I can't recommend any in particular. I would just Google it and try a popular one.
Does it not work for Vista? I installed tortoise on my new PC and can't find the SVN command in the right click menu anymore. When I try to open Tortoise itself, it gives me a quick message and opens my file folders, but I still can't use the tortoise function.
Edit: Never mind; I got it working. Some good work there, to whomever did the art!
I'm not sure I was keeping track of credits as I was adding a lot of that in. If there are things uncredited, I'll try to pinpoint them. The flags and buttons were made by me, but the rest is from other CFC peeps.
Both of those are under Interface. Then, head for TeamColor for the flags, and Buttons for, well, the buttons. I didn't make it clear that I only made the Civ buttons, not any of the others. I'm not sure how many are in there.
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