Sword of Geddon's Tech Icon Requests

For what it is worth, there were a set of 4-5 'Futuristic Sci-Fi Icons' available here some time ago that i pulled down. They might still be in the library or avail on GUIDustins web site. Each zip file had 6-10 different items in it. Some nanotech and some mutation things that might be of interest to you. If already have sorry for bother.
I've made a couple future tech icons with googled images, at least 1/3 of them are your requests. I'll post that soon but one thing came up my mind - I assume you've got the Pentagenesis mod? Neomega created a lot of futuristic tech icons.

Molecular Recycling?

EDIT: I've posted the two icons in my graphics library
I like Molecular Recycling a lot. Your entry for the compo this month? :mischief: The transparency of the recycling arrows works really well, I'll have to take a look at the small icon to see how that looks too.

SoG - Just had a thought, feel free to ignore it if you don't like it. With futuristic mods it's easy for players to lose track of what's going on in the tech tree. How about putting a small border (just 2 or 3 pixels wide) around the tech icons, and colour coding the border according to the era. So for example all modern techs could have a red border, all Synthetic age techs could have a blue border, all nano age have a green border etc. What do you think?

Oh, and you might want to think of a new name for 'supreme materials'. It's a bit crappy. I couldn't quite think up a name I liked for that tech. :crazyeye:
Advanced Composites works I think. Thanks Lizardmanrules...:goodjob:
Much better than what I came up with. :)

I presume the NA Soldiers tech allows futuristic infantry units? kinda like Master Chief from Halo?
Yeah. Remember that this comes after the synthetic age, where I guess robots and cyborgs are going to dominate. NA soldiers would be part biological, part mechanical, and held together and pushed on by nanotech systems. I'm imagining soldiers that keep going after they are technically dead, who are able to take massive punishment because the nano augmentation would make them immune to pain. Soldiers that are able to think at light speed and react quicker than an ordinary soldier or robot ever could. That kind of thing.
We have had that already ever since Australopithecus Afarensis. ;)

Not quite, I believe that the brain is a combination of biological and electrical impulses, and the reactions to thought are biological. The biological impulses move slower than light. The nano augmentation would involve, amongst other things, speeding up and reinforcing the biological elements of this system.

Anyway, it was meant more metaphorically. :) A soldier that can take in a mass of battlefield data and react to it before you can blink an eye. Hope that's a bit clearer. If I'm asked to come up with some civpedia entries then I'll actually do some research in my voluminous sci fi library rather than just waffling off the top of my head. ;)
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