Tell me about your Country

I love Canada because it's such an internationally linked country we were dying of SARS before most of you knew what it was,:yeah:

and the little thing that bugs me about this underpopulated half of the continent is that we buy toothpaste tubes designed to stand on end and thus conserve precious space.:crazyeye:
Originally posted by MrPresident
Phoenix_night, I notice the reasons why you like Wales could also be applied to the rest of Britain. Well, except maybe the sheep. ;)

hey! i didn't say i liked wales because of the sheep. they just happen to be part of the country.

the whole of britian is a very beautiful place but i'm welsh.

i don't like england or the idea of the uk, but that's for other reasons - not because there aren't enough valleys or anything :) .
Originally posted by Akka

The best national anthem is the russian, hands down.

no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Im not especially proud of being from Norway, but thankful to have grown up in a free and wealthy country.

However, that does not mean that people here are happier than in poorer nations, and happiness is the most important measurement of ranking wich country is "best" to live in.

On another note: It surprises me that there are still americans saying that "I live in the only nation where everybody is free and have all possibilities to succeed."

I wouldnt argue that the statement i untrue to america, but I do not agree that it solely goes for the US. It should be common knowledge that it goes for all (western) democracies.

Things I like:
Friendly, but sometimes a little bit cold, businesslike people
Beautiful landscape
If I want to I can go to 5 different countries within 2 hours (without flying)
very high standard of living
propably the highest political rights in the world
strong economy / low unemployment rate

thing I don't like:
many here are too isolationist for my tastes
weather is often bad/cold
people often are b!tching about trivial things and forget how good we have it
crappy national anthem :p

All in all, I love living here
Originally posted by Thadlerian

A lot of fjords, really. But noone watches them, as 'Big Brother' tends to be more interesting.
You have Big Brother too? Or do you just watch the swedish one?

Its 95% white, Irish, catholic. This makes it a very rigid society.
I suppose this is way foreigners like it, I find it kinda boring.

The lanscape is beautiful, but you only really appreciate it after living in a city for a while.
Liberal attatudes to alcohol, always a good thing.
It rains far too much.
The humour is good, and generally the people don't take themselves too seriously.

Not a bad country, but i hoping to move out of it to somewere warm with beaches.
Originally posted by superunknown

You have Big Brother too? Or do you just watch the swedish one?
Unfortunately, we have our own, yes. And a ton of other shows of that kind. :wallbash:
Originally posted by gael

Not a bad country

Gael, you're lucky to live in one of the most beautiful countries not only of europe, but the world too
I like the numerous parts of the three provinces I've visited and called home. Friendly people (especially in small towns & communities), good economy and low crime. Most of all I love the Great Outdoors, its size and variety ... not because it's Canadian, but because it's there.

Oh, and I'm a big fan of our Senators; a brilliant body of skilled professionals working hard under a stern, but brilliant leadership. Their performance and ability, when measured against that of similar organisations, is #1 worldwide.

They stand atop the Maple Leaf with pride and confidence. ;)

Those two last paragraphs will probably make sense to a whole 2 of you. :)

Austria is quite annoying to live in. You got all those people that constantly look as if you just killed on of their kids, they would never do anything friendly, not even if they are paid for it. (though they are ass-friendly to foreigners, as long as they do not want to stay here).

During winter you got a depressing grey sky for about 8 months. Only thing nice is, that it might snow, and you can go skiing. But be prepared to meet more Austrian people on the slopes.

And they are utterly bad drivers. I'm glad I had to sell my car (light and brakes needed a repair I could not afford) so I don't have to put up with them anymore. Not that taking the bus is any better.

They nest in their ugly little houses and buy troll figurines on tele-shopping. They like court shows and talk shows were fat people are forced to perform tricks or dance in underwear.

Concluding I'd like to say that they are either fascist or roman-catholic. Or both.

I like the music though.

If you want to read more about Austria, find a Thomas Bernhard of your choice (I recommend "Alte Meister").

I like:
1. It's a democracy and free
2. wealthy
3. Has rich history.

Don't like:
1. bad economy
2. diversity in nationalities.
You can't really get a better description of Finland and Finnish culture than this.
Originally posted by West German

I like:
1. It's a democracy and free
2. wealthy
3. Has rich history.

Don't like:
1. bad economy
2. diversity in nationalities.

Can you explain the second point and why you don't like it?

Thank you in advance :D
New Zealand!!!!
I like New Zealand because -
1. We are free to say what we wan't and do what we wan't but we still have a Queen.
2. We are great at sports. we are near the best in the world at cricket, netball, yacting, Basketball, softball, Boxing and we are the BEST at Rugby.
3. We are safe because we are at the bottem of the world, and the only nation near us happens to be our best freinds.
4. We got lots of lakes, mountains, glacias and sheep.
5. We have a tradition of telling world powers to get lost.(France and USA)
6. We have no dangerous animals.
7. We are Nuclear Free!!
8. We are G.E. Free!!
9. We are best in the world at RUGBY!!!
10. Because its where im from

:king: and because we are middle earth.
Originally posted by Belle Du Jour
My country is France but I work in Britain.
You sold yourself to THE enemy !
I'm sure MrPresident is to blame here.
We are Nuclear Free!!
Another way of saying anyone could kick our ass.
We are free to say what we wan't and do what we wan't but we still have a Queen.
I would sure like to live in a country like that. :rolleyes:
We are best in the world at RUGBY!!!
Not anymore.
and because we are middle earth.
I thought Middle Earth was Britain because that shire looks very damn familiar.
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