Term 2 - Foreign Ministry

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With our impending conquest of the Aztecs looming over the horizon, I believe that any purchase of maps from anyone would be a waste of time. I'd wager that we'll obtain a map of a good portion of the known world in tribute once we make peace with the Aztecs.

I think we'd be better served establishing embassies in neighboring civs to improve relations with them while we retool for our next conflict.
@ donsig- it was meant as a guide in which civs to improve relations with (ie. Japan[size and proximity] and Rome[military])
Good point, Plexus. I think you are trying to show importantance of purchases, while Donsig is stressing only costs. 40J has an excellent point about the maps acquired through tribute(read: iron sword at throat), as the UU for the Aztecs (Jag) covered a lot of ground in the early game. Also covering ground that I think is important to us (that I saw) were the Indians and the Iroquois.

I'm not really big on embassies, especially in this game where we seem to have a lot more important uses for our gold. If Map buying does come about, I would buy from the Indians and Iroquois. Otherwise, let's just put it off until after Monty surrenders, and then take another gander.
Good point about the taking advantage of the expanionist civs. However, I doubt that the territory maps of these civs will be of any more benefit than those of any other civ.

As far as embassies are concerned. I agree that our gold is valuable, but if an embassy in Kyoto will sooth the Samurai beast while we deal with those pesky Americans to the east, I'd say that it was money well spent.

Of course, we're still just shooting in the dark without a better understanding of the world and where everyone is located. We must reach our objectives in the Aztec War quickly and get their map so that we can better prepare for the next chapter in the Fanatikan story.
Good point about the aztec war, FortyJ. When we finally sign a peace treaty with Monty, their maps will surely be in the negotiation table. We do not know if they have already traded maps with other nations (if they are trying to amass fortune for the war effort, maybe they have) though we have no way of knowing with whom.
I'd favour trading/buying maps with our neighbours, especially if we plan to expand in their lands (America, Japan) if we plan to attack then anytime soon knolledge of their lands would be vital (from location of cities to road networks to resourses)
While indian or iroquoi maps could be tempting since they are expansionists. But this is a double edged sword, since they do travel quite a bit we have no way of knowing if they just came from very far away or they are very near. A map of somewhere we do not know even how to get to is useless, if we trade with them we should aquire their world map, not their territory map. Since if they come from afar, we can view if they have bumped into any cultures in their way to us (and more importantly, where they are located).

Ehecatl Atzin
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