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Term 4 - Judiciary: Co-operate! Dont Litigate

I was hoping that this term was going to be a peacefull term and then retire to the Judicary Branch. But apperently there are already cries of the DP Ignoring the instructions. I have only done a few TC as DP in the past when I was Military Leader. All ready these "Salem Witch" trials is already hurting my ego and making me reconsider just droping out of the DG compleately after this term. I dont deserve this angst. As Ravensfire said "This is CG's first run as President. It's been a while since we've had a total newbie.".

Now with these witch trials and pinger pointings. I doubt Ill ever retire into the Judicary.

A Very Discuraged Aspiering Judicary Memeber,
President CivGeneral
Mr. President,

As a member of the Judiciary, we've had three JR requests already, all of which were related to issues raised in previous terms. Given the disruption of last term, of which you were very involved in, I would have thought you would have been more than willing to encourage, at a minimum, some discussion on the issues raised.

Yet there was none.

After the call from the Chief Justice to fix the problem, there was minimal response. One issue was discussed, soley because the Judge Advocate, acting as a citizen of this fine land, took it upon himself to define a proposal and guide the resulting debate.

Other than that, we've had a bump post on the issue. Yeah, like that really helps a lot.

As a member of the Judiciary, I would hope that the Executive branch would take notice of the calls of alarm raised by the Judiciary, and at least attempt to address them.

Yet there was silence.

I said the comments about cutting a new President some slack, and I meant them and still mean them. I do, however, expect some leadership on the issues and desires of the country. Regretably, I am not seeing enough of it. I'm hoping that experience is helping you turn that record around. Your discussion about the wonder race is perfect - THAT'S what we elected you to do.

The witch trials were last session. The issues causing them are still there. Will you take the lead in correcting them, to ensure that they won't happen again?

-- Ravensfire
@Ravensfire - I would like to appologise for attacking at you due because of all of this topics if ignored instructions and such. I was afraid that I would lose my chance to become a Public Defender next term. Since I am planing to retire into the Judicary Branch after this term is over.

I will make sure that everything will be corrected so that this whole fiasco will not happen again. I will make sure the Excecutive branch would take head of the alarms.
Bah! I'm more trying to push you than anything. You've got the ability, you just need a push to ensure you're doing your best.

Lose your chance to become PD - never! You'll make an excellent PD when elected. zorven might have a few things to say about that though...

Please, continue your efforts - Fanatica is poised to achieve tremendous growth over the next few turn chats, especially with Steam Power in sight!

-- Ravensfire
I would like to ask for a Judicial Review on the validity of the poll posted to remove the Culture Department. I am curious to see if the elimination of the Culture Department violates Section C.1 of the constitution:
1. The Executive Branch is headed by the President, the overall 
      Leader of the land, and shall include a Council of Leaders, each of 
      whom heads a department that is responsible for one major facet of 
      the country. Each of these Leaders will be generally responsible for 
      the items found under the respective Advisor in the Civilization III 
      game and esoteric aspects that fall under their department name.
I would be of the opinion that an elimination of the Culture Department does not violate that part of the Constitution because it does not specifically define what offices there should be in the Executive Branch. It does state that each department is responsible for the items under the respective Advisor in the game but not that all Advisors have to have an office cover them. The Cultural Leader's responsibilities can be assumed by the respective governors without violating the Constitution.

I will await the response of the Judiciary.
The result of the poll itself does not abolish the Culture Department. It is only informational.
This poll asks whether we think it should be.
If people think it should be abolished then we have to sit down and work out the best way to do it.
Peri, I still think Bootstoots has a good question. We should review it just for clarification whether or not we want to abolish Culture.
Please do review my question, if only to see if the Culture Department can be abolished by simple poll or if a constitutional amendment is required.
Originally posted by Bootstoots
I would like to ask for a Judicial Review on the validity of the poll posted to remove the Culture Department. I am curious to see if the elimination of the Culture Department violates Section C.1 of the constitution:
1. The Executive Branch is headed by the President, the overall 
      Leader of the land, and shall include a Council of Leaders, each of 
      whom heads a department that is responsible for one major facet of 
      the country. Each of these Leaders will be generally responsible for 
      the items found under the respective Advisor in the Civilization III 
      game and esoteric aspects that fall under their department name.
I would be of the opinion that an elimination of the Culture Department does not violate that part of the Constitution because it does not specifically define what offices there should be in the Executive Branch. It does state that each department is responsible for the items under the respective Advisor in the game but not that all Advisors have to have an office cover them. The Cultural Leader's responsibilities can be assumed by the respective governors without violating the Constitution.

I will await the response of the Judiciary.

The Judiciary were unanimous in this ruling.

Chief Justice: Peri
Judge Advocate: Ravensfire
Public Defender: Zorven

This section of the Constitution states that EACH Leader is responsible for ONE major component of government and that each Leader's responsibilities are represented by the corresponding Advisor in the game proper. This text, when considered with the orginal purpose behind the drafting of the Constitution, and the so far uncontested interpretation of it, demands that we declare that there shall be six Leaders, one for each Advisor in the game
I don't see ravensfire's review on this issue, and zorven has signaled that he'll review against it but hasn't posted it here AFAIK.
Well give them time and they will post in support of the ruling. :lol:
My apologies, it completely slipped my mind, even after telling Peri that I agreed with the verbage.

And now, as my last act as Judge Advocate,

The Judge Advocate agrees with this ruling.

-- Ravensfire

EDIT: zorven does not have internet access after about noon on Saturday. Due to the holiday, he will also probably not have it on Monday. It will probably be Tuesday before he, as the Public Defender during the term this review was called for, can post his opinion. However, as the verbage Peri has posted is zorven's, I think you can guess what his opinion will be. ;)
To Peri and zorven,

I thank you both for an excellent term in the Judiciary. I'm looking forward to the next term and the changes it will bring.

-- Ravensfire
Link to the Term 5 Judicary Department
Thread comming soon, awaiting for Zorven to post the thread
I would like to say to say that it was a pleasure to work with two such dedicated people this term. I congratulate you both on your election to well deserved higher office. :goodjob:
As my last act as Public Defender for Term 4, I hereby state that I support the opinion as posted by Peri for Judicial Review DG3-T4-3.

And I would also like to say it was a pleasure working with Peri and ravensfire. They both showed enthusiasm for the game and care, deep thought, and professionalism in their roles in the Judiciary. Congratulations to both of you in your Term 5 elections.
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