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TH5 - Cutthroat Capitalist Competitors

No problem here! I'm happily addicted to Conquests. Take a couple of months if you have to. :D
Errr.... You know that "2 month" statement? That was kind of a weak joke, really. I hope you didn't think I was serious? :D
Yeah... well, okay, we need some sort of deadline here. Dark, you've got until midnight Wednesday night to finish playing, or post what you do have. If we don't have it back by then, we'll skip you, and RJ can pick up from the currently posted save and play, followed by Speaker (hope he's still watching :crazyeye: )
Well, I've got to rescue this game from the ignonomy and eternal peril of dropping off to the second page of SGs. :rolleyes:

I figure either DS suffered a stroke while fiendishly plotting my demise during turnover (unlikely), or DS's significant other took a frying pan to his computler and it is now in little, teeny, tiny pieces (a far more likely secnario)

I'll take it from 6GenTex's save.
Urhmmm.....Quick question? According to RBCiv rules, I guess I can't break an active peace treaty? So Iros and Egypt are off limits for another 20 turns due to the deals signed by 6GenTex?

Or does that matter this close to the end?
We stopped honoring deals when we reneged on some alliances a long time ago. On my turns, what determined my enemy was who had the MMP with who.
You can't break a peace treaty for which the other civ gave hard goods (techs or cities.) The current peace treaty with Korea was renegotiated to get us a tech; you must observe that until the 20 turns ends but you don't need to observe any other deals with them. You can go after Egypt anytime as the peace treaty with them was just renegotiated with no additional payments.

This is by the RBCiv "Phony Peace Treaty" exploit rules.
Pre-turn: Do the usual optimization of shields vs gold. (Undoing the pathetic attempt by the former CEO to paint a rosier picture of the economy in a futile re-election campaign!) Sparta and Corinth would have rioted and I give them a clown. Our newest Iroquis citizens are going through a mandatory starvation initiation rite to join Carthage Inc.

IT: Iros and Egypt sign a MPP. (It seems like they are afraid of someone for some reason...I wonder who?) :p Korea finishes Seti program.

1555 (1) We lose our ROP with Korea this turn, and Lose our Peace deal with them next turn. They do not have any MPPs, so I guess they are my only choice for an attack. (Mech Infantry...yikes!) Move our more vulnerable units from our cut-off Iroquois area to our mainland (workers and some of the army). Ahhh! It does my heart good to see Theveste back up to 17 tax-producing loyal Carthaginian citizens after that dastardly attack by Cleo! I still wish I could give her a more thorough payback for that treachery. Optimize our tank-building cities to efficiently produce tanks every 1, 2 or 3 turns with minimal shield waste. Hurry some basic improvements in outlying cities (Aquas, Harbors, and Courts). Switch lesser shield cities over to artillery.

IT Korea completes Manhattan Project (Ruh Roh!)

1560 (2) Hurry 7 Artillery builds. Clean up pollution. More starving of Iro cities. All units healed and in position for a Korean strike. (We have an average military compared to them.) Evacuate workers from war zone.

IT Korea tries to renegotiate peace. I refuse and declare war on them. Massive bomber strikes and invasion commenses (by them!) No city falls, but 5 Infantry and 2 tanks get killed while 6 tanks and 4 Cavs of theirs die.

1565 (3) Clean up all the invasion forces with little losses and some promotions. Bombard and capture Pisae with 3 tank losses. Set up for some attacks next turn and hurry 7 more Artillery.

IT 2 Tank attacks killing 2 infantry is the limit of Kroea's counter attack.

1570 (4) Manp'o falls easily (the isolated Korean town in the frozen north). Should be no flip risk there! Bombard and capture Inch'on with the loss of 4 tanks. The Koreans have too stinkin' much money, as we capture over 650 gold when we get this town. We do the same to Tingis, and we liberate the town (it still has 5 Carthage citizens!) with the loss of another 4 tanks. Pillage their only source of Ivory. Pillage their only source of Silks. Pillage their only (apparant) source of Oil. Rush more artillery

IT 3 Korean tanks attack and only one succeeds in killing an Infantry.

1575 (5) Bombard and capture Hyangsan with a loss of 5 tanks. This destroys Korea's entire air force, it seems. Bombard and capture St. Louis with a loss of 5 tanks. Sign an ROP with Greece to get close to some other Korean cities in the West. We gain a Great Leader from the battle of St. Louis, Himilco. Not sure what to do with him really, but will probably form a Tank Army. By the way, the death animation of the Hwach'ee is damn funny! Bombard and capture Pusan with 3 tank losses. This makes Korea land-locked and opens up a corridor (with ROP of Greece) to our Iro lands. Capture 10 Korean Slaves. With the help of my new Tank Army, Ulsan is captured. It is so heartwarming to see such an enthusiastic welcoming party for our capitalistic way of life! (19 out of 20 citizens are resisters!!!) :eek: We lost another 4 tanks but captured 4 Artillery.
War Weariness starts kicking in, but thanks to the many Cathedrals my predecessors built, the effects aren't noticeable yet.

IT 5 Korean counterattacks kill 3 of our tanks.

1580 (6) We get the Heroic Epic and Military Academy messages. Bah! Where is the profit in those! ;) Lose 7 Tanks in gaining control of Pyongyang, but we capture the all-important Gems (our 8'th Luxury). Bombard and capture Cheju. Send two more stacks of tanks to the 3 cities left in Korea's homeland. Stop rushing military units (why let Speaker benefit?) Have to jack Entertainment slider to 10%, and that drastically reduces per-turn profit.

IT No Korean counterattacks at all. Hmmm...he's not talking to me either. I hope he changes his mind soon! What is amazing is that Korea is still in a Democracy.

1585 (7) Bombard and capture Wonsan with heavy casualties. We gain The Manhattan Project and Theory of Evolution (wheee!)

IT No Korean movement. They do come begging for peace, but they do not seem to want it enough because they would not throw in any techs for it.

1590 (8) Capture Seoul after a truly horrific battle. We now control Copernicus and Seti. Also capture Namp'o and that is all for the Korean core homeland. Time for peace (War weariness is almost insufferable). Speaking of insufferable, Wand Kon is in a serious state of denial as he still won't give us any techs. I finally get Computers from him for 375 gpt. I sell a bunch of Luxes and Resources back to him to regain some gpt. Move every unit to help suppress resistance in the Korean cities. Rush some neglected infrastructure builds.

1595 (9) Resistance has ended in most cities. Trying to put the units back into some sort of order.

1600 (10) Micromanage cities at end. Spend all the money. We are very near the domination limit, so Speaker could milk things our pretty well in the next 10 turns. Korea's capital moved way out into the middle of the ocean, so we should have only a small chance for flips.

Final From cities gold was 5740. That is an increase of +773 which is a 15.56 percent increase.

The Game (1600)
OK, thanks for getting this back on track. Speaker, if you're out there, you should definitely be able to finish it off. So that you don't have to worry about tile-counting or milking, go ahead and play the full 10 turns for profit even if the domination victory comes sooner.

I've still got a spreadsheet with all the financial data from this game, so even though interest here seems to have fallen off dramatically with Conquests out, we'll still wrap it up and look at the numbers.

Dark Savant 59.7
Rubberjello 92.7
6thGenTexan 25.6
Speaker 53.6 << UP NOW
T-hawk 74.3

By the original rules, RJ's going to have a runaway victory, fueled mostly by Tex's WW blip on that one turn. My spreadsheet allows tweaking to see the results with or without adjustments for that, Speaker's GA blip, number of turns, and so on. So everybody can probably find a reason to think of themselves as the winner. :)
IT- My handy dandy mapstat tells me we need only 139 tiles until domination, with population already 86 points in the black. After adjusting, from cities drops from 5740 to 5726. We are using most of our tiles it seems. I haven't heard the modern music in a long time. It's pretty nice. With 4 settlers in Carthage, i take a look to see if I can found any fishing villages in uncorrupt areas. I squeeze one in above Neapolis and one near Rome.

I'm not sure if the unclaimed tiles in former Korea are enough to trigger domination, so I cancel our peace treaty with Greece (where we were paying 55gpt), and capture Pharsalos with the loss of a single tank. The war sends many of the greek cities into disorder.

1605AD(1): Decline UN election. Rush some buildings by disbanding new Mech Inf. or cash-rushing.

1610AD (2): 115 tiles until the end of the world. By the way, oh my god do we have a lot of cities. Use my single worker merge.

1615AD (3): 97 tiles until the end of the world. I really hate the way pollution is handled in this game. It is such a pain in the rear.

1620AD (4): Border expansions in old Korea, but we are still 54 tiles short. I found another fishing village in the north, to claim more tiles. Take peace with Greece to ease the unrest in the captured Greece.

1625AD (5): 40 tiles until the end of the world. I pop a few settlers out of overgrown cities to poach city sites if need be.

1630AD (6): 29 tiles for domination. Found a couple more towns to poach Egyptian and Iroquois tiles.

1635AD (7): 23 tiles for domination. Rush a ton of buildings.

1640AD (8): 20 tiles for domination. Lower that to 4 with some more tile poaching. I know plopping cities down on the border is an exploit under Epic rules, but I feel that I am following the spirit of the rule here. The game is already won and why quibble over the last couple tiles.

1645AD (9): Found two more cities and we are now over the domination level. Disband artillery to help rush some buildings.

IT- We win (pictures to follow).

1650AD (10): Last minute tile adjustments. I could invade Egypt or the Iroquois and likely take out most of their cities, but they all will be completely corrupt, so it's not worth the time to me.

Conclusion- From cities is at 6308 for an increase of 568 or 9.90%.

Sorry for taking so long to finish. Such is life. Thanks to T-Hawk for the interesting game concept and congrats to Rubberjello, the true cutthroat capitalist.

Maybe we should have used the "most effective world-domination strategy?" :rolleyes: :cool:

Penultimate Save

Ultimate Save
OK, thanks for wrapping that up, Speaker, and for the neat pictures. :goodjob: Can't blame you if maybe you were a bit unmotivated to finish it with RJ having mostly wrapped up the win already.

The final official scores would be:
Rubberjello 92.7
T-hawk 74.3
Speaker 63.5
Dark Savant 59.7
6thGenTexan 25.6

I've got that spreadsheet I mentioned a while back on my computer at work, and I'll post it tomorrow with all sorts of financial details. (We all know that Tex isn't nearly that bad at Civ 3. ;) ) Thanks again to everyone for playing and for keeping the competition fair yet spirited. :goodjob: :thumbsup: :goodjob:
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