Tabitha SEAL
I was playing a game as Gandhi of the glorious Indian Empire (don't mess with the pacifist!) I decided to enable tech trading and as I was building my empire up, Monteuma demands my many gold reasources. Of course, I gave Monty the good 'ol finger and decided to build a few axemen to "deter" Monty from attacking. My friends the Hindu Romans (I was Hindu too) were close by to my nation and they were cautious to Monty.
Now there was a Barbarian city north of me and I saw Monty send a stack of chariots and who knows what else to that city. Needless to say he lost. However, he did have one surviving troop which went south.
Guess what the idiot Monty did next? That's right, he declared war on me. I had my Iron guarded by an Axeman so I rushed one and sent it south, thinking his troop will go after my gold. You wanna know what troop he sent? Look at the screenshot below
Omgnoes! I'm scared, he sent a Warrior at me! Oh teh noes!
So I kicked the Warrior's butt after he pillaged the mine (Note: the gold the Warrior was standing on in the screenshot was just gold i didn't get around to mining, it's not the mine he pillaged the next two turns later) and then built up a small force of axemen. To top it off, I rebuilt the pillaged mine in spite of his "economic damage". At this time, I could declare peace, but Monty the dumbass wanted ME to give them gold, so I refused
My Axemen lost to the Jaguars (I built swordsmen too!) and I declared peace later on when he didn't demand anything, just peace (he wanted peace actually). Shortly afterwards, the Romans declared peace. Ok, fine is fine.
Many turns later, I got Machinery and cranked out the Crossbowmen. I sent them at his cities and conquered most of them and made him Capitulate. I never got a Great General in my war, but later on in my short raid on the Chinese I got one, declared peace on the Chinese then attacked the Carthaginians and made them Capitulate.
My Empire currently is going to conquer Korea because after a long and one-sided struggle (I had Infantry, and he had Knights! I was playing on Chieftan) China had capitulated. I'm planning on raiding the Zulu and Korea at the same time which would leave Rome and America left to conquer. I'm not sure if Catherine is on the map though, I forgot who was left.
Anyway, so Montezuma was the most idiot of a strategist. He loses his stack to Barbarians and then has to attack me with a Warrior. I knew it was coming too! However, I thought he'd send a bigger stack as you wouldn't declare war on someone with only a single warrior to attack with
Now there was a Barbarian city north of me and I saw Monty send a stack of chariots and who knows what else to that city. Needless to say he lost. However, he did have one surviving troop which went south.
Guess what the idiot Monty did next? That's right, he declared war on me. I had my Iron guarded by an Axeman so I rushed one and sent it south, thinking his troop will go after my gold. You wanna know what troop he sent? Look at the screenshot below

Omgnoes! I'm scared, he sent a Warrior at me! Oh teh noes!
So I kicked the Warrior's butt after he pillaged the mine (Note: the gold the Warrior was standing on in the screenshot was just gold i didn't get around to mining, it's not the mine he pillaged the next two turns later) and then built up a small force of axemen. To top it off, I rebuilt the pillaged mine in spite of his "economic damage". At this time, I could declare peace, but Monty the dumbass wanted ME to give them gold, so I refused
My Axemen lost to the Jaguars (I built swordsmen too!) and I declared peace later on when he didn't demand anything, just peace (he wanted peace actually). Shortly afterwards, the Romans declared peace. Ok, fine is fine.
Many turns later, I got Machinery and cranked out the Crossbowmen. I sent them at his cities and conquered most of them and made him Capitulate. I never got a Great General in my war, but later on in my short raid on the Chinese I got one, declared peace on the Chinese then attacked the Carthaginians and made them Capitulate.
My Empire currently is going to conquer Korea because after a long and one-sided struggle (I had Infantry, and he had Knights! I was playing on Chieftan) China had capitulated. I'm planning on raiding the Zulu and Korea at the same time which would leave Rome and America left to conquer. I'm not sure if Catherine is on the map though, I forgot who was left.
Anyway, so Montezuma was the most idiot of a strategist. He loses his stack to Barbarians and then has to attack me with a Warrior. I knew it was coming too! However, I thought he'd send a bigger stack as you wouldn't declare war on someone with only a single warrior to attack with