President of the United States
Penny's WIS will be increased by 2 and she will take Forensic Mind.
Shipley's AIM and WIS will both be buffed by 1, and her Training Montage randomly awarded to...AIM, since no specifics were ever provided about which stats to buff in which order.
Jessie's STR/DEX/CON will be boosted by 1 each, but there is no consensus on her Feats. If I have not heard otherwise from a majority of the playerbase by mission time tomorrow, I will award her Bedside Manner and Skill Boost: Stealth, splitting the difference between the two camps. I am aware this is a horsehockeytastic build but if you don't like it, work something more detailed out and I'll accept it.
Shipley's AIM and WIS will both be buffed by 1, and her Training Montage randomly awarded to...AIM, since no specifics were ever provided about which stats to buff in which order.
Jessie's STR/DEX/CON will be boosted by 1 each, but there is no consensus on her Feats. If I have not heard otherwise from a majority of the playerbase by mission time tomorrow, I will award her Bedside Manner and Skill Boost: Stealth, splitting the difference between the two camps. I am aware this is a horsehockeytastic build but if you don't like it, work something more detailed out and I'll accept it.