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The Agency

Penny's WIS will be increased by 2 and she will take Forensic Mind.

Shipley's AIM and WIS will both be buffed by 1, and her Training Montage randomly awarded to...AIM, since no specifics were ever provided about which stats to buff in which order.

Jessie's STR/DEX/CON will be boosted by 1 each, but there is no consensus on her Feats. If I have not heard otherwise from a majority of the playerbase by mission time tomorrow, I will award her Bedside Manner and Skill Boost: Stealth, splitting the difference between the two camps. I am aware this is a horsehockeytastic build but if you don't like it, work something more detailed out and I'll accept it.
Well, I am perfectly fine with giving Jessie a more stealth focused build instead, so how about this: Skill Boost Stealth and Rough and Ready for a feat, to get her 5 Stealth and 4 in Athletics and Tumble. After the next mission we can give all those skills 1 point, add another point each to DEX and STR, and potentially give her gadgets as well, if we can figure out what we want to give her.

Well, I am perfectly fine with giving Jessie a more stealth focused build instead, so how about this: Skill Boost Stealth and Rough and Ready for a feat, to get her 5 Stealth and 4 in Athletics and Tumble. After the next mission we can give all those skills 1 point, add another point each to DEX and STR, and potentially give her gadgets as well, if we can figure out what we want to give her.


This is acceptable to me.
Mission Three: Stakeout
In the wake of Selection, the team received word of Silas Kline's location, a campus in Austria. Choosing Jessie and Pax, everyone deployed under strict instruction: locate Kline and track him, but do NOT engage under any circumstances.

Jessie engaged. The resulting firefight was a win for the team, but Kline escaped in, of all things, a flying car. He remains at large, and now alerted to the Agency hunt for him if he wasn't already. Elias gave Jessie a dressing-down and Missy a pep talk, but whether she's learned her lesson about seeking glory and her father's attention remains to be seen.

Jessie-1 completed. She has leveled up.
gains +2 Stat Points, +3 Skill Points, +1 Feat, and her HP has increased.
In The Blood has been upgraded. Jessie can now critical hit and her crit fail modifier is reduced(1, 19).
In the Blood(PC) is now available for any PC who reaches Level Five.

Missy, Elias, Richard and Pierce all gain +800XP. Joe gains +1450XP. This puts all five listed PCs at Level Three(+5HP, +1 Feat). Joe also gains his Level Two upgrade(+5HP, +1 Skill Point).

Next mission Thursday at 5PM EST. Consensus has awarded it to Penny-1, Conflict of Interest. Mission Five will be a plot mission, then there will be our second RP Interlude, and then the next two Companion missions. Please decide whether you would like to run Pax's before Shipley's, or vice-versa.

I'll see you Thursday.
Mission Four: Conflict of Interest
The team deployed to Mumbai on a lead from Penny, hunting for data on the SCARAB biological weapon. Upon arrival, it was simplistic to infiltrate the facility, and then explore it and wire it with explosives for demolition on the way out. Overall, the operation was a smashing stealth success...if it weren't for the fact that Penny lied to the team. Oh, there was some information on the SCARAB bioweapons project present at the facility, but she was mainly interested in personnel records about her sister Carol, a member of the elite Tech Team. Penny recovered the files she was after, but was discovered by the team, who took her misdirection fairly well all things considered.

Missy, Elias, and Joe all gain +650XP, putting them at a total of 2750.

has leveled up. She gains +1 Stat Point, +1 Feat, +1 Skill Point, and an HP increase.
Intimate Knowledge has leveled up. In addition to all previous effects, Penny can now once per mission share her knowledge with a teammate, allowing her to provide a +25% modifier to any roll made to deceive a SCARAB agent or technological device.
Intimate Knowledge(PC) is now available for any PC with 8+WIS.

JESSIE HAS NOT BEEN LEVELED UP. I will not count plans suggested in thread prior to a Companion receiving a level as "certain to happen". Until Penny and Jessie are leveled in thread(or at least confirmation provided), they CANNOT be used on any mission.

Next mission will be next Thursday at 5PM EST, as usual, and will be a main plot mission. You may choose any two Companions you would like.

I'll see you all then.

Database updated: Known Hostiles(Carol Paxton)
Well, we have a couple of options on how to spend Penny's level up. The stat point can go into WIS obviously goes into WIS to get the boost to both Medical and Analysis, and while the skill point could feasibly go into either of the above, Medical is the obvious choice since we lack the option to boost it with Feats. As for the feat itself, I can see three different options for skill boosts: Analysis, Hacking, and Charisma. The former is her strongest secondary skill, while both the latter are boosted by Intimate Knowledge. I think Charisma is the best option, taking her as it does from an effective +6 to an effective +11 in that skill after rounding is applied, roughly finishing up her 4 skill setup.

As for Jessie, well, obviously LH can't beleive my last post is still the case just because I told him so several times, so I shall repeat my recommendation.
get her 5 Stealth and 4 in Athletics and Tumble. After the next mission we can give all those skills 1 point, add another point each to DEX and STR, and potentially give her gadgets as well, if we can figure out what we want to give her.
If we can't figure out what gadgets we want for her, we could give her skill boost Athletics or even Tumble for her feat.

I approve DT's plan for leveling up Penny, and well as Jessie's. I'd vote for boosting Tumble as the feat.

Also, I never leveled up after last mission, so Pierce will be taking Intimate Knowledge as his feat.
I dont see any reason not to go with DT's plan.

However, a bigger point of note: Starting next week I will be a minimum of 1h40m late to any mission that runs on Thursdays. And I'm also already looking to move Constellations to one of my clearer days. Given this 2 hour delay I'm going to have to consider dropping this game. Sorry, but education trumps ACs.
Penny has been given +1WIS, Skill Boost Charisma, and an HP increase. However, upon checking the rules, I have been reminded that a skill cannot be buffed beyond +12, which is where her Medical currently sits. The Skill Point will need to go somewhere else. If I don't hear from anyone prior to the mission, I will put it into Analysis. Sans this skill point, check the OP for her updated character sheet.

Jessie has been given +1 DEX/STR, +1 Athletic, Tumble, and Stealth, and Skill Boost Tumble. Check the OP for her updated character sheet.

RE Patchy, I don't want to move times but if Monday or Wednesday would help, I can.
I would actually prefer to put Penny's additional point into Charisma. It seems likely that her last feat will be spent on boosting Hacking, and the logical place to put her last stat point is INT, since that will boost two of her skills that are already halfway reasonable. Therefore, it makes sense to spend her last two skill points in Charisma, to get as much as possible out of Intimate Knowledge.

As to changing times, I am, as usual, open to pretty much any day that works for the others.

Mission Five: Rumble in the Jungle
The team deployed based on information recovered during last mission's Mumbai operation, seeking a SCARAB facility in the Amazon where the chemical bioweapon was being produced. They had one objective: raze the compound. However, during the surgical insertion to plant explosives, SCARAB's Tech Team, led by Tanya Vorobyova herself, sprung an ambush that nearly destroyed Team Thirteen like Team Nine. Only Penny's medical abilities, Missy's combat skills, and quick thinking from Pierce when he hacked Tanya's power armor prevented a disaster. Tanya escaped to fight another day, but so did the Team, and the facility was destroyed, so operational objectives were completed.

However, the elusive question of the day is this: how did SCARAB know you would be there? Not to mention, God alone knows how much product they extracted...

Joe, Elias and Missy all gain +800XP. Pierce gains +1450. This should put all four of you at 3550XP, which causes you to level up to Level Four(+5HP, +1 Skill Point).

Next mission will be at the new time, 5PM on Wednesday next week. It will be a full RP mission to digest all that has happened recently.

The only order of business now is to decide whether to run Pax-1 or Shipley-1 first. Sound off!
Put skill into Perception bringing it to 7.

Cast vote for Pax-1.
I actually feel like we should run Shipley-1, on the grounds that we haven't touched her since unlocking the other companions. Who knows, maybe it will improve her attitude? And since I am posting anyway I might as well mention that I stuck my skill point in Perception again.

A thing has come up this evening that means I will likely be slightly late to the mission. I still intend to run, but I might be as much as an hour behind schedule by the time I show up. If I'm much later than that we'll postpone, but I doubt I will be. CELT AND RED, UPDATE YOUR CHARACTERS AND VOTE.
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