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The Ancient Mediterranean MOD

The Illyrian civ is done, I uploaded a file to some Beta-Testers to check for some last-minute bugs. It really should be out either later today or tomorrow. I hope that Illyria can be included in your v1.0 release.
Well basic things have all been "fixed"... I guess that V1,0 will be downloadable for you guys pretty soon!
First and foremost, thanks for the hard work..:) Loved TAM for Civ3.
However :crazyeye: Just loaded the mod up, and I get 2 errors during the load splash. First one I can't read, but some kind of xml error, the second is as follows:
"LoadXML call failed for xml\text\civ4gametextinfos_objects_tam.xml. Current XML file is: xml\text\civ4diplomacytext_tam.xml"
I don't know squat about xml or modding, so any help fixing this up would be much appreciated.
same here and then in the game most of the techs and relegions have an xml problem......is the link on the main page missing files?
Me too, the mod wont load because of some XML problem. My error message was about "title" and "French"

But... thanks for getting it this far .. !!!
I've played quite a bit (you know, i wrote the files so...;) ) an i didnt get these errors... I always suspected something could go wrong with the file "renaming" , since i used to get some TAGS instead of the actual text...
I'll do files with the same name (ie:TEXT_INFOOBJECT, instead of TEXT_INFOOBJECT_TAM), since maybe its that for the bad links... for the french part of it, i dont know, since i never played the game in french, even though I am actually, french;) ... so ill check it up... keep reporting bugs guys, it is really helpfull! These XML bugs are normaly pretty easy to solve anyways, so there could certainly be a V1,01 in the coming hours (well on my computer for sure, since I already started working on the V1,0 basis)...

So as I said, keep the reports coming and thanks for the ones already there! It'll make everything go faster...
ok if this helps.. i im gettin the fench bug too and i have the US(english) version...
Are you planning on adding a bigger map version? Because this one is too small in the north. Doesn´t give the germanic tribes enough space to expand...
Omg, unbelievable, it's really done :eek: I thought this will be one of those neverfinished mods, but now... done :eek: Will play asap, of course ;)
I dont know if this is useful, but the error message I get is ...

File xml\text\civ4gametextinfos_objects_tam.xml
Reason End tag 'Text' does not matchthe start tag 'French'
Line 4067,47

hope it helps
I got those error messages too. Besides, there's "TEXT_KEY..." everywhere, in tech tree, in religion screen, in civic screen, etc.
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