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The Citynamemanager-development thread

Here's an idea:

You should found the capital 1 SW of Amsterdam (Rotterdam) and change it to Antwerpen.
Then change the leadername to Leopold I.

And during the game conquer Mbanza Kongo and found some cities east of it.

It was Leopold II who conquered Kongo. (I'm Belgian too).
Here's an idea:

You should found the capital 1 SW of Amsterdam (Rotterdam) and change it to Antwerpen.
Then change the leadername to Leopold I.

And during the game conquer Mbanza Kongo and found some cities east of it.

Maybe I will do that sometime, although I'm Dutch, I'm also part Belgisch (Vlaamse grootvader) and I don't like Hollanders from the west very much...

I was born and rised in Brabant, which is also a province of Belgium, right?

I'm not a fan of Belgium my mate. Also, the Belgian independence was a bad page in our history (it was actually an attempt of annexing our country to France, which they weren't allowed to do so they changed agenda, except for a few people like Gendebien who remained rattachist).
Now Leopold I, neither a fan of that guy, but he funded the early Flemish movement, though for opportunistic reasons (a bilingual Belgium was less likely to end up being French than an entirely Francophone Belgium).

Point is had we remained Dutch, Brussel wouldn't be overwhelmingly Dutch-speaking today. Also, it was less likely to abuse the famine in Flanders to exploit it and Frenchify it culturally. We also would have a stronger Dutch-speaking elite, which we still lack in many ways.
I do understand that in history Brabant was used as a buffer zone and exploited economically by the Dutch Republic. It also used to belong to the Duchy of Brabant and got separated from us. Still, you have to know that the only reason we aren't Dutch is because the revolt failed in Antwerpen 1585 followed by a massive emigration to especially Holland. After this event there were plans to divide the Southern Netherlands between France and the Republic, but they rulers in Holland didn't want to have France as neighbour nor did they want to have a more significant harbour than Amsterdam within their nation.
Still, facts are: many Dutch-speaking Catholics also supported the Dutch Revolt, despite it being mainly a Protestant Revolution. Also, in our region our elite was mainly Protestant, and their fleeing from the Inquisition caused us to lose a lot of our elites and damaged our progression a lot. Also back than was is better for us that the Dutch-speaking part of the Seventeen Provinces to have remained one country. That later on some Francophone bourgeois and Catholic extremists (who didn't care about the Dutch-speaking culture here, by the way, because they saw 'dangerous' Protestant influence in the Dutch languages and thus they kept the plebs dumb for a loong time here) decided to break up the Kingdom of the United Netherlands in the 19th century later on. By use of propaganda they have succeeded in making the population praise this rather bad event in their history later on, of course after they closed the Dutch-speaking schools here and also after it took until 1961 before our constitution was written in Dutch...
This while North Brabant began to bloom in the late 19th century when Flanders still was struggling to defend its culture.

Also, I have Hollanders among my friends and I like Hollandophobes a lot less. You don't impress me in other words. I also have friends from Groningen (very sober people, but I get along very well) and from Brabant too.
I understand there are cultural differences, but as an Antwerpenaar I get along better with many Hollanders than with some other Flemish who need to be obsequious toward Francophones and hostile toward Dutch all because they're taught to do so. I like people who are able to think for their own, thank you very much.
Yes, but who founded Belgium?

Leopold I didn't found Belgium. He was a king sent here because a republic wouldn't be accepted by the other powers (they still were traumatized about the French Revolution, you see?). In fact: the rulers of early Belgium thought he wouldn't remain a king for long, and to also his surprise he remained on his throne.
Also, Leopold I was so unpopular he wasn't able to even live in Brussels for too long (he ironically lived in Antwerp, so I think, I'm not sure), because the founders of Belgium didn't ask for him.

The Frenchman Charles Rogier (one of the leading figures of the Belgian Revolution and later Prime Minister, who led 300 Liégois to Brussels) even wrote in 1832 to his minister of Justice: "Les efforts de notre gouvernement doivent tendre à la destruction de la langue flamande pour préparer la fusion de la Belgique avec notre grande patrie la France"
"Our government's effords should serve the destruction of the 'Flemish' language to prepare the fusion of Belgium with our true Fatherland, France"
(notice that they call our language 'Flemish', just to make it different from 'Dutch', thus also weaker and easier to destroy; they even succeeded to make the lower class believe that Dutch is actually a 'Protestant language'. Today, there are even young Francophone Belgians who are explicitly taught at school to call our language 'le flamand' and to add to that 'et non néerlandais!!!'. This used to be a political decision in the past which still lingers on today, Though some see it as 'useful' today also).

Leopold I was seen as an obstacle and only forcibly needed because they had no other choice. Leopold I neither was allowed to say too much and stood under constant treat of the true rulers of our country.

Here is a picture of the founders of Belgium:

Don't expect Belgian citizens to know them though.
Danielion: Are you Flemish?

And as you love Hollanders so much: would you be for or against (re-)uniting Flanders and Netherlands? I, and most Nederlanders would be for.

Then leave (poor) Wallonie to the French. Would be better for them anyway...

If I had any influence at all, my motto would be: Dutch people, Unite!

(Flemish are Dutch too, at least as Dutch as Netherlanders of the south (Limburg & Brabant).
I am Flemish (my whole family comes from the province of Antwerpen), but I doubt a majority would be for a reunification of the Netherlands. Still, I am not against it. It might happen if Belgium would remain as instable as it is now and it would lead to a break up. Imagine that the EU would make it too hard to us to form an independent Flanders.
Then it might lead to our elite going opting for a reunification of the Netherlands. In the end, I think think people decide less then they themselves think and I also think they would easily follow willfully.
Just know that I'm not representable for your average Flemish. ;) We'll see what happens. I'm no romantic nationalist, though I make no secret that I'd rather have ended up Dutch (not to be interpreted as Hollander). I prefer the what-if scenario if the Netherlandic rebels succeeded in Antwerp 1585. Then a big part of the elite would be centered in Brabant instead of Holland, but we'd be still Dutch nonetheless, but not Hollander (and while I like my friends from Holland, I'm still proud of be Antwerpener of course, and in that scenario also Brabander, because that identity still really existed back then). ;)

Also, I hope you weren't too much overwhelmed by my response. I just rarely am aware of the space these topic can take in. It's not meant as a rant nor a flame in anyway.
I would like that: A United Netherlands with Eindhoven as capital, just like Eindhoven will be the capital for the FIFA World Cup of 2018 if 'we' get to host it (Netherlands & Belgium).

P.S. We hadden ook in het Nederlands kunnen communiceren, maar dat zou onbeschaafd zijn tegenover de andere forum-leden zeker... :p
Ik ben voor de splitsing van België, maar tegen de samensmelting van Vlaanderen & Nederland.

My English is too bad to say this in English.
Anyway, if I may interrupt this belgian discussion. :lol:

Seems like Baldyr won't continue this. And I still don't want to found Murcia on Australia.

So this is my solution. Adding 8 lines of code to the assignname function:

        def assignName(self, city):
                """Names a city depending on its plot"""
                iOwner = city.getOwner()
                if (iOwner < iNumMajorPlayers):
                        cityName = tCityMap[iOwner][67-city.getY()][city.getX()]
                        if (cityName != "-1"):
                                city.setName(cityName, False)
                                iCivs = [iSpain, iEngland, iPortugal, iFrance, iAmerica, iNetherlands, iIndia, iArabia, iRussia, iChina, iKhmer, iJapan, iGermany, iVikings, iMali]
                                index = 0
                                while(cityName == "-1" and index < len(iCivs)):
                                        cityName = tCityMap[iCivs[index]][67-city.getY()][city.getX()]
                                        index += 1
                                if(cityName != "-1"):
                                        city.setName(cityName, False)

The order of iCivs can be arranged to anyone's taste. It could also be changed to a "region" system, using the plot coordinates to localize which (previously defined) area it is in, and then take a default civ to name cities each region.

But this is easier.
I would like that: A United Netherlands with Eindhoven as capital, just like Eindhoven will be the capital for the FIFA World Cup of 2018 if 'we' get to host it (Netherlands & Belgium).

P.S. We hadden ook in het Nederlands kunnen communiceren, maar dat zou onbeschaafd zijn tegenover de andere forum-leden zeker... :p

Dat maakt mij niet uit. Ik kan het toch wel verstaan. Maar toch heb je hier gelijk.
The order of iCivs can be arranged to anyone's taste. It could also be changed to a "region" system, using the plot coordinates to localize which (previously defined) area it is in, and then take a default civ to name cities each region.

But this is easier.

I like that idea.

So that if Spain founds a city in Australia it is called from an Australian city list for Spain, but what names would be in it?

- Santiago de Australia or Santiago Australiano
- Nueva Barcelona
- Terre del Sul
- Puerto Tasmanio
(Original post deleted.)

Yeah, I'm out. :p I don't think I can ever fully explain what I mean, so there simply is no way forward. This is a failure on my part and no one else is to blame. This actually makes me upset so I just can't keep banging my head against the wall. Because I can't see the light at the end of this particular tunnel. I don't believe there is one.

But good luck with whatever you end up doing. And I'm sorry for the interruption and for taking everyones time. I'll just find my own way out and leave you to it. Keep up the good work - I might end up using it in my own City Name Manager.
Come on Baldyr, don't be like that. I like your system, it is much better than a senseless bunch of "ifs" to change the name of the cities (which is what the current Rhye's code does). But I don't understand it completely and so can't work on it.

I was also under the impression you said you'd stop working on it by now. (?)

I like that idea.

So that if Spain founds a city in Australia it is called from an Australian city list for Spain, but what names would be in it?

- Santiago de Australia or Santiago Australiano
- Nueva Barcelona
- Terre del Sul
- Puerto Tasmanio

That's not what I posted. There is no "Australian city list for Spain". Instead of that, if Spain founds a city in Australia it will look for names in each civ list. With the code I posted it will take the english name.

The suggestion for "areas" is to assign a civ's names list as default for that location (in the sense of default that Baldyr had in its system).

For example, you could define that all cities founded in Northern Africa, if that civ had no name for the location, were named as Arabia would.

In the way I wrote it, regardless of the tile, the game will look for a valid entry in every civ list, except from the ancient civs' lists.

This in no way interferes with plots that a civ has already names for. And it's just a cheap fix, nothing more. But it works.

BTW "Terre del Sul" is not even spanish language. :lol:
I've been fixing the encoding issues along with other things.

What should be Chichen Itza's name when it's conquered by Americans?
I guess that's Chichén Itzá, but I need to be sure.
By the way, to avoid encoding issues, be sure to use HTML numbers.
So, to use á, you need to put & # 2 2 5 ; (without spaces in between).

IMO, making false alarms is better than ignoring possible issues which can make everything fail at the very end.
Sorry about misunderstanding your ideas, but I have to say that we shouldn't be like little girls flattering one another.
I'd been making the dynamic Chinese city names, and the job is almost done.
I just need some Chinese people (or at least people who can read Chinese and understand Chinese history well) to check the city names I chose.

Any questions are welcomed, since some of the names are pretty hard to be found even by the mighty Google.
What should be Chichen Itza's name when it's conquered by Americans?
I guess that's Chichén Itzá, but I need to be sure.
By the way, to avoid encoding issues, be sure to use HTML numbers.
So, to use á, you need to put & # 2 2 5 ; (without spaces in between).

That's looks like a lot of work... and just typing é or á in the city names works just fine, doesn't it?

IMO, making false alarms is better than ignoring possible issues which can make everything fail at the very end.
Sorry about misunderstanding your ideas, but I have to say that we shouldn't be like little girls flattering one another.

But as you can see on his profile Baldyr is a little girl... at least he likes them. Just kidding! ;)

BTW, Usi, is that a man or woman on your avatar? Whatever it is, it looks scary...
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