The Conquests

Looks like we have a winner so far! :p

Most barbs start near iron with some migrants, and I think they all are Mil and Ind civs.
Most barbs start near iron with some migrants, and I think they all are Mil and Ind civs.


They all start with 6 techs, except the Sassanids, who get a few more. Also, the Celts and Anglo-Saxons get Sailing and the Huns get Horseback Riding. They all start with some Migrants, Raiders, and Workers, except the Celts and Sassanids, who start with their cities already settled. The Franks and Anglo-Saxons also have one city settled, although they mostly have to use migrants. Most have around 6-8 cities and/or migrants, and some workers and raiders. The Celts and Saxons have some Curraghs as well.

The Huns have the most- they have 12 Migrants, and more Horsemen. On the other hand, they also start with 0 workers and raiders.
Ah, just play already. :p
Alright, fine. I probably would have by now, but I got some new games for Christmas and was playing them a lot. Brotherhood, Halo Reach, and Rock Band 3 are awesome.
Have we reached a verdict on what barb to play as?
The Vandals.

I've already played a couple turns and settled all of my starting settlers, I just haven't had time to write an update yet.
Working on it now.

Sorry for the long wait times, either something keeps preventing me from writing an update or I can, but I'm doing something else. Finals are in two weeks for me, so I'm kind of busy right now. My update schedule for a bit will be largely determined by exactly how much work that is, how much RB3, Reach, and Brotherhood can keep me on my 360 instead of this computer, how often someone else needs this computer, and whether or not the games in the NFL playoffs are interesting.

Hopefully, after that, I'll be able to play and update a bit more often. I'll certainly try to do so more often than I did with Part Two, and since Vandalizing (Pun totally intended) empires is more fun than endlessly rushing Settlers and Horsemen in a last-ditch desperate attempt to win, I hope I'll succeed.
Prologue: In Your Europe, Vandalizing Your Rome

Gaiseric stood under a tree to avoid the rain. The winter of 324 had been a cold one, that was for sure, and water in some form had fallen from the sky more often than usual. That it was even warm enough to not be snow any more was probably a good sign. It certainly hadn't been good for a bunch of migratory people like the Vandals, as it was harder to go around when you had to worry about not freezing to death. And yet they had to keep moving- the Huns had shown up a while ago, and now everyone was moving West to get away from their Horsemen. The Vandals certainly didn't want to be in their path if they could avoid it, or in the path of people running away from the Huns.

As they had been for centuries, they were currently in forests, now near some rivers and more grassy areas. They appeared to be in Eastern Europe now, although they'd lost track a while ago. Where exactly did Asia stop and Europe begin? Were they in Eastern Europe, or perhaps Central or Northern Europe? Hell, did it even matter? With the bad maps of the region that existed, it was hard to tell where exactly they were. Perhaps the Scythians and older Gothic and Germanic tribes had once been in this general area, but if so, Gaiseric didn't have their maps. All he knew was the general area they were in, and a map of what the Roman Empire claimed as its own. Some claims those were- it was steadily falling apart, not even able to keep in one Empire anymore, with Constantine's recent split of Rome in two. Most of the areas it claimed were far enough away from any cities to mean those claims were in name only. It would be easy for any barbarians worth their name to get in and settle somewhere behind the Rhine and Danube Rivers that Rome had set as the borders of the Empire. The Eastern half was probably even more vulnerable to invasion into Anatolia.

The Vandals would hopefully be able to get a piece of the pie when Rome inevitably comes crashing down, but for now, they'll settle for this area they have.

So, in this general area, they were going to build cities. The question is, where exactly? Certainly, they should stick to the rivers, to help the cities grow and to facilitate commerce. And not on top of the wheat or game, that would be a waste. Sadly, they couldn't squeeze all of their population on the rivers, they'd have to spread out a bit, but hey, that wasn't too bad, there was room there, and there might be more rivers they didn't know about. All in all, they had 7 groups of Migrants ready to Settle down. So, the Raiders decided to look around a bit, to help decide. Later, the Workers would also move, but not to go look for things- using workers as scouts doesn't really seem like a smart idea.

The workers were sent to make use of the Furs and the Wheat in the North, and also to eventually get the Iron in the South. It was not yet very useful to them, as they didn't know much about making Swords, but given time, it would be. They'd build other improvements on the way there.

The Migrants went to the destinations that had been decided. A couple hadn't yet gotten an exact location, but their location would be decided when they got there. In 324, 4 of them were fast enough to move to their decided location and settle there by the end of the year. The other three would get to their city location later. First, the city of Hippo Regius was built, in an area on the western river, the Vistula, that was basically in the Center of the Vandals' area.

To the Northeast, on a river they couldn't name but knew was a tributary of the much larger Dnieper to the East, was built the city of Syracuse.

Gaiseric then challenged his people to build a city that didn't sound like it should be in what used to be Carthage, and they answered with Zucchabar, also on the Vistula, but a bit to the North, near some Furs. He was happy at first, but further research showed that that city name was, in fact, Carthaginian.

And they didn't even try with their next name- Cartennae, to the west near some Cows and Marshes. Sigh. Eh, who cares about originality, anyway?

Gaiseric then consulted his scientists for advice on what to research.

Some suggested they learn how to ride Horses, which would also somehow tell them where Horses were. An interesting suggestion, and probably a good one, too. Others suggested building techniques. Still others suggested learning how to build decent boats, which was stupid, as they weren't anywhere near any coastline as far as Gaiseric could tell. In the end, they decided on coming up with an Alphabet, as that would lead to more important things, and could also be used to trade with people, if they ever found anyone to trade with.

With 324 over, the next several years were relatively uneventful. The Raiders kept exploring and looking for things to Raid and other important things. They headed outward in nearly every direction, finding little that they didn't already know, but hopefully that would change soon. The Workers built roads and other improvements, hoping to connect important resources to the network and eventually connect the cities to each other.

In 328, 2 more cities were ready to be built. Saldae, to the South of Hippo Regius near some valuable Iron...

...And Rusicade, a bit to the East, the first city they had not on a river. It was instead on a clearing in the forest, and served largely to fill space.

The last migrant reached its destination in 330. It was on a new River to the west of the Vistula, which they believed others had called the Oder, and that was what they would call it. It was also on a road build a long time ago, by either the Romans or the Goths. It probably led to Rome, like all roads.

The Raiders would explore to the North and South along this road, hoping to meet new contacts, the Romans included. It's always nice to meet new people to hit in the head with an axe.

For now, the Vandals only have a 7 city empire to attend to, but it will get bigger. It will get better than ALL you stupid little countries. WE WILL RULE! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

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Excellent beginning. High hopes for this one!
Hopefully you don't thrashed like last time! :lol:
Yes it is.

New Story! :)
Please, don't post while waiting for an update. It just gets everyone else excited and then disappointed.
Actually, Zucchabar was founded as a Roman colony under Augustus. So the founder succeeded in their challenge to found a non-Carthaginian city. It also wasn't that significant of a city, I'm convinced the scenario designers had just watched Gladiator.
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