The Falklands War (TFW) Part 1/2

The Falklands War (TFW) 2016-10-05

I'm having problems with downloads from "3D Downloads"... can't download the files and just get popups from I wonder if it's just me!
You get a popup until you have reached the end of the "queue". Then you will be prompted for download. You just need to be a tad patient. You can use your Internet full speed while "in the queue" anyway.

I have not had the time to playtest TFW yet but it looks very good!

Good job!

Finished my game as the Brits, which was on demigod level.

Result was 31000 VPs for Me and 11500 for the AI.

My strategy was to go straight for Stanley with my main force while
sending a small detachment to take Grytviken, needed as a base for
the Vulcans.

I lost a number of warships getting to East Falklands but all my transports
made it. My main force landed on the north shore due north of Stanley and
walked south. Stanley fell without much problem and I quickly cleaned up the
rest of the East island.

Port Howard on the West Island was another story, lots of artilery and well
defended. My first attempt at landing was crushed. The second time I survived but after a couple of turns of fighting I had to withdraw to rest my
units and ran out of time.

Never did find out what kind of missle killed my paras. I'll try the Argies
one day, maybe I can find out. Good Scenario.
Luthor_Saxburg said:
I'm having problems with downloads from "3D Downloads"... can't download the files and just get popups from I wonder if it's just me!

I'm having the same problem!
Rocoteh said:

I have not had the time to playtest TFW yet but it looks very good!

Good job!


Well thanks.

But you know this is a very simple scenario. The map and number of units are limited, there is no tech-tree, etc...
Plus I really am no specialist of modern warfare and am usually not to keen on that. But I like so much naval warfare...

Your enlightened reports would sure be useful.
eric_A said:
Finished my game as the Brits, which was on demigod level.

Result was 31000 VPs for Me and 11500 for the AI.

My strategy was to go straight for Stanley with my main force while
sending a small detachment to take Grytviken, needed as a base for
the Vulcans.

I lost a number of warships getting to East Falklands but all my transports
made it. My main force landed on the north shore due north of Stanley and
walked south. Stanley fell without much problem and I quickly cleaned up the
rest of the East island.

Port Howard on the West Island was another story, lots of artilery and well
defended. My first attempt at landing was crushed. The second time I survived but after a couple of turns of fighting I had to withdraw to rest my
units and ran out of time.

Never did find out what kind of missle killed my paras. I'll try the Argies
one day, maybe I can find out. Good Scenario.

Man, you are definitely good !
Happy you think it is a good scenario albeit I guess it means you were not enthralled. I agree it is pretty straightforward and the range of strategies is obviously limited.

I am happy to see the AI did a good job defending the West island to the point you could not tak it ! Sorry for you but that's a thumbs up for the AI.

Overall did you find it too easy (I mean it was demi-god level !) ?
Were you disppointed by some units behavior (choppers) in your hands or in the hands of the AI ?
aksully said:
I'm having the same problem!

You get the pop up while in the queue. Just wait but keep that pop up open. When the time is up the message will say you can start your download.
LouLong said:
Well thanks.

But you know this is a very simple scenario. The map and number of units are limited, there is no tech-tree, etc...
Plus I really am no specialist of modern warfare and am usually not to keen on that. But I like so much naval warfare...

Your enlightened reports would sure be useful.


I think its a good move to take out the tech-tree.
One shall not have a tech-tree just because its possible to have one.
A tech-tree is not relevant on this time-scale.

I will report when I have playtested.

Um i am from there and it is called the "Agrentines" not "Argetninians"
just wanted to confirm LouLong..if playing England in a MP game..I will load the England1.1 version to configure the game?

And England's first move is frozen??

Tommy1234567890 said:
Um i am from there and it is called the "Agrentines" not "Argetninians"

Guess you mean Argentines.

Don't know. I am not a native English speaker so could have done a mistake.
Any native English-speaker around here know about the correct word for the people from Argentina in English ?
LouLong said:
It should be, yes. Why, any problem ?
Nope..Since I hadn't played a MP game with this scenario..I just wanted to make sure that I was using the right version for playing England and that the English first turn is frozen. You know to do a lot of moves on the first turn!!! Sitting in port on the first turn is well...a little hard for me to do! After all...want to get the troops moving and such, and the ships sailing..and all that rot! Sending you the first turn in a few minutes.

LouLong said:
Man, you are definitely good !
Happy you think it is a good scenario albeit I guess it means you were not enthralled. I agree it is pretty straightforward and the range of strategies is obviously limited.

I am happy to see the AI did a good job defending the West island to the point you could not tak it ! Sorry for you but that's a thumbs up for the AI.

Overall did you find it too easy (I mean it was demi-god level !) ?
Were you disppointed by some units behavior (choppers) in your hands or in the hands of the AI ?

My mistake, it was Emperor level not demigod, so it is probably
not too easy. I think it would be very good for multiplayer, maybe
I'll start a game after I try Argentina.
I'm trying to play with England on Deity level. Here are my comments:

1) The Civilopedia needs improvement, specially in terms of stating the units special abilities: invisibility, detect invisible units and have Lethal\Sea bombardement.

2) The AI (as Argentina) took a while to conquer San Carlos and Goose Green. If it's the human player he can take all the cities in turn1. Even if a human makes a mistake, all the cities should be conquered by turn2.
So I'd propose to remove two units from Argentinian troops down south and place them next to this two cities.

3) The British island (Ascencion) could be a little bigger to help organizing the loading area before you load. Having all the units in one tile makes some confusion and leads to some mistakes, specially because the units are hard to see (they are too far up).

4) Strangely enough the AI did not place units in most of the VP locations! In the English single player version I'd recommend pre-placing some Argentinian units in the more remote VP locations.

5) As England I was able to buy\rush units in the Falklands. Is this suppose to happen? Maybe you can change the government to prevent this.
I think the argentian navy is too powerfull, the "Comodoro Somellera", "Sobral", "Rio Iguazú" and "Islas Malvinas" were light armed vessels (coast guard ships with some MG´s) you can´t compare them with an Exocet and 100m guns armed vessel of the Aviso Class.
The Illustrious come too late to participate in the war.
The Hermes was larger than the Invincible soo he could transport more planes (in the game the invincible can transport 4 planes, the Hermes only 3)
There are graphics from an assault ship, you can use them for the Fearless and the Intrepid there are also graphics from a cruise ship, you can use it for the Canberra and/or Norland or other civilian ships.
You can turn off the capability to rebase some argentinians jets, the runway on Stanley was to short for them.
The argentinians deploy some Panhard´s and 10 other infantry fighting vehicles, but don´t used them, the LVTP7 were brought back after the invasion.
The british army had 105mm Howitzers with a range of 17 Km, the argentinians Otto Melara guns with a range of 10,2 Km. Only the argentinian CITEFA 155mm gun had more range (22 Km) as the British Howitzers, but only two of these guns were deployed.
I think the scenario is too easy for the argentinian player.

Un "bostero" en la red, no, no puede ser
Luthor_Saxburg said:
I'm trying to play with England on Deity level. Here are my comments:

1) The Civilopedia needs improvement, specially in terms of stating the units special abilities: invisibility, detect invisible units and have Lethal\Sea bombardement.

2) The AI (as Argentina) took a while to conquer San Carlos and Goose Green. If it's the human player he can take all the cities in turn1. Even if a human makes a mistake, all the cities should be conquered by turn2.
So I'd propose to remove two units from Argentinian troops down south and place them next to this two cities.

3) The British island (Ascencion) could be a little bigger to help organizing the loading area before you load. Having all the units in one tile makes some confusion and leads to some mistakes, specially because the units are hard to see (they are too far up).

4) Strangely enough the AI did not place units in most of the VP locations! In the English single player version I'd recommend pre-placing some Argentinian units in the more remote VP locations.

5) As England I was able to buy\rush units in the Falklands. Is this suppose to happen? Maybe you can change the government to prevent this.

1) Yes, lots of pedia but I probably forgot to put the most useful (game-wise) infos ;) I will definitely add that.

2) Dumb AI ! Sure I will give him a hand...

3) Not so easy to do but I will try.

4) Strange, never had that problem... but somebody else reported the issue so I will do it.

5) Definitely not. Will fix the government.
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