The Falklands War (TFW) Part 1/2

The Falklands War (TFW) 2016-10-05


In love with Rei Ayanami
Nov 16, 2001
Fontainebleau FRANCE
This scenario describes the purely military events of the war when Argentinia occupied the Falkland islands, a few cold islands East of Argentinia but British-owned.

This scenario owes a lot to BeBro who did lots of graphics and planned to do that scenario first so it is dedicated to him. Of course he is NOT responsible for anything wrong in the scenario !

This scenario was also largely inspired by the equivalent scenario for Civ2 by Academia. Thanks to him !

This scenario is very different from my other works because it is purely military, has no tech-tree and a very limited map. The scenario does not last very long either. (50 turns max).

Due to the limitations of C3C and the editor (no events for instance), some things might sound a bit strange but once the game is on its way it works fine.

It starts with Argentinian troops having landed on the Falklands and being ready to occupy the small cities (they have two turns for that since England skips the first turn) while England has a large task force ready for embarkment in a British base in the Atlantic (which is not accurate neither geographically nor historically but could not be represented any other way). After that the aim is for the British to liberate the islands and for the Argentinians to prevent them from doing so. The array of troops for warfare is quite large, ranging from very different ships to special troops, regular infantries, AA troops, attack and transport choppers and modern airplanes. The ocean part of the map is very large, allowing for a rather large part of aero-naval warfare as well as for a careful distribution of the task force. The "home bases" of each country cannot be captured. Besides the treasury of each country is limited thus showing the financial burden of these operations. Once the treasury has reached zero, some troops will be disbanded for lack of funds... No unit can be really built during the scenario so be careful with your starting order of troops but Argentinia can draft a few more basic infantries to send to the Falklands.

So play it if you really enjoy the look and feel of very modern warfare.

The scenario has been tested but can still use some feedback, especially as very modern weapons have lots of different abilities that might work strange with (or against) one another.

The scenario works finer when played as the British (and is more fun if you want to use the wide range of specialized troops) and for balance purposes but of course you might play Argentinia. As the British, the scenario is more balanced if you limit the stacks of ships to 5 as the British.

Of course the balance is better in MP/PBEM !

More infos (especially about special troops) in later posts (albeit the pedia is quite precise).

If you have extra information on names of forces used in the war or citics, I am all ears (or here all eyes) !

File : 3/Mods/Falkland War

Download and extract in Civilisation 3/Conquests/Scenarios and play from Conquests start-up screen browsing Civ-content.

Size : 14.6 MB

V 1.2 : after 125 downloads, this new version does not change many things. It simply removes the rush ability for both countries, gives more land to Ascencion (English base) to organize the troops at start-up, a better range to the Vulcains (they can now reach the Falklands) and gives better finances to the English. The zip files contains two biq files, one to play as England, the other as Argentinia.

The file below gathers updated biq files for both Argentinia and England. You don't need to redownload the main files at 3ddownloads. These biqs should replace the former ones :



You start with a bunch of troops already on the islands ready to capture the different small cities. Airports are worth capturing and you also already own many radars and outposts. Some engineers allow you to create some more at strategic places of your own choices, depending how you organize your defense.
Then send it as many troops from Argentinia proper as you can to set up a well-thought defense (you have a few turns for that before the English really become a threat) and use your navy to scout for the English advance and try to delay it and wray some havoc among them. Sinking a full-loaded English transport or aircraft carrier can make a REAL difference for you.

However most ships have AA abilities so it might be better to try and use French-built Exocet missiles first and then to focus with your airforce on already damaged or isolated ships.

Use your planes and choppers to scout for approaching ships and be careful of English subamrines, all the more since they can carry troops such as invisible special forces (SBS for instance). So land patrols are usually useful. Some English special troops can for instance blow up your entire airforce on an airport before you realize they are here so patrol and try to locate them.

Don't use your Pucara planes against ships or planes as they are a tad weak. On the other hand they are very good against land units and can destroy them completely.

Don't even try to organize another landing force against the English home base. It is uncapturable and you would have to cross an ocean full of the entire British armada. This armada is much stronger than you so don't try to make a frontal attack against them but use your carrier and its planes to scout and sink isolated ships.


You have to organize your armada and to embark your troops. That's a long and tedious job but the choices you make then can be real important for the future. Basically you have light ships (DD21, DD22) to scout ahead, some larger ones that can carry a chopper, carriers (that cannot carry the strategical bombers though) and many transport ships that I advise not to load fully (as if one sinks you are in trouble). There is more than enough room for everyone. Subs can also carry one troop. They cannot be flagged for that special task but of course it is better if you load special troops on them (SAS, SBS) since these are invisible too ! So you can land these troops secretly at locations where they can cause heavy damages (such as blowing airports (and all the planes on them !) or special strongholds before you commit other troops.

Be careful however not to waste too much time in launching your offensive. The game does not last long which is supposed to show that after a while international mediation could take place.

Some transport choppers could not be made transportable (of course) in the editor so they could cruise along your ships. Poetic license ;) in a way.

Don't try to attack Argentinia as it would be a waste of time and troops. Be careful with the Argentinian navy when you move South so organize your task force and use your carrier planes and your choppers to scout ahead.

Be sure to bring your artillery and your AA guns with you as they can prove very useful when you land (of course maybe the Argentinian air force will be destroyed by then thanks to your planes or to your special forces but it is not worth taking the chance to see your reckon tanks blown to pieces by Pucara...
Very nice. I might play this one tonight...
LouLong said:
Well, I hope to get some feedback tonight too !

Added some small strategy guide.

Sorry to have disappointed you... my wife got sick so I had to take care of her...
Have played it through a few times as the British. Quite an interesting piece.
Balanced and fairly realistic gameplay, and reasonably challenging.

A few points:

1.) The Vulcans need a longer range, else they are useless. The Black Buck missions did hit Stanley from Ascension several times, but were not hugely effective. I also found that the Vulcans did not damage any ground units, and were only effective at knocking out outposts and unmanned radar stations.
There is also a fine Vulcan units out there rather than the generic stealth bomber

2.) Some RN ships should have a lethal land bombardment; 4.5" gunfire was most effective, particularly in the final push through the mountains around Port Stanley.

3.) If there is some way to make the AI only use Exocets for sea bombardment, it would be good. It does seem somewhat incongruous to see them bombard the Paras.

4.) Strength, speed or even veteran status of RN SSNs could be tweaked in order to emphasize their (potential and actual) lethality in the conflict.

5.) There are generic Marine and Infantry units at Ascension that do not serve any particular purpose.

6.) Pucaras are not meant for use against ships, let alone missile armed destroyers and modern frigates, yet the Argies make great use of them in such a role. Perhaps a limitation of their role could be in order.
Simon Darkshade said:
Have played it through a few times as the British. Quite an interesting piece.
Balanced and fairly realistic gameplay, and reasonably challenging.

A few points:

1.) The Vulcans need a longer range, else they are useless. The Black Buck missions did hit Stanley from Ascension several times, but were not hugely effective. I also found that the Vulcans did not damage any ground units, and were only effective at knocking out outposts and unmanned radar stations.
There is also a fine Vulcan units out there rather than the generic stealth bomber

2.) Some RN ships should have a lethal land bombardment; 4.5" gunfire was most effective, particularly in the final push through the mountains around Port Stanley.

3.) If there is some way to make the AI only use Exocets for sea bombardment, it would be good. It does seem somewhat incongruous to see them bombard the Paras.

4.) Strength, speed or even veteran status of RN SSNs could be tweaked in order to emphasize their (potential and actual) lethality in the conflict.

5.) There are generic Marine and Infantry units at Ascension that do not serve any particular purpose.

6.) Pucaras are not meant for use against ships, let alone missile armed destroyers and modern frigates, yet the Argies make great use of them in such a role. Perhaps a limitation of their role could be in order.

Well, good to hear it is fun and balanced !
How many times did you play (I know it is "short" but) ? How long did it last ? Won or lost ? Level (if you changed it), strategies used ? Did Argentinia cowered his fleet or did it try to stop you in the ocean ? Did it organize a good defense (and then where) ?

1/ I know the Vulcains reached the airport of the islands, thus making a large part of the Argentinian airforce flee to the continent in cas Argentina proper was bombed. But since this raid was extremely expensive, difficult and long (refuelling in air for instance) and was not used often or for much more than a psychological role, I decided not to give them the range to simply destroy the Argentinian defenses while the English were at sea. You think I overdid it ?
About their effects, same issue, they were not used to destroy Argentinian troops and would have had difficulties doing so IMHO. Made then a choice for the game (personally I used the mostly to attack and sink Argentinian ships too much in the north and that my scout ships have spotted).
Did not know there was uch a unit, I could definitely have it replaced the stelath bomber.

2/ RNShips ? You will have to use simpler words on this one for me... landing ships ? Possible if it does not make it too easy.

3/ I wish there was but there is none AFAIK. Of course the human probably would not do that kind of mistakes... I will check but IIRC Exocets have lethal sea bombardment (and not for land) so they "should" have a preference for using them vs ships...

4/ Sure, want to help me on that ?

5/ What do you mean ? If you mean they don't fit in the actual order of troops it is probably I put them because I thought English had too few troops or because I could not find a proper name for them but it can be a mistake (both for balance and for realism). Anyway if you know the conflict well, don't hesitate to correct me and help me make it better.

6/ Same as 3/ and exocets. I totally agree. I gave Pucaras lethal land bombardment (as they were used for fighting guerillas and stuff) and NOT letal sea one but I am limited by the Civ3 engine. Maybe I can lower stats to make it a suicide for them (often is already now) to attack ships but honestly doubt it will make any difference. sigh !
But if someone has a way to work around it, please enlighten me !!!

BTW how did choppers work ? For you as well as by the AI ?
Arghh ! Should have figured. Thought it would the acronym of a special type of ship.... ;)

Then about the question I feel it might really make things too easy for the British (but if I destroy their extra marines and infantry, why not).
What do other players think ?
LouLong said:
Well, good to hear it is fun and balanced !
How many times did you play (I know it is "short" but) ? How long did it last ? Won or lost ? Level (if you changed it), strategies used ? Did Argentinia cowered his fleet or did it try to stop you in the ocean ? Did it organize a good defense (and then where) ?

1/ I know the Vulcains reached the airport of the islands, thus making a large part of the Argentinian airforce flee to the continent in cas Argentina proper was bombed. But since this raid was extremely expensive, difficult and long (refuelling in air for instance) and was not used often or for much more than a psychological role, I decided not to give them the range to simply destroy the Argentinian defenses while the English were at sea. You think I overdid it ?
About their effects, same issue, they were not used to destroy Argentinian troops and would have had difficulties doing so IMHO. Made then a choice for the game (personally I used the mostly to attack and sink Argentinian ships too much in the north and that my scout ships have spotted).
Did not know there was uch a unit, I could definitely have it replaced the stelath bomber.

2/ RNShips ? You will have to use simpler words on this one for me... landing ships ? Possible if it does not make it too easy.

3/ I wish there was but there is none AFAIK. Of course the human probably would not do that kind of mistakes... I will check but IIRC Exocets have lethal sea bombardment (and not for land) so they "should" have a preference for using them vs ships...

4/ Sure, want to help me on that ?

5/ What do you mean ? If you mean they don't fit in the actual order of troops it is probably I put them because I thought English had too few troops or because I could not find a proper name for them but it can be a mistake (both for balance and for realism). Anyway if you know the conflict well, don't hesitate to correct me and help me make it better.

6/ Same as 3/ and exocets. I totally agree. I gave Pucaras lethal land bombardment (as they were used for fighting guerillas and stuff) and NOT letal sea one but I am limited by the Civ3 engine. Maybe I can lower stats to make it a suicide for them (often is already now) to attack ships but honestly doubt it will make any difference. sigh !
But if someone has a way to work around it, please enlighten me !!!

BTW how did choppers work ? For you as well as by the AI ?

1.) Played through 4 times over the course of the night, each time taking about 90 minutes.
Won every time as the British, at the designated level of emperor, not being able to alter it on the original screen.
I employed a historically accurate strategy, of sending out the carrier battle group to gain air superiority, landing SAS and SBS on West Falkland with SSNs, and aggressive reconnaisance and anti-surface warfare using the SSNs. I weathered air attacks that were of a higher lethality and tempo than in the real life conflict, but did not lose anything bigger than a Type 42.
Landed at San Carlos with NGFS and yomped to Stanley. The Argies did not put up much of a fight cross country.

2.) The Black Buck raids to close the air strip were mostly ineffective,, but the scenario allows for us to deviate slightly from reality. The range needs to be enough to hit Stanley, and not allowing the V-bombers that capability removes any reason for them to be in the scenario. They were not designed for anti-surface warfare, and never used in that capacity to my knowledge. They did have the capability to hit troops on land, even if they were not used in that role; at this time, they were the RAFs low level strike force.

The unit features in El Justo's magestic Cold War scenario here, along with various other units of note. I believe some one made some Falklands ships once, which may have included Type 82s and Fearless. There were also some over at Evo Games.

3.) This one was explained; Royal Navy.

4.) If they present a difficulty, then their presence can be reconsidered. This was their great moment of public exposure, but they were only launched in very small numbers. This could be simulated by having a certain number of Super Etendards with lethal bombardment, if Exocets can't be implemented properly.

5.) I would increase their movement to between 10 and 12, give them a status reflective of the high skill level, technical capability and firepower of the RNs subsurface force, and increase their attack rating by a few points - even if the torpedos were old ones, they had a devastating effect.

6.)Other land units are named, they are not. They could be supplemented by other troops and badged as Scots Guards, Welsh Guards and Gurkhas, who were all part of the follow up infantry force - 5th Infantry Brigade.

7.) Lessen the range for the Pucaras so they are more tied to their land bases, and deny them rebasing capability (this can be balanced by distributing them to a few more rough air strips). The air defence numbers of the higher end ships could also be tweaked a few points upwards

Overall, the Argies should outnumber the British on the ground more, and a bit more in the air. However, the British should have quality units on the ground, air and sea, reflecting the dominance of the AIM-9L Sidewinders on the Sea Harriers, the quality of their professional troops, and their seasoned status coming from experience in Northern Ireland.

The Argies could have a fair few immobile infantry units; conscripts; positioned in such a way that they must be blasted out.

These have some good information on the areas discussed, and you may or may not have come across them before. This is a war of interest to me; one of my good mates was with 29 Cdo RA on the 105mm Light Guns, and always had some interesting stories to tell.
Started playing it, finally. Playing as Argentina... My opinion on the Vulcans: I was surprised to see my scouting ships sunk by those long-range bombers instead of carrier-based aircraft. Haven't read up anything yet, but is that historically accurate?
Update: Despite a complete and utter defeat of my (the Argentine) navy and the loss of the easternmost island (Godsvikn or so), and incessant British air raids, my air force has successfully sunk over 12 British vessels, transports, destroyers, cruisers and 2 aircraft carriers. 19 turns are played. I am very confident that I will be able to defend "Las Islas Malvinas"... as the British have not landed any troops on the two main islands yet. Seems to good to be true...
Good choice of war! It looks like a simple yet good scenario.

I'm very curious (and anxious) to try it!
i just hate dloading from that site.. takes for ever and you always have to wait. Makes me not want to dload it..

How about some screen shots?
LouLong. This is an scenario of interest to me. Glad to see you put a scenario together! I will download it and take a look. Want to thank Luthor for pointing this out to me too!
Was away because of unexpected RL trouble. Sorry for the delay !

Yes, I will probably release another biq but before that I would like to have some more feedback. You can still download the version at 3d downloads as I will probably only release a new biq for the time being.

Then I might make a change to some units but... later.

In-between please let me know how you games went. That's the feddback I am really after right now to know if I need to tweak a few things.

I will reply more directly to precise questions a bit later.
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