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The House of Cards – A Soviet Union Hearts of Iron 2 AAR

Comrade, I recommend moving further troops to Belorussian Front. I understand no Germans are in area, but I plan massive vodka party and would be shame to miss it.

*laughs* Oh comrades, can you here the people sing?
Low Ranking Officer: Da tavarish. Is beautiful.
Then you are traitor to motherland! *shoots officer*
Comrade Omega here, wishing to be a admiral in any front needed, preferably against the Japs. I'll command a freaking /cruiser/, 'cause I'm that hardcore.
Could we get a terrain map of the fronts?

Of course, comrade. There are no shortages of maps in the motherland!

Spoiler :

For lack of fears of the Germans, I request transfer to Siberia.

Denied for the time being.

I have to report that Germans accross the frontier have been seen pointing and laughing at us. It is at least permitted for our men to taunt them back?

It is positively encouraged.

Comrade, seeing the threat of "unruly populations" along the German-Soviet border, I would personally like to offer my services to "deal" with these "unruly citizens" of our glorious workers republic
Are there still positions open? If there are, I would like to sign on.
I volunteer to lead the Far Eastern Front, in order to thwart any designs the treacherous
Japanese may have on Vladivostok.
Lt. General under Scamp in the Ukraine please.

I also believe it should be the Proletariat of Doom. =P
The Red Army is my army.
Comrade Omega here, wishing to be a admiral in any front needed, preferably against the Japs. I'll command a freaking /cruiser/, 'cause I'm that hardcore.

You do your country proud! For now the Japanese are not considered to be a threat, so all postings are to the western front to oppose the Germans. Who are not attacking. Command is for army units only. The fleet/air arms have their own recruitment drives.

All new commanders have been assigned a front. They will be attached to a unit soon.

All advise and orders from existing commanders has been noted and taken under consideration.
The House of Cards – A Soviet Union Hearts of Iron 2 AAR
Update Two​

June 22nd 1941

It was 5am, and Captain2 was confused.

Like the other Field Marshalls, he had received the same transmission from Moscow claiming the Germans were not attacking. Unlike the others, he knew that the Germans were attacking. He knew this, because they were attacking him.

Or, strictly speaking, they were attacking Siauliau, around 80 miles to the south of him. General Nodikus had managed to telephone Baltic Headquarters to confirm this.

Nodikus: Sir, it’s the Germans. They’ve broken through my lines – heavy artillery, tanks - we’re withdrawing to the east.
Captain2: Are you sure that it’s Germans? Moscow tells us it is British spies spreading false information.
Nodikus: I...do you want me to turn around and ask, sir?

Captain2 never got a chance to reply, for at that moment the lines were cut. After cursing the underhand tactics of the British saboteurs, he began a review of the situation. Either his generals were confused, or Stalin was, and he quickly decided it was probably the former. Still, something was definitely happening at the front, and it had rattled Nodikus. Best to send additional units forward – he could blame any incidents on Baltic partisans later.

Only Field Marshal Nuclear Kid of the Odessa Front joined Captain2 in moving reinforcements to the borders, though he was far less diplomatic in his reasoning. Already sure the Germans had invaded; he wanted as many troops as possible forward to launch an attack into Romania.

Red Army troops move to the front

It was only around midday that Moscow finally released a new announcement confirming the German attack, and that Russia was facing the largest invasion force in history.

Official announcement from the Ministry of Information to all Russian commanders
By Kan’ Sharuminar, 12:00pm June 22nd 1941

Comrades of the motherland, our nation is under attack! The treacherous fuhrer of Germany has betrayed all promises of friendship and turned his fascist dogs against us! The hour is upon you to fight off these hounds and turn them back to Berlin. The Red Army shall prevail against the enemy, guided by the wisdom of glorious comrade Stalin!

It has been confirmed that, beginning at 3am this morning, Germany began an attack into our Baltic, Belorussian and Ukrainian territories. These attacks have been thwarted by our brave soldiers at the front. Our air force remains in total superiority of the skies, having turned back hundreds of Luftwaffe squadrons.

Field Marshals are now fully authorised to begin operations against German units and any of their allies. Comrade Stalin has ordered a full counter-attack along the entire front – generals are expected to repulse any German attack and take the fight into the German Reich itself.

It can also be confirmed that Finland have also broken all agreements and betrayed their promises of ‘peace’ with us. It has only been a year since they were beaten by our glorious forces – is there a commander among the Red Army willing to do so again?

For Russia! For the Motherland! For Comrade Stalin!

The truth of the matter was only one attack had been repulsed so far, and that had been a probing attack at Kowel, intended to weaken General Stewie0416’s forces there and prevent him from assisting in the defence of Stryj to his south. In the north German forces had attacked and defeated Red Army forces at Suwalki and Siauliau with ease. It was clear that Hitler’s intention was to drive his opening attacks between the designated Russian ‘fronts’, cutting themselves off from each other and, importantly, reinforcement.

German forces begin their offensive

It was simultaneously promising and worrying that Germany had not launched an assault along the entire frontline, meaning there were thousands of troops that had not entered the fight. Either Hitler was being uncharacteristically cautious in his approach, or the Red Army could expect the main attack to come in the coming days...
Jos Ballenbak enlists
Report from the Ministry of Information

We can confirm the reports of thousands of volunteers lining the streets of cities across the Soviet Union as true! Even though Russia is a peaceful world power, in times of crisis her people shall rise to the challenge of war!

Updated commander list:

List of Commanders

Premier Joseph Stalin - Supreme Commander​

Rank-Name-Assigned Unit-Location

Baltic Front
Field Marshal – Captain2 – Baltic Front HQ - Riga
General - Darth Pugwash – 11. Rifle Corps - Mazirbe
General – nodikus – 10. Rifle Corps - Siauliau
General - ArneHD - 24. Latvian Rifle Corps - Riga
General - Zack - 22. Estonian Rifle Corps - Tallinn

Belorussian Front
Field Marshal – SuperBeaverInc – Belorussian Front HQ - Minsk
General – Cardgame -21. Rifle Corps - Suwalki
General - e350tb – 3. Rifle Corps - Bielsk
General - Serutan - 47. Rifle Corps - Slonim
General - Omega - 16. Rifle Corps - Alytus

Ukrainian Front
Field Marshal – PrinceScamp – Ukrainian Front HQ - Kiev
General – taillesskangaru – 6. Rifle Corp – Lvov
General - Stewie0416 - 27. Rifle Corp - Kowel
Lt General - IronMan2055 - 4. Mechanised Corp - Kowel

Odessa Front
Field Marshal - Nuclear Kid – Odessa Front HQ - Odessa
General – CivGeneral – 14. Rifle Corps - Iasi
General – ZeletDude – 35. Rifle Corps - Ismail
Lt General – Luckymoose – 2. Mechanised Corps - Chisinev

Leningrad Front
Field Marshal - Jos Ballenbak - Leningrad Front HQ - Leningrad

Updated Map of the frontline, to include the new Finnish front.

Spoiler :
I recommend a limited counter attack from Mazirbe and Jelgava into Memel to take pressure off Thir attack in that region.
Also how should we refer to the western allies in official communiques?
In light of General Nodikus's advice I have taken the matter under consideration and have decided that we must attack Memel once our reinforcements arrive, concentrating our army in two provinces instead of three would be in our interest.

I would like to request the aid from the airforce, if they could fly over Memel prior to our attack so we can tell what we're getting into that would be helpful.
Until an attack occurs, I would suggest to Field Marshal PrinceScamp that General taillesskangaru attack Zamosc from Lvov with pressure applied from Kowel and Stryj. The terrain is favorable and we will have a 6 division advantage if all three regions commit forces.

I would also ask that the 30 rear divisions be moved to the front to halt the huns.
I recommend a limited counter attack from Mazirbe and Jelgava into Memel to take pressure off Thir attack in that region.
Also how should we refer to the western allies in official communiques?

Moscow has commenced talks with the western allies and will relay news in due course. For now we shall treat them as we always have - as the noble powers who have always been a friend to Russia.

Not enough generals in Finland, and way too many in Belorussia. I'll transfer if you need me to.

The Finnish Front has only recently been opened, and shall recieve priority for new generals. However your dedication has been noted by Moscow, and you will be first in line for a transfer to the north should it be needed.
Haha, so the Finnish Front is getting serious! Excellent.
I recommend digging in along the borders against the Fascists. An attack at this time would be folly, comrades.
To: Comrade Jos
From: Comrade Omega

Comrade Jos, I have to you a plan to decisively destroy the enemy lines so we can finnish our campaign against them. It's called Operation: Winter Storm.

Spoiler :

The first phase is to have the armies at Viiper and Sortavala to invade Mikkeli and our forces at Murmansk and Kandaljska invade Kaanji. This is to start a series of encirclements to crush the rebellious Finnish

Spoiler :

The second phase of Winter Storm is to invade the enemy at Jonesuu with armies in Mikkeli, Kaanji, Sortavala, Keln, and Petrozavodak. This will then cut the enemy's line of defence right in half, and also will allow better strategic movement.

Spoiler :

The third and final phase is a full-out charge against the enemy, attacking the last of the Finn's first line of defence, and striking the middle of the country, the the ultimate plan of splitting them in half. If it goes well, which would rest solely on the capture of Oulu, Finland would indeed will be split into a juicy half. A few providences in the north, and a somewhat large pocket in the south. Once this phase is achieved, I would suggest taking the last northern providence not included in this phase, and then striking them hard in the south until they surrender, which we'll annex them.

Now, since only Field Marshals are supposed to present for the Premier, it would be gladly appreciated if you were to show this to him
I would advise against this plan, the Finns are well-prepared and would surely stop our offensive in its tracks.
Also one must consider the economics of Finland. The south is the center of population, industry, and resources. The north is little but ice and Finnish cowards, as the south goes, so goes Finland.

I would recommend shifting forces with this in mind, leaving only enough in the north to hold the line. I am however, no expert in that region.
Until an attack occurs, I would suggest to Field Marshal PrinceScamp that General taillesskangaru attack Zamosc from Lvov with pressure applied from Kowel and Stryj. The terrain is favorable and we will have a 6 division advantage if all three regions commit forces.

I would also ask that the 30 rear divisions be moved to the front to halt the huns.

Comrade, should the attack be successful I am doubtful we can hold Zamosc. We do not have accurate information on German troop concentration and we would be vulnerable to attacks from three directions.

I recommend digging in along the borders against the Fascists. An attack at this time would be folly, comrades.

This would be a wise course of action, until reinforcements arrive.

I would advise against this plan, the Finns are well-prepared and would surely stop our offensive in its tracks.

In addition, the situation down south is a more pressing concern. We should only have enough force in the north to repel foolhardy Finnish excursions into the Motherland.
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