Nice rush. I would've waited a little longer, and thereby been a little less efficient. And I'm glad to see that you got some mines up

. Now I'm going to tell you to build cottages

. I know, I can see some already; so don't consider this a picked nit, but a confirmation.
I agree that there's no immediate need for more warring. Louis has been set back enough that he will remain weak. Now is the time for growth and cottages.
How much will the second shrine be worth? More than a GS? If you're talking about devoting 67 citizen-turns to priests (weak, imho) just to establish an income stream -- well, those citizen-turns could be spent growing up a couple of cottages, bringing in substantial commerce and food in the meantime, and
not making all future GPs more expensive. Or they could be spent on scientists, for a key lightbulb. The first shrine makes sense, because you can make it your state religion (and Caesar's, hopefully) and spread it broadly. I'm just not convinced that the second shrine is worth it.
City-wise, food specials are in short supply. And I like each of my cities to have one, if at all possible, so I would start looking at poaching some away from cities that have more than one. 3SW of the capital (one east of uberfish's dot) could poach the Corn, work the copper, and grow cottages on a lot of flatland. Just south of the central copper (SW of uberfish's dot) could poach the Pigs from Orleans (which will still have irrigated Wheat and tons of grass), working Copper and either mines or cottages, as you desire. In the north I like his dots fine, but I would make those lower priorities. And the only problem with putting Seaside-Lakeside on the hill is that it will have miserable production. Maybe move it one north, so it can work the hill (and the Gold if desired)? At the cost of a Spice, I know. Not sure. Anyway, I see you founding five cities and capturing one from the barbs over the course of the next 1000 years, to flesh out the empire. Meanwhile your happy-cap will go up with Monarchy and Calendar, so your cities can grow onto more and more cottages. Make sure you bring enough workers! Eight minimum, ten would be more comfortable.
Tech-wise, you want Math, either extorted for peace or traded for Alphabet. Calendar will be important for 3

, but you can probably get it from Augustus. With only three of you, though, he might not be willing to trade something until Louis also has it. Another argument for letting the Frenchman live. Currency is an option, as is Masonry-Construction, but you also have the option of going straight to Civil Service. I think there could be more than one right answer.