The Immortal Challenge 1: Apocalypto

Wow, rushing an Immortal AI with only six Chariots :eek:! Well, I guess you had scouted out his defenses so you knew they were still light, but still that is pretty risky. I played a rush from your first save and I believe I had somewhere around a dozen Chariots, which was enough to get all the way to Paris and leave him with pretty much nothing. Of course, I didn't build The Oracle. All in all given that he took so long to get his defenses up and running the decision to wait was the right one :goodjob:.

I would grab Mathematics, head for Construction and continue conquering until the whole continent is yours. I typically don't worry about my economy until it is at deficit with 0% research, although you have fewer trading partners this game so it will be harder to keep up that way. It makes the Guilds/Banking tech path the best way to keep your economy afloat, Banks at +50% in the right cities are enough and most of the good military techs are along that path anyway.

I would try to get peace for one tech, like Mathematic.
First - less toward WFYBTA limit, second better chop and posibility to build Garden (if it is not build yet). You had stone somewhere around, if I remember correctly.
Isn't it better to extort the little techs--Louis won't be trading with us anyway so WFTYABA doesn't matter. Then trade for math with Augustus.
WFYBTA is civ independent, you get tech from one every one knows about it. It does not matter from whom you get tech.
Yeah, man! How often do you get to kick some Immortal butt with a handful of chariots after 1000 BC? :D Well, I guess that's because Louis went REX and wonder-happy early in the game (Great Wall). And he had no copper or iron. Sad man.

Hmm... I need more ideas on what we should do next.
Yeah, man! How often do you get to kick some Immortal butt with a handful of chariots after 1000 BC? :D Well, I guess that's because Louis went REX and wonder-happy early in the game (Great Wall). And he had no copper or iron. Sad man.

Hmm... I need more ideas on what we should do next.

I need to know if the techs you get for peace count towards WFYABTA or not.
If they don't, take as many low techs as possible. If they do, well, take only 1 big tech.

I'd go for a little infra building (sacrificial altars, then granaries, then barracks) while teching to construction.
@ aelf: just seems like there's a gaping hole there? not saying it needs to be asap, just that it looks like it could use a city :)

@ cabert: i agree, it would be nice to know for sure if sued-for techs count toward WFYABTA.
You seem to be out of troops, so I would make peace and build economy. It will be easy to finish Louis off with medieval troops later. You won't know what to research until you can see what Rome has available for trade.

As for dot maps, here are the city sites I would settle in the south:

And north:

Thanks for the dotmap, uberfish.

I'm for building up our economy as well. At this rate, we'll be left in the dust, even by the Romans. Don't even talk about the other (probably bigger) continent. And we have room to expand peacefully. I wouldn't rush to Construction to finish Louis off. Anyway, given time, he might build more shiny wonders for us ;)
If you're not going to fight again for a while it might be best to use your GG on a military instructor. Then you could keep that city in a Jag loop while all the other cities build peacefully. The 5XP Jags will be ready when you need them. Jags are good for your power rating, too: same value as Macemen.
Thanks for the dotmap, uberfish.

I'm for building up our economy as well. At this rate, we'll be left in the dust, even by the Romans. Don't even talk about the other (probably bigger) continent. And we have room to expand peacefully. I wouldn't rush to Construction to finish Louis off. Anyway, given time, he might build more shiny wonders for us ;)

Not adding anything earthshattering on my end, just wanting to say nice job so far aelf, and I too vote for an economic boomtime for now.

As for the tech trading, I'd stick with Mutineer's idea of trading only for 1 tech to keep the WFY... from nailing you. It seems you've got some techie's on the other continent to deal with, at least whoever built the GL. Would it be possible to build up your economy while working on some Optics-destined techs to try and make contact with the Other Side sooner rather than later? At the very least, contact with them durn furners :rolleyes: would nip the WFYABTA problem in the bud. Just a thought, I don't play Immortal yet so I don't know if that would turn out to be too much of a "distraction" at this point.
Nice rush. I would've waited a little longer, and thereby been a little less efficient. And I'm glad to see that you got some mines up ;) . Now I'm going to tell you to build cottages :D . I know, I can see some already; so don't consider this a picked nit, but a confirmation.

I agree that there's no immediate need for more warring. Louis has been set back enough that he will remain weak. Now is the time for growth and cottages.

How much will the second shrine be worth? More than a GS? If you're talking about devoting 67 citizen-turns to priests (weak, imho) just to establish an income stream -- well, those citizen-turns could be spent growing up a couple of cottages, bringing in substantial commerce and food in the meantime, and not making all future GPs more expensive. Or they could be spent on scientists, for a key lightbulb. The first shrine makes sense, because you can make it your state religion (and Caesar's, hopefully) and spread it broadly. I'm just not convinced that the second shrine is worth it.

City-wise, food specials are in short supply. And I like each of my cities to have one, if at all possible, so I would start looking at poaching some away from cities that have more than one. 3SW of the capital (one east of uberfish's dot) could poach the Corn, work the copper, and grow cottages on a lot of flatland. Just south of the central copper (SW of uberfish's dot) could poach the Pigs from Orleans (which will still have irrigated Wheat and tons of grass), working Copper and either mines or cottages, as you desire. In the north I like his dots fine, but I would make those lower priorities. And the only problem with putting Seaside-Lakeside on the hill is that it will have miserable production. Maybe move it one north, so it can work the hill (and the Gold if desired)? At the cost of a Spice, I know. Not sure. Anyway, I see you founding five cities and capturing one from the barbs over the course of the next 1000 years, to flesh out the empire. Meanwhile your happy-cap will go up with Monarchy and Calendar, so your cities can grow onto more and more cottages. Make sure you bring enough workers! Eight minimum, ten would be more comfortable.

Tech-wise, you want Math, either extorted for peace or traded for Alphabet. Calendar will be important for 3:) , but you can probably get it from Augustus. With only three of you, though, he might not be willing to trade something until Louis also has it. Another argument for letting the Frenchman live. Currency is an option, as is Masonry-Construction, but you also have the option of going straight to Civil Service. I think there could be more than one right answer.

Uberfish's dotmap looks good. That city 1E of the copper will be great with a lighthouse. That will give it a lot of 3F2C tile, as well as enough food for cottages/specialists.

On the other front, I think that you should end the war now and take the techs. Then go infra for a while and finish Louis with maces/cats.

Other than that, I echo the "Good Job"ing! :)
I can't believe we are talking about building Settler's and founding new cities when Louis has so many for us to still take. Presumably the "stop conquering to get the economy in shape" approach means that we should stop adding the upkeep of new cities until we are able to support a higher research rate. So, either focus on commerce multiplier buildings and vertical city growth, or take more cities from Louis, which will at least have some infrastructure (population, tile improvements and buildings) vs. a new city.

I still think the best path is Construction and finish off Louis, so you can get an early start on Rome :).

Distance from capital will start becoming more problematic as the war effort continues will it not?

Also, isn't it true that you can't build a lighthouse in a city that is on a lake (i.e., requires coast)?
Bad news, guys. Photobucket tells me that I'm about to hit the 10GB monthly bandwith limit (only 75 MB left). Well, considering that I seem to have 7700 monthly hits (:eek: first time I ever checked), it's not surprising. The limit will only be reset on the 19th, so in the meantime the screenshots may automatically disappear. That probably won't stop me from playing the next round, though. I suppose I can just sign up for another account just to make sure the next round's screenshots can be seen.

On more game-related issues, I we should settle 1 or 2 cities while building up our economy, especially to cover up the gaps between our original cities and the newly conquered ones. After that, we'll hit Louis again. Going for Optics asap sounds like a good idea to me.
Why not just let Louis clear and improve all the southern jungle for you? If you kill him now you cut off your trading options with Rome for a while, he's also a useful buffer against Roman sneak attacks while their Praetorians are still supreme.

for the other observers, this would also be a good time to think about city specialization and how you would develop each city.
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