Round 7: 1370AD - 1600AD
I have a little time, so I'm posting the first half of the update today.
As recommended, we went straight for Democracy. To help finance our research, we sold Constitution to Mehmed for a little gold:
Again following the advice of the WFYABTA advocates, we didn't take Theology. The amount of gold we got may seem paltry for a tech like Constitution, but since Mehmed refused to give us Feudalism for it, that's pretty much all that was useful that we could take. At least with the gold, we'd be able to stay on 80% science rate for a longer period.
Then we met the last civ in this game:
Ramesses has some pretty good techs to trade. Too bad he's Shaka's worst enemy (they're at war), so, tempting as it was, I stopped myself from trading with him.
On the same turn, a few other things happened. Our next GP, a Great Scientist, was born. And gems were discovered in a mine near Teotihuacan:
Look at that. That city would be one hell of a gold mine (pun intended

) in RL. This is a bonus. Maybe the gods have finally taken pity on us.
Anyway, as you can see from the screenshot, Ramesses became a vassal of Shaka on the same turn, ending the war between the two. You might go

at this development, but I also saw it as an opportunity for us, now that the relationship between them was no longer marred by the war:
Indeed, we got no demerit from Shaka for this. He was Cautious towards Ramesses now and no longer had a worst enemy.
Since there was really no point in lightbulbing Compass, I used the GS we got to build an academy in our capital:
That shaved one turn off Democracy immediately, so all's well.
A few turns later, we built the last city in the north, again based on the excellent dotmap by uberfish:
Check it out. We beat Augustus there by one turn (that longbow accompanied a settler). That was close.
Then Huayna came to us with a demand:
Well, we are Spiritual. However, the mandatory 5-turn wait to switch back might damage our efforts at getting Democracy asap (we're getting valuable beakers from Representation specialists, enough to make a difference of at least 1 turn). It might also be a setback in our quest to make Augustus happy with us. Anyway, I didn't see a need to try to please Huayna. He's difficult to please and will never vote for us should we go for diplomatic victory, given the circumstances.
After discovering Democracy, we went for Liberalism, more for its civics than anything else, though we might be able to trade it away for something.
And we shopped around with Democracy. It was not an easy task, though. Some are stingier than others, and I had to get the order of trades right to get the most out of it. In the end, I made the trade with Mehmed first (he seemed to be the stingiest of the lot):
Yes, I heard one of you asking if we could foment strife on the other continent. Indeed we could. And since Mehmed still refused to give us Feudalism, that was the most that we could get out of him.
Shaka was next:
Well, Mehmed is a little far from Huayna. To more effectively take down the tech leader, we would need to enlist Shaka's help. He shared a border with the Incas. Anyway, now that HC had more reason to hate us after we turned Mehmed against him, it would do us good to make sure that he's really weakened.
Then we went to Augustus, but only after waiting a turn so that Mehmed, now at war with Huayna, would see the Inca as his worst enemy and not the Roman:
And we also traded it to Ramesses, now that we've got Feudalism and could get one of the better techs available:
It's not great, but better than nothing. I think we only have a little time before Shaka decides to gift Democracy to his vassal. I have observed that the AI loves to do that.
Meanwhile, we got our war machine going again:
This, time, we'll take Louis out. The annoying iron city would go first. It fell quickly and was razed to make room for the western copper city in the dotmap.
On the next turn, I noticed Ramesses did not have Chemistry. I didn't know how long this situation would last, so I decided to make a trade:
The WFYABTA advocates might scream at this. Music?! Whatever for? Well, I wanted Banking (which leads to Economics) and threw Music in to make the deal a little more even. I thought that we might be able to trade Liberalism for Military Tradition, which may be useful for defense and to build the West Point. And since we would be facing the problem of encroaching Roman borders pretty soon, I thought it may be useful to be able to build cathedrals or at least culture, if it came down to that. The good news is WFYABTA didn't seem to have hit anyone yet after that trade, so it might not matter much after all.
[to be continued in the next post...]
PS: The second half of the update will be posted in about 24 hours' time.