The Never-Ending Story...


The Nemesis
Jan 16, 2002
I'm beginning a story which we can all write, and it should hopefully never end. Basically, I start by writing a bit, then someone else writes a bit, then another person, and so on. You can write as many times as you like, just let someone else write a bit before you write your next piece. And it's for everyone, so if you feel like having a go at writing in this, do so!

Now this should be interesting lol! Oh, and the story isn't going to be based on a Civ3 game, but should try and stick NEAR the Civ3 principle...



The President reviewed his options. He could strike his enemy first, hitting the build-up point for the invasion, and hopefully catching them with their pants down, so to speak, or he could wait for the invasion to come and try and stop it, or he could try the diplomatic option, getting enough people on his side to make his enemy think twice about attacking.

He was still angered by the declaration of war. That infernal country had demanded all of that stuff from him! And then when he politely refused, declared war!

Well he would show them. This nation was a lot stronger than they thought.


The UN Security Council debated for yet another hour.

"We will stay neutral in any war." the President of France looked down at the table, avoiding all the eyes staring at him in surprise. France had been invaded before by a now-extinct civilisation, and the entire UN Security Council had sent units to crush the invaders. But now, when the shoe was on the other foot, France was unwilling to repay it's debt.

The President tried to remain calm. His nation had sent the largest military force to France to aid it, and this was how he was repaid?!

Then the Secretary General spoke.

"Due to a veto, the war between those two nations is not a UN matter."

Damn those French! the President thought. He saw the French President winking at his enemy.


The fighters dove down to attack the town where all the enemy's troops were massing for the invasion.

They dropped cluster bombs on the tanks, and then began to turn for home, when they saw interceptors coming to meet them from another city.

One launched a missile, destroying one plane in the squadron of six.

The flight leader glanced at his HUD. These were French fighters!

There was three squadrons of French fighters, and they obliterated all remnants of the flight leader's squadron, his plane being the last to be destroyed.

No word had got back to his country that the French were now also involved, covertly or overtly...


I know I'm being really open ended, with no mention of any civ other than the French, but this is so that the next few posters can decide this matter. Then in my next post would I be able to start adding in names etc, but first it is up to others to decide who these nations are. And in what way the French have entered the fight... Secretly to avoid the Security Council, or because of some staged incident on the border with them or something?

It's all up to you!

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Okay. I even have starting map (based on Civ III Countries):
Prime Minister Elizabeth Tudor looked at the information on her desk. Her invasion force was gone. Recon planes showed that there had been a massive attack of unknown origin on her troops, and her invasion of Communist America would be postponed for now. But who had attacked? She had her suspicions.

"Ms. Tudor!" the science advisor burst into the room "We just recieved word that a massive radioactive explosion occured on an island in the atlantic controlled by the French! The have some sort of super-weapon!"

Ahh. She thought. Of course, it has to be them. They had supported the Americans in their revolution. And when the Americans were finished on their continent, they're going to turn to us. Typical, then, that the French should take measures to stop the pre-emptive strike.

"Tell the Domestic Advisor to build tanks in every city." She commanded. "We will attack America again as soon as possible. France is next."

The advisor bowed. "Yes ma'am." and left the room.
Daniel Lebedovich Loshadsky, the new Russian president, was alarmed by FSB report. French Secret Superweapon?! British troops heading for America UNDER ATTACK?!
"Kazanski! What is your opinion?"
"Well, Gospodin President, I think that we should try to unite the world against French, for using the weapons of mass destruction."
"Are you out of your mind, they will use it on us!"
"Don't worry. I hope that you remember about Psychorodiye?"
"But it is for emergiencies only!"
"This is an emrgency. Contact Belomirdin immidiatelly!"
"You're right. After all, French kill people, and Psychorudiye doesn not even hurts to them. Only it's immoral, but what is it in relations with that French new weapon. Okay. Contact also with Zulus, Germans, Italians, Belgians, Dutch, British and Irish. I am off to negotiate final union with Belorus, Georgia and Ukraine, in order to bring Kharkov Agreement to action. Oh yes, and tell Belomyrdin to prepare Psychorodiye and place our SAMs on FULL ALARM!"
"Right away, Gospodin President"
The crisis was about to begin...
Premier Wilhelm II swiveled his chair around and gazed out the window of his Berlin office, across Marx Square, at the military parade taking place. Panzers rolled slowly across the square, flanked by marching infantry.
"So they have finally done it."
Wilhelm's Military Advisor, General Helmut Kuhn, nodded. "The French have completed their superweapon... they say it will make their inferior numbers in combat a nonissue."
Wilhelm slammed his fist down on his desk. "I must have it."
"Comrade Premier?"
"I must have the weapon at all costs. Yes, yes, we are technically allies of the French, I remember the Treaty of Brussels. But we have to remain wary... I don't want to endanger the people of the Deutsche Democratiche Republik."
The General pondered this for a moment. "We will begin the operation immediately."
The Premier smiled. "Wunderbar. If you'll excuse me, I must get ready for my meeting with the American leader... in the meantime, keep the forces sharp. Heil to the People."
"Heil to the People, Herr Comrade."
NTV and other reporters have surrounded Daniel.
"What would be your response to German pro-French plans?"
"How would you want to use Zulus in the war?"
"What about Romans?"
"Do you think that Belgium and Netherlands will take the risk to fight French and Germans?"

It was hard to answer to them all, but Daniel has made it to Kremlin...
'President Lebodovich!' Ivan ran into the room, breathing rather heavily. He had just had to muscle his way through a sea of reporters, and now the Russian foreign minister was quite exhausted.

'Ahh, Salkov. What news do you bring me of the world outside mother Russia?' Daniel's strong accent was clearly present, although it had no emotion.

'Sir, it has, as you know, been reported that the french have mastered the secrets of nuclear fission, and completed what is being termed "The Manhattan Project".' I have news that both the English and Germans wish a Mutual Protection Pact.' His voice too, had no emotion. Russia was going through tough times at the moment. In their last war, peace movements had swept the nation very quickly, and to save the government, Russia had to offer 15 gold every year for the next 20 years. With all this stress, it was no surprise to anyone that the cabinet had been slipping in and out of deppression.

'We must consider our options carefully, Salkov. What is your recommendation?' Daniel sighed, as he stared out over Moscow. She walked to her desk, opened a bottle of vodka, and poured two glasses.

'The French are going round all the nations demanding tribute. Should the English or the Germans reject this, we could end up in a war with France. However, our thin resources means we could give no tribute that is demanded by the French. One way or another, we will end up at war with the French.' Salkov picked up the glass, straight up, he swallowed it all. He didn't move a muscle that would show any reaction to something so strong.

'So it is decided. I'd rather have the English and Germans on my side when we fight France. Tell them we accept.'

Salkov bowed, and backing away towards the door, said: 'At once, President.'
President Shaka of the warrior Zulu people laughed out loud as he heard the tape recordings his Secret Service were playing him from the bugs they had in government offices worldwide, including the White House and many others.

"They think that the French superweapon is our nuclear bomb!" he cackled. The Zulus had detonated a nuclear warhead in the North Atlantic, unknown to the French who owned the island. The French superweapon was mechanised infantry, a unit much less powerful than a nuclear bomb. But now the "great nations of the world" who considered themselves so above the Zulus would tear each other apart.

And he would fan the flames, launching ICBMs at the capital cities of each nation involved in the fight against France to incriminate France further. Then, the war would destroy France and her allies by sheer weight of number against them, and the victors would be weak. Then Shaka and his Zulus could take over the world with ease, forcing everyone into alliances with him because of his nuclear weapon, and anyone who resisted would be destroyed by the modern and powerful Zulu armed forces.

No one had ever considered the Zulus a threat, and so hadn't even bothered to find out how advanced they were.

And now they would pay for underestimating the Zulus.

Daniel had, ironically, as his general secretary, a man also named Daniel. Daniel Salkov. It was decided to ally with Germany and England. Meanwhile, Poland proclaimed it's alliance with French, hoping that French wil lsave them with their superwaepon. But Poland became a testground for Psychooroudiye...

"Fire the missile"
"Roger, fire the missile!"
Belomiridin tried to hide the fact that he was nervous, but everyone knew he was.
"Poor Ludiewski... Imagine - his army will "betray" him! And he said no one will betray him", said one programmer.
"If it works, ofcourse" added another
"His own Army! Guess he would be surprised."
"We will soon see!" - said Belomirdin
"0! Psychorudiye is launched on the Object Codenamed Polarsmk"
After a hour, in Polish camp, a missile has appeared, headign right for them.

"It's some kind of biological weapon, I think" said a Polish soldier, while trying to escape. It was too late...

Polish soldiers have suddenly fell asleep when the missile fell there. No one was able to awken them, for a month. By that time, Ryssians have occupied Poland.
Come on guys, start reading each other's posts! Russia has had two different leaders, and Germany has been on both sides!

Okay, let's consider that Germany switched sides, and Salkov had a godfather in Lebedovich.
NTV report from the war was depressing. Rhinelnd was overrun by French! Good that Poland now surrendered, and was divided between Germany and Russia...

Meanwhile, Zulus used the "vacant time" to conquer Botswana and Namibia. Everyone knew that no one will even try to act against them eve nif war breaks out. Meanwhile Swaziland and People's Republic of Zulu have capitualted to Zulu Democratic Republic, as the 5-year long civil war between Communists and Government has ended. Zulus were on the rise, but that was not hing compared to French, who had TWO new superweapons: Mechanized Infantry and The Manhattan Project. Strangely, they haven't used Nuclear Weapon yet, but Mech. inf. had Germans real troubled.
OKay, for ease of simplicity that everyone can refer to, lets make a list of whats going on.

Leader: Prime Minister Elizabeth Tudor
Government: Democracy

War with: France
Bad relations with: France, America
Mutual Protection Pacts with: Germany, Russia

Important Points: Has been hateful towards America since the War of Independence. While planning a Pre-emptive strike, They were ambushed by French forces. They're NOT happy about it.

Leader: Unkown
Government: Unknown

War with: Germany, England, Russia
Bad Relations with: Everyone Except America
Mutual Protection Pacts with: America

Important points: France has a new super-weapon, Mechanised Infantry. However, due to nuclear testing in the atlantic by the Zulus, the other nations believe France is the first nuclear capable nation. The nations are now suspicious or hateful towards France because they are demanding tribute from everyone. Also attacked Forces belonging to the English that were intended for a Anglo-American war, as a pre-emptive strike. England really hate them for it. Assissted America in its war of Independence against the British.

Leader: Unknown
Government: Unknown

War with: France
Bad relations with: France
Mutual Protection Pacts with: France, Russia, England

Important points: Germany's attitude towards France is very sour since France went round demanding tribute. In response, Germany signed MPPs with Russia and England, so that France might not attack all three.

Leader: President Lebodovich
Government: Unknown

War with: France
Bad Relations with: France
Mutual Protection Pacts with: Germany, England

Important points:

Leader: Unkown
Government: Communism

War with: All other North American Nations
Bad Relations with: England
Mutual Protection Pacts with: France

Important points: Has been hateful towards England since the War of Independence. Is on the war path, and after it destroys all the nations in America, it's coming for the English. Has VERY good relations with France.

Leader: President Shaka
Government: Democracy

War with: No-one significant (I.e. not a major civ)
Bad Relations with: No-one
Mutual Protection Pacts with: No-one

Important points: Everyone is ignoring them due to a belief they are not very advanced. However, they are in fact just as advanced as everyone else. They possess the nuclear weapon, and are preparing to use it.

Other Points:
The Manhattan Projet problem:
Q) Why haven't the French built nukes, when they have the Manhattan Project?
A) While they had enough Uranium to build the project, they do not have it in sufficient quantity to build a bomb.

If anything else needs to be added, just say.
Good idea SixChan. Just one point, France must have declared war on Germany to have taken the Rhine, and that probably means they're at war with England and Russia.

And that Catherine/Daniel thing needs to be sorted!


Shaka sipped his Martini slowly. He wanted to savour the moment before he ordered the annihilation of Moscow.

He had heard about their use of biological weapons, as had everyone else, and UN Secretary General had made a speech denouncing them for it.

"Launch the inter-continental ballistic misile aimed at Moscow!" he ordered with a smile. He made sure to say the whole name of the missile to drag the moment out longer.

"Yes sir."

Foolish Russians, Shaka thought. Now everyone would wear gas masks, and so their weapon would be useless. Wasted, so early on in the war. And now they were going to pay the ultimate price.


The Russian leader was shoved in the Hind helicopter, and it began to head out of Moscow as fast as possible.

"We have an incoming ICBM!" the Russian Foreign Minister was pale.

"Activate all of our protection pacts. Those French frogs are going to pay!"


The missile hit the Kremlin dead on, and millions of lives were vaporised in an instant.

The French President was horrified. The launch hadn't been caught on any radar, as the ICBMs of today were too advanced to be seen. The only ways of knowing one was coming were either when they were launched, by the heat generated, or once they were in space, and satellites saw them.

The heat had been hidden on this launch, as had the one on the Atlantic island that he now knew about. He had tried to contact other nations to tell them that it wasn't him, but he couldn't get through a communications blackout imposed on his nation by some unknown source. He suspected his enemies, but couldn't shake off the terrible feeling of dread, that someone else might be controlling the action, and that everyone else was pawns in his game.

Underground City Moscow, in "Little Kremlin" (a special bunker). Daniel Lebedovich was real worried now. The French were probably the ones guilty. One man has told that Zulus launched it, but Zulus? They were a backwards nation! They oculdn't have done anything like that. It was decided to also ally with Prime Minister Hiawatha of Canada and Aztec High Priest Aztoactl, sicne Americans were allied with French.

Belomyrdin received order to launch a retaliation strike on France. Russians would launch their own Super Weapon - Psychorudiye. Even as there is only one missile left, they will stop French army in Rhineland, and let Germans take all of them in. As December was ending, Moscow had a nuclear winter. But thsi French action has enraged everyone. Soon, Spain, Portugal, Algiers, and Egypt have delcared war on them, and India, Persia and Babylon have closed all the trade with them. Kuwait, the last Eurasian country supplying oil to French, was overrun by Babylonain leader Saddam Hussein's army.

NTV Reports only said about new American victories against Aztecs and Canadians: at Niagara Falls and at Bajotchitlan.
New World Map.
General Secretary of America, Abraham Lincoln, glared at each of his Generals in turn.

"What do you mean, we don't have the oil?"

"Sir, not only has everyone closed the oil reserves to France, but to us as well. A British SAS attack on our Alaskan oil fields has put them out of action for weeks, and we only have the oil for two weeks of normal use."

"Then stop the civilians using oil! Our tanks are on the outskirts of Salamanca! We can bring the war to a close soon! To hell with the people, they'll be much happier without a war! So use the damned oil to take Salamanca! And as for those backwards Aztecs, send more of our cavalry regiments down there. The best unit the Aztecs have is the knight, and possibly a musketman, and so they can be destroyed the good old fashioned way." Lincoln ordered.

"But sir, that will cripple our economy!"

"Let it be done, we can recover once the war is over. After it is over, we severe all ties to France and stay neutral in any war for the next five years, we need to rebuild!"

In the Italian capitol of Rome the President was reading reports from his allies in Eygpt. Eygption spies reported that the Zulu were testing out their own super weapon and that they were not as backwards as they seemed. As the continueing wars were fought Italy continually stayed neutral but when the President saw this report he knew that the Zulu must have something planned for this superweapon.

"Call for the local Mafia cheif," the President said. We will give the Zulu something to worry about he thought without them knowing we did it. "You called sir?" said the mafia cheif. "We must eliminate the Zulu superweapon threat. Shaka Zulu is very unstable and may try to use his weapon to wipe their nearest major neighbor and our allies, the Eygptions," the President said. "I know you have a contact in the Zulu cabinet. Use him to eliminate Shaka." "Yes, sir."

A news report in Zululand: An attempt was made on our glorious leader's life last night by an agent of Italy. Our people will not stand for this and we have sent a massive army to wipe them off the face of the earth.
The Zulu SuperWeapon is a myth -
A ploy to waste everyone time and efforts looking for a vaporweapon.

They hide something far more terrible.
The Zulu have completed the first successful time machine.
LeBlow TeUp - the French inventor of the bomb will never exist. The first human - joked by some as the terminator - steps into the machine and ...
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