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The Neville Ryan Story-An Oblivion AAR

After a few minutes of determined lock picking I managed to get into the Captain's room.... that'll teach him to live in a ship, he should have known that would be awesome enough that I'd want to rob him blind.

My reasoning confuses even me...

while looting the place and trying to figure out how my mind works I came across the Captain's chest

The last time I saw a chest like that I was reading an illustrated copy of the Lusty Argonian Maid! oh the things she stored in there....

Sadly my hopes of finding a cutlass were crushed by the vile mistress of reasonable item placement, the Captain likely carried it with him.... however I'm not willing to lock swords with a pirate just to take his, no matter how awesome it is.

I soon looted all the book, sweet rolls and precious stones I could find. After jumping off the ship and wading back onto shore I took one last long look at the ship... perhaps too long

However despite her warnings she let me left without any horrible stabbings so I took this to be more of a "stay off my lawn" moment than a "I know you just robbed us blind" moment... oddly a conversation I've had all too often.

While dumping all the crap I had stolen in my Inn of Crap Dumping™ I noticed a couple of patrons in the corner talking about a strange door opening in Niben Bay... of course this was enough for me to suddenly pinpoint it on my map without any further conversation. I'm that awesome.

Dr. Horse and I worked our way towards the Island, despite being unable to see it from the shore... I'm that sure of my mapping skills

Of course I was soon vindicated in my belief, an interesting scene awaited me

Retirement is looking better and better....
As your commanding officer, I order you to do something pointlessly dangerous!

Would anybody happen to know how you get past a scratched CD that stops the game from running?

I've been cleaning the thing and it fails to work, I then tried getting a no CD crack for it but it won't work with my patched version which I need for my AAR... I have no clue how to fix this

I'd hate to steal the thunder from MJ but I'd have to announce Neville Ryan as deceased, not because I've had any lack of interest but due to two key factors:

1) My Oblivion Disc is refusing to read
2) The computer in whitch Neville dwells has ceased to function, refusing to load and making horrible screeching noises after a poor attempt to fix it

So after a long period of uncertainty I can say that Neville has been killed by my computers lack of will to continue on, However the good news will be that in a couple months when I get a new computer his decendants will have a chance to live on in Fallout 3.

I would like to think Neville died as he lived, much in a similar manner to Martin but without any recognition :p
:lol: Thanks guys, It's nice to know that the next AAR that I do has a bit to live up to
Aww what a shame about the computer crashing. But necause of this AAR I decide buy Oblivion. My first game was a Argonian level 12. I unfortunately got into a vampire and don't know to turn back.

This looks promising though two shadowly frigure looming over you.
It's a boy...... AND WHAT A BOY.....eh?....umbilical what now? A girl you say? Can..... can you check again?
I think it's a boy, he's just.. small. Being a baby and what not.

Aww what a shame about the computer crashing. But necause of this AAR I decide buy Oblivion. My first game was a Argonian level 12. I unfortunately got into a vampire and don't know to turn back.

This looks promising though two shadowly frigure looming over you.

Google is your friend :) Being a vampire can be fun too, and there are a number of vampire mods (although most are not so great, there are a couple of really good ones but I completely forget what they are).
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