The next goals

Now, DoaNE can be played in MP without OoS.
We're almost done our game with Dazio. It is a nice game.
You can see in the screenshot, a little attack of my king. I will try to resist ! :p
You can note I am wealthy in this game, I didn't cheat. I promise :mischief:.


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Glad to know that, there will be users interested in playing this game in MP since this mod includes many fantastic things only seen here and specifically thought for human players!
Glad to know that, there will be users interested in playing this game in MP since this mod includes many fantastic things only seen here and specifically thought for human players!
I know that DoaNE has many new features. I especially like the concept of seeds. I only wish that there was a way that the player would know which seeds does he have, and in the colopedia what is the place where one could plant them.
One of the things that I kind of don't like is that there are some plants (Indigo and Cocoa) that you can plant them, but you can't not do anything with them but sell them directly to Europe, making them less desirable than cotton or tobbaco.

The colonists leaving too soon in the Docks. Arghh.

One of the things that happened to me was that I had money to buy a ship, but there were no sailors available. :(

Overall, the pirates are way too powerful. When they begin appearing, wow there are lots and lots of them.

Is there anything new that you are working on.
The following version is a kind of corrective. I try to make intuitive some new aspects of the game.
The colonists leaving too soon in the Docks. Arghh.
I solve this pb.
One of the things that happened to me was that I had money to buy a ship, but there were no sailors available.
It's normal but I change the tavern system. Now sailors or expert sailors can appear in our dock, so it is easier for us to add a crew of our ships.
Overall, the pirates are way too powerful. When they begin appearing, wow there are lots and lots of them.
They will be a little harder because now they can attack us even in our turn. :lol:
But Pirates should only steal goods (not all the time) instead of sink the ship.
One of the things that I kind of don't like is that there are some plants (Indigo and Cocoa) that you can plant them, but you can't not do anything with them but sell them directly to Europe, making them less desirable than cotton or tobbaco.
I agree with you but it is just a temp system. After the following version, we will add commercial companies that suggest an agreement with one of a specific plant like indigo.
So if you only produce cottons and tobacco, you will lose a lot of agreements.
For the time being, that doesn't matter I agree :).
I know that DoaNE has many new features. I especially like the concept of seeds. I only wish that there was a way that the player would know which seeds does he have, and in the colopedia what is the place where one could plant them.

This is present in the next version. Info like iddeal latitude, where you can plant them and any useful info will be in the colopedia.
We have tried our best to improve the accessibility to the mod improving thins like civilopedia pages, a lot of options to configure, English manual, detailed change-log, etc. You will just have to wait to the next version to enjoy the mod as it should be.

I only wish that there was a way that the player would know which seeds does he have
Added to my list.

The colonists leaving too soon in the Docks. Arghh.
This has been fixed and added 3 fully configurable variables to change the way it works. You can set the turns before the immigrant wants to leave to anything you want for ex.

One of the things that I kind of don't like is that there are some plants (Indigo and Cocoa) that you can plant them, but you can't not do anything with them but sell them directly to Europe, making them less desirable than cotton or tobbaco.
Also some discussion about this is needed. I consider improving the buildings and production lines in order to offer a major number of possibilities, not necessarily lineal...
Started to add cache features to some Yield calculations, since the improvement yield changes are constant during all the game but the DLL loads the XML every time is needed, which makes no sense.

In other words, more speed improvements. I can say without doubts this mod will faster than Vanilla COl or any other mod up to the date.
Well, after a week I have been able to find the way to revamp the var system created by the DLL during runtime!!!

Just added a few new var types, used them and tested it.

Also I finally get to work the new XML loading functions (!!) to sucesfully load char or short (signed/unsigned) values from XML infos if the schemas are updated with the associated DT types (i1,i2, ui1, ui2).

In other words, I have just expanded the system firaxis created for XML files to load any necessary variable, not just bool or int. Not sure what this has not been done yet neither in COL nor in BTS, since it would greatly reduce MAF problems...

All this means that memory usage can easily by reduced by x2,x3 or up to x4 (obviously the biggest effect would be optimizing art files anyway...) if we start using this system from now on!
Speed improvements should be more noticeable since less memory usage in variables along the cache feaures will decrease CPU load ...
Finally got this working! Defines can now use whatever I want, not just int or strings...

This should reduce the Fvar system size by 2 or 3 if used with vanilla defines.

I'm also considering removing variables from that dynamic cache if they are not used more than once (that's why the DLL has a CacheGlobals() function anyway!).

I will create a new thread in Modding subforum to explain how to use this later...
Just finished the implementation of some great features: new ff tags related with native trading, native events after city conquest, production captured after city conquest, new raze popup, general balance of native nations along some changes to worldbuilder to make unit placement more easy with the ammunition/cannon system.

Just checked all in game and this really brings another dimension to the military aspect of Doane; natives are not overpowered and the key of their power is now the food and also conquering their cities is something you should consider. You can obtain money, ff points, units, ...
Hello Isabelxxx, seems like good stuff what you are doing. Are you going to fix the other problems that you found in the mod?
, Automated Exploring doesn't work anymore due to the new "map System", etc

Looking foward to it.
No idea. I think M07 could say something about this.

I do want to make some improvements first:

There are still some remaining bugs
Need to clean a bit the code and polish some existing features.
Need to finish the implementation of bonus/features placement (peaks, ocean, silver fix, corn in deserts with rivers/oasis, ...)
Need to finish my achieve system: It does essentially the same than Dale's one, see RAR, but with a different structure. For instance, now we have 3 achieve classes and 3 xml files to set them. The screen will show the 3 classes at the same time, so it does not change anything the user can see but the improvements are in the mechanics (possibility to check new things), the performance (much less memory used, and greatly improved code) and the structure (3 info files).

I need some weeks for that since I usually add more things and have new concepts while working than I previously thought.
Ok, the achieve system and its 3 compements are finished and working.

The improved bonus/feature placement is done. Also updated some map scripts which had their own Bonus Placement function to consider the new changes.

Fixed most of the bugs and assert messages I was having while using a Debug DLL.

Reworked all the Europe Warehouse implementation, so now is all configurable via XML with its own XML info file. Also greatly improved the code in the DLL.

Fixed CTD in Agreement Popup when you were trying to change the destination city of the agreement.

Fixed several AI problems related to Europe Units which are in the Ship Market.

Fixed bug in ship market popup that made de cancel button not working as desired, now the ship is removed if you don't accept the desired price (as it should be).

Fixed some bugs in europe price for units.
My you've been busy!!!

JosEPh :)
Hi all fans of Colonization,
Many items have been redesigned. There are, however, issues such as the tactical use of guns has not been realized, commercial contracts in Europe are in the same situation.
However, I will contact M07 and see if you can put the corrected version online because changes made (agronomists, cultures, trade functional IA) undoubtedly gives more depth and interest to the mod.

Cheers, Dazio

Spoiler :
Salut à tous les fans de Colonization,
Beaucoup de points ont été revus et corrigés. Il reste, cependant, des sujets comme l'utilisation tactique des canons qui n'a pas été réalisé, les contrats commerciaux européens sont dans la même situation.
Toutefois, je vais contacter M07 et voir si l'on peut mettre la version corrigée en ligne, car les modifications réalisées (agronomes, cultures, commerce de l'IA fonctionnels) donne incontestablement plus de profondeur et d'intérêt au mod.

A bientôt, Dazio
Has the difficulty level bug been fixed in 2.0? Or is it in the coming new version?

Tried the easiest level last night and some things just seemed wrong or overly hard to figure out.

And if you disembark your crew and they learn a new skill, when you go re-embark them and go to a colony that could use that skill (to help get to the next pop level), the crew reverts to a free Colonist and you can not get them back to being Sailors again. This seems wrong. Now I have a caravel crew less and it will be awhile before I can get a crew from the continent. Wasted a perfectly good caravel by trying to help a colony. :(

JosEPh :)
Hi Joseph; I'm sorry about your problems. That, along many other things are already fixed in next version. Be aware that the last version has more than a year, which means that the differences and fixes between next version and the last one are really huge. Also in my opinion 2.0 was simply a beta versions of the mod because of many things not implemented or implemented partially, unpolished concepts, bugs, etc.

Next version should be a playable version, even if there are some remaining things to implement. So seriously, wait for the next release because you can not do more with 2.0...

Now be sure you are really using the sailor unit. That's said: in next version there is an addition in the info text which appears when the mouse is over an unit which tells you if the unit can be a sailor. In 2.0 you have no way to know that, so probably the problem is that you are trying to use as sailor a "real" free colonist, and not the sailor. Be aware you can not differentiate, so try with all units...
As said, that's something already fixed. But my suggestion should work.
Many items have been redesigned. There are, however, issues such as the tactical use of guns has not been realized, commercial contracts in Europe are in the same situation.
However, I will contact M07 and see if you can put the corrected version online because changes made (agronomists, cultures, trade functional IA) undoubtedly gives more depth and interest to the mod.
I think we need some more weeks, because we should assure there are no remaining bugs in game and these points are considered:

  • There are currently some problems with the ship marcket.
  • The achieve system needs images. I created the achieve texts and XML part, but images are need in most cases.
  • Event system is in process. I need some days to finish it. The addition of events could be left for the future, not necessarily now.
  • Balanace in most parts of the game is needed yet.
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