The "OMG! Look what happened!" Thread

It is extremely disturbing for me because I'm watching this from a mobile phone using the Opera Mini browser which means that the amount of images that can be loaded is limited.
Playing as the Persians, I think I've accidently crippled the Arabs without even trying.


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Hope this isn't necroing... (it is the official pinned thread after all)
But look! Japanese war holdouts!
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Maybe not such OMG, but still... while playing as Egypt i managed to found 5 (five!) religions and this happened almost unintentionally, at least initially. Situation by 450 AD (year of my UHV):

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This has started from Buddhism i got from Priesthood in 2340 BC. This wasn't my goal, i needed Prieshood only to build Oracle. But since India was unusually passive, i was first. Then i created Oracle and selected the free tech - Mathematics - that gave me Confucianism in 1800 BC... soon afterwards (in 1650 BC) i discovered Monotheism and got Judaism. This was perhaps, the most OMG part. Shouldn't Judaism be founded by independents around 1800 BC? For some reason, they didn't...

The rest wasn't difficult. Christianity was founded in 470 BC and Islam in 10 BC. By this moment Egypt was so advanced that no one else could steal them from me.
Just wanted to share some odd stuff I found in my games. :) Hopefully nobody minds.

I wonder whose Great Merchant this was...
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Guess who got the conqueror events.
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The Germans love their Physics so much.
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Good luck finding your capital! :lol:

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Barbarian Great Merchant! I assume it spawned after Egypt collapsed, since it wasn't there before.

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I thought it would at least put a dent in Lisboa's culture, but no, it just went around it... :sad:

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Angers? Couldn't they have named it something else?

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I was shocked at seeing a huge fleet of ships in the Great Lakes, then I noticed the city positioning. :crazyeye:

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This is apparently the fastest way to the ship.

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Good job, Monty.

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But I already won though?

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Fastest plague ever!

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The Russians went native! Yes, I just traded for their maps. No, the Natives did not take it back.

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This city appears to be GLOWING!

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I founded this city, and we haven't even met the Chinese yet!

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This galley is somehow blockading waters on the other side of the peninsula.

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Crazy barbs! :mad:

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Okay, *deep breath* So India respawned and peacevassalized to Arabia, who is at war with me. On the same turn, Arabia capitulated to Germany, but because of our defensive pact, Germany declared war on India! So now Germany is at war with his vassal's vassal! :crazyeye:

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There was another OMG when the same Arabia asked me for peace on the same turn he capitulated, but I lost the screenshot. :(
Okay, *deep breath* So India respawned and peacevassalized to Arabia, who is at war with me. On the same turn, Arabia capitulated to Germany, but because of our defensive pact, Germany declared war on India! So now Germany is at war with his vassal's vassal! :crazyeye:
It happened to me once.
I was Arabia, and I vassalized Turkey and China.
But Turkey vassalized Roma and Aztec, while China vassalized Khmer.

I have no screenshots but it was incredible :
I had a bad Idea : claiming a Khmer city in a congress.
So Khmer declared war on me and so did China that was my vassal !
In a unfinished game, this happend to me:

A small village decided to become part of the mighty greek empire.
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