• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

The Paths of Glory

No need to get all defensive over a simple clarifying question.
So first, the shogun's warriors go around murdering fellow Europeans, and now they call us thieves?

We understand you are having issues clearing up your own country, but please leave us out of whatever it is you are doing and indirectly insulting us.
If you wish to be left out of the affairs of our country, we are happy to revise the treaty port agreement.

Otherwise, you are a part of our country, and must behave honorably. And this includes not hosting foreign spies.

We are confused as to how our role as a gateway for your commerce into foreign markets have to do with your failures in law enforcement and aristocratic politics.

Considering we have been behaving with model honor, we will dismiss your last comment as being a general guideline. A less generous people would have considered it an insult.
Can I be told what treaties or diplomatic agreements my country has signed before I joined?
Edit: also, where am I on the map?
Can I be told what treaties or diplomatic agreements my country has signed before I joined?
Edit: also, where am I on the map?

Mysore leased the city of Calicut to Sweden in return for a payment of money and manufactured goods. Mysore is located in southern India: it is green on the map. If you're not sure off the bat where Mysore is, it may be better for you to pick a country that you know the geography of.
To: Ireland
CC: Netherlands
From: France

His Imperial Majesty the Emperor, desirous of peace in Ireland and in fulfilment of French obligations to guarantee the independence and sovereignty of Ireland offers to mediate between the various factions therein for the restoration of good order in your fair country. This France offers in the understanding that the resolution of Irish matters and the return of good order in your lands can only be suitably resolved for posterity by the Irish themselves. Such good order has been disrupted we note by the perfidious influence of the Netherlands, which has allowed and abetted "mercenaries" to take arms against the legitimate government of your country and interfere in Irelands domestic affairs. Indeed that this is at the instruction of the Dutch state is clear from the fact they did not operate outside of Ulster and the parameters conveyed to them by the Hague. France takes good note of this for the future, and notes the severity of the consequences that will befall any power that would brazenly interfere in the domestic affairs of France or its allies.

~ Viscomte Louis de Volesmes

To: Bavaria
From: France

His Majesty's government expresses distaste at the seditions planted by Bavarian citizens in Imperial territory. We would urge Bavaria to take every measure to ensure that its internal squabbles do not disrupt the peace and order of the Empire, and that Bavaria graciously receives any Bavarian citizens who violate imperial law upon their summary deportation. While His Majesty is gracious and permits French citizens liberty to legitimately express political opinions directed to the common good of the Empire and its subjects, such courtesy is not extended to foreign agitators or to traitors who treasonously call for rebellion against the crown, and be it as it may take up arms against God, Emperor and Country.

~ The Ambassador to Bavaria.

To: Mysore
From: France

Given the ongoing chaos and confusion in the Maratha confederacy, France deems it fitting to propose an alliance for a duration of 10 years with Mysore, to be renegotiated upon lapse. This alliance would be strictly with regards to Indian affairs and would bear no obligation on Mysore to involve itself in any conflicts that do not pertain to the Indian theatre.

~ Ambassador to Mysore.


ooc: order drafting pending the result of the American naval theatre and its insertion in the update.
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From: The Ottoman Empire
To: His Imperial Majesty's Subjects in Upper Egypt

His Imperial Majesty Mahmud I of the House Osman, Sultan of Rum, Protector of Christians, Levantines and Copts, Keeper of the One True Faith of the Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) now extends His gracious offer of amnesty to those vile and despicable underlings of his unfaithful Mamluk servitors who continue to raise their arms against His rightful rule. May, according to the law of the Prophet Muhammad(pbuh), those who refuse this reprieve of His Imperial Majesty's justice be put to the sword, and lose first their right hand, and then their lives if they do not recant their rebellion. All those who lay down their weapons and peaceably allow the return of His Imperial Majesty's governors to their just offices will be spared the Sultan's fearful justice.

From: The Ottoman Empire
To: French Empire

His Imperial Majesty Mahmud I extends his warm thanks to the French, storied and trusted friends of the Sublime Porte, and affirms both the cession of the Suez Canal region and the right of the French Empire to provide its sovereign protection both to its own foreign nationals in the Sultan's lands and to all Christian pilgrims to the Levant. May the friendship and cooperation between our peoples last long!
From: Bavaria
To: France

Your characterization of the Italian rabble-rousers and agitators as “Bavarian Citizens” seems misguided, as the seditionists have forfeited their privlages of citizens by forment revolt against the crown. Further, we are plenty able to maintain order within our own lands; in fact, from our perspective it would be the lax enforcement in French lands that allowed many of the ringleaders to escape proper punishment. Should any true Bavarian citizen be deported, they shall be accepted, but we will not approve of any attempts to export revolutionaries into Bavaria.
Hey the Ottoman Empire is still marked as NPC in the stats just fyi :p
That's because you're the one who gets played.
To: Bavaria
From: France

To disavow the states obligation to certain number of its citizens [for we are not referring to our Lombard subjects], venetian political malcontents though they may be, because it would inconvenience Bavaria to see their return to the jurisdiction of their legitimate sovereign should they be found acting contrary to Imperial law in their activities in France is contrary to the ordinary conduct of states, is deeply regrettable and reflects poorly on Bavarian rule in Venezia [the people of whom Bavaria has a solemn obligation of care towards]. Indeed France is surprised and disturbed that Bavaria seems to be uninterested in prosecuting its own subjects for offences under Bavarian law upon their presumed return [be it as it may].

Furthermore that the Bavarian crown would lay aspersions on the Empire with regards to Bavaria's own internal problems in its Italian possession is likewise, highly offensive to the Empire. We note that it is not France that is responsible for the domestic situation in Venice and that France hopes Bavaria will act in the manner customary in relations between states and consider likewise the merits of maintaining the friendly and neighbourly relations with France that have heretofore been the norm in future conduct and in this matter in particular.
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From: Bavaria
To: France

It appears further clarification is necessary. Let us emphasize these men have fled from justice, and are thus rendered vogelfrei, outlawed. No sovereign defends them. If they find themselves in Bavaria again they may be killed with impunity. You may, of course, enact whatever punishment you see fit upon them in your own domain. Should you send them to Bavaria they will face execution for their crimes.
To: Ireland
CC: France
From: Netherlands

We've discovered some irregularities in the contracts our wayward nationals signed, particularly in the possible ulterior motives of their employers and their payment smelling suspiciously like it came from territories that were unlawfully seized from the Republic a number of years ago. It is fortunate that the good Colonel Swart had sufficient presence of mind to stop at Ulster, lest he inadvertently conquer the whole island. We've contacted the Colonel and will be dispatching some ships to retrieve them as our investigation concludes. In the meantime we expect them to be unmolested by any party.
To: Bavaria
From: France

His Majesty's government appreciates the clarification as it appreciates continued good relations with Bavaria. Note well that France shall deport any foreign agitators uncovered who are not guilty of capital crimes under French law [but rather lesser offences] to their country of origin. What happens to them under their homelands jurisdiction when they are delivered to the appropriate authorities is up to the discretion of that state. Persons guilty of capital offences in France shall become acquainted with the guillotine when sentenced by the appropriate civil tribunal.

To: Aragon
From: France

His Imperial Majesty is distressed at the ongoing bloodshed in Aragon and offers to act as mediator between the Crown of Aragon and those aggrieved by the crowns recent,and perhaps hastily instituted, reforms.
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To France
We and france have, after discussions between us, decided to sign a defensive pact between us.
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