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The questions-not-worth-their-own-thread question thread IX

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Why are they called "Tea Parties"? I don't see anyone drinking tea.

They are trying to draw parallels to the Boston Tea Party, which was a protest of taxation without representation that was one of the preludes to the US Revolution.
Isn't that when they dumped a whole bunch of boxes of tea overboard? I don't see how that would get anyone to lower taxes.
Isn't that when they dumped a whole bunch of boxes of tea overboard? I don't see how that would get anyone to lower taxes.

It's a very strained comparison. And the people throwing the tea parties now do not make a correct comparison. The people now are just opposing any and all taxes. And they really are a tiny fringe movement. The publicity they are getting is entirely out of proportion to their size. But the original protests in the colonies were not about opposing taxed in and of themselves. The real protest was that the colonies did not have representation in parliament back in England. They would have paid the taxes if they had had a say in them. The teabaggers now do not want to pay any taxes, despite the fact that they have a full and equal say.
It's a very strained comparison. And the people throwing the tea parties now do not make a correct comparison. The people now are just opposing any and all taxes. And they really are a tiny fringe movement. The publicity they are getting is entirely out of proportion to their size. But the original protests in the colonies were not about opposing taxed in and of themselves. The real protest was that the colonies did not have representation in parliament back in England. They would have paid the taxes if they had had a say in them. The teabaggers now do not want to pay any taxes, despite the fact that they have a full and equal say.

Well the Tea Act was different; it actually made tea from the East India Company cheaper than other tea, which threatened to put the myriad smugglers and small merchantmen who worked in the colonies out of business. It also gave the EIC a complete trade monopoly on tea, which they feared could soon be extended to other items. It accomplished this by adding a 25% duty on imported tea (read: Dutch tea).

The point of throwing the tea into the harbor wasn't to get taxes lowered, it was a protest against authority of the Royal Governor who was not responsible to the colonists but rather to the King himself, and who was more than happy to go along with extremely unpopular taxes that had previously been levied on them, like the Townshend Duties.

So Aimee, it wasn't about lowering taxes, it was about their existence at all, because the taxed colonists had no say in the matter and a lot of the taxes really hurt them and their businesses.
I think American's response to this tax is hyper sensitive considering that the average New Englander was by far the most well off of our his majesties subjects at the itme. In 1763 an old Englander would pay 26 shillings a year - whilst in Massachusus they would pay 1 shilling!

Also the price of tea at the time in British North America was very low due to a bumper crop in India therefore the people who stood most to lose out were not ordinary consumers but wealthy smugglers - they organised it.

Anyway I just did 15 minutes of intense physical exercise to get fitter and healthier. It took me about 10 minutes to recover from all of that work! How unfit am I?
I think American's response to this tax is hyper sensitive considering that the average New Englander was by far the most well off of our his majesties subjects at the itme. In 1763 an old Englander would pay 26 shillings a year - whilst in Massachusus they would pay 1 shilling!

Also the price of tea at the time in British North America was very low due to a bumper crop in India therefore the people who stood most to lose out were not ordinary consumers but wealthy smugglers - they organised it.

The important part was that we were not given the same rights and privileges of all other Englishmen. The colonists considered themselves to be the same as other Englishmen, and couldn't tolerate not having the same votes the others did.

Anyway I just did 15 minutes of intense physical exercise to get fitter and healthier. It took me about 10 minutes to recover from all of that work! How unfit am I?

Not to mention the upper class in America was very efficient with their propaganda.
Silly nobles. They should've accepted them as equal subjects under the crown.
I doubt it would have worked for very long, unless they went at least so far as granting them the equivalent of the later Dominion status.
The upper echelons of American society would have still pushed for independence even with representation. And remember it wasn't all about taxes or representation, restrictions on encroachment of Indian lands (Royal Proclamation of 1763 and Quebec Act) were pretty important.
I doubt it would have worked for very long, unless they went at least so far as granting them the equivalent of the later Dominion status.
The upper echelons of American society would have still pushed for independence even with representation. And remember it wasn't all about taxes or representation, restrictions on encroachment of Indian lands (Royal Proclamation of 1763 and Quebec Act) were pretty important.

Yes, and the US leaders were learning a level of independent action and thinking for themselves rather than deferring to any hereditary lords as well. So while I tend to think that, had the parliament and king granted the colonists demands, that we would have remained English longer, there's a strong argument to make that, as you say, the push for independence would still have come at some point.
Where in the US should I be trying to dispose of batteries? I have both regular and rechargeable of several types. I hear they aren't supposed to go into the trash these days. Yet I've been unable (with google help) to find an actual location in my area for disposal. Any ideas?
Possibly. But on the net it just says "dispose of properly, and not in the trash" without giving an actual location.
You know I just realized something. People under 18 who have jobs are getting taxation without representation :mischief:
Their parents can do it for them.
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