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The questions-not-worth-their-own-thread question thread IX

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Oct 31, 2005
Previous thread?

This is a thread in which you can make your own questions and people can reply to them in an attempt to answer them?

My question is?

Why won't Brookhaven email me? :( It's been a week. Does paperwork for an internship at a government lab take that long?

Also, another question: If a friend genuinely told you that you are an idiot, but you don't have to be one and that it frustrates him, (that is, this is not an actual joke or hyperbole) how would you respond?
Also, another question: If a friend told you that you are an idiot, but you don't have to be one and that it frustrates him, how would you respond?

I'd probably say something funny.
Also, another question: If a friend genuinely told you that you are an idiot, but you don't have to be one and that it frustrates him, (that is, this is not an actual joke or hyperbole) how would you respond?

Depends on the friend. Most of my friends are pretty smart, so I'd give it some consideration, at least.
If the age of the universe is 13.7 billion years, and the diameter of the observable universe is significantly more than twice this (measured in light years, of course) is the universe able to expand faster than the speed of light and if so... wtf
That expansion speed is relative to a far away place. Ah, here we go.
That expansion speed is relative to a far away place. Ah, here we go.

But this is okay. It's only that space (i.e., the balloon) is expanding; there's no matter that's moving. So, in principle, space can expand as quickly as it wants, even faster than the speed of light, because there's nothing moving.

Cheating :(
But this is okay. It's only that space (i.e., the balloon) is expanding; there's no matter that's moving. So, in principle, space can expand as quickly as it wants, even faster than the speed of light, because there's nothing moving.

Cheating :(

Yeah, the speed of light in vacuum is a limit to the speed of information.
If you have a completely weightless, leak-proof balloon, and you filled it with helium, how high would it go up?

EDIT: Also explode-proof.
If you have a completely weightless, leak-proof balloon, and you filled it with helium, how high would it go up?

There's so little helium (and hydrogen) in the atmosphere because it is light enough to escape earth's gravity. So a pocket of it would end up in space.

Somebody said "to support your theorsis." I tried googling that word but I didn't get anything except some mental health thing. What does it mean?
Sounds like a joke or typo to me - perhaps they meant to say "theory" or "thesis" - if what was being discussed in general was silly/pathetic, I could see the combination of the two as a joke. Not a definitive answer but details may help - if you just heard this and it wasn't written down you probably misheard, otherwise context may give us a better picture.

Anyway, leading into something I know I've discussed/complained about this before - does anybody know of a search engine that correctly implements logic like AND and NOT? Google and other prominent ones don't seem to - search for, say, "Poland" "Eastern Europe" and you'll get results for both phrases independently along with the results that have both phrases like you want. Or worse, though at least Google isn't that bad, with others maybe you'd get results for just "Europe." Obviously this is just an example, say the ideal search would be something like "Poland" AND "Eastern Europe" NOT "Central Europe" yet I don't know of any engines that would do this.
If you have a completely weightless, leak-proof balloon, and you filled it with helium, how high would it go up?

EDIT: Also explode-proof.

Until the surrounding atmosphere was no longer heavier than the helium.
I am in need of new speakers for my desktop computer. Preferably 2.0 or 2.1 configuration. Any suggestions?
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