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The questions-not-worth-their-own-thread question thread IX

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Im pretty sure 147$ that I got in tax returns last year didnt come close to covering the taxes I paid.
I paid taxes last year and I got nothing back. But I'm in Canada so it may be different.

Another question: Why, in political brochures, do politicians often quote quotes from the rival politicians that are like 10-20 years old? (The quotes. Not the politicians.)
I paid taxes last year and I got nothing back. But I'm in Canada so it may be different.

Another question: Why, in political brochures, do politicians often quote quotes from the rival politicians that are like 10-20 years old? (The quotes. Not the politicians.)

Because they want to give a false impression of the opponent to the voters.
Well, give a specific example and it'd be easier for us.

Well around time of a byelection, it was a few months ago, I (or rather, my mom) got a brochure from I think the Conservatives. And they were talking about the Liberal leader whos name I can't spell. And they were saying he supported blah blah blah because of something he said in an interview in 1997. And I think "well these politicians must never change then."

If I were the prime minister there'd be civil war. lol
Well, like Cutlass said, they're trying to make him look bad and incompetent? It wouldn't look too good if you supported something 13 years ago that ended up in complete failure...
Why was everyone so quick to recognize the independence of "Kosovo", yet no-one is prepared to do the same for poor little Nagorno-Karabakh?

Nobody cares if they anger the Serbs by recognizing Kosovo, and it also can be seen as justification for/justified by the use of force during the Kosovo War.

As for the various groups in the southern former Soviet Republics, people generally want them as allies, both for strategic location and natural resources (Azerbaijan has significant oil and natural gas supplies).
Because it's a bunch of evil racist intolerant Christians trying to break away from honest just and loving muslims. We should invade them for their bigotry and force them back into Azerbaijan.

It was the Bush administration that recognized Kosova. Are you saying the the Bush administration is part of some anti-Christian pro-Islamic plot :crazyeye:?
Question: What on earth is [3+1]chan? I know that it's 4 but I'm a little too scared to google what it is if it's censored here.
Very strange stuff.
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