The Realism Epic

Nov 27, 2001
Denver CO, United States of America
This Modification is in beta format and the author believes it to be stable. However this does not mean I can ensure that it is 100% crash free.

The Realism Epic

Initial Beta Release: v0.98 <BETA>

NOTE:You must right click and choose Save Target on all files

Original CivIII Version v0.98
The Realism Epic is a 13.9mb Download.
The Realism Epic utilizes Civ III v1.29f
Download At: The Realism Epic v0.98 Original Civ III Version

Play The World Version v0.98c
The Realism Epic is a 17.8mb Download.
The Realism Epic utilizes Civ III PTW v1.14f
Download At: The Realism Epic v0.98c PTW Version

Realistic Civ Start Scenario PTW v0.98c
Realistic Civ Start Scenario is a 88k Download.
The Realistic Civ Start Scenario uses the Realism Epic v0.98c
Download At: Realistic Civ Start Scenario PTW Version

Game Modification - Scipio Africanu
Map Modification - Scipio Africanu
Original Map Base - Marla's Map v1.05

Unit Animations -
Crossbowman - CivGeneral
Horse Archer - Kryten
Assassin - MazterJo
Truck Transport - Smoking Mirror
Light Tank - Kinboat
Modern Infantry - Balou
Special Forces - Dog
Black Ops - Balou
Light Transport - Kinboat
Land Mine - Pesoloco
Shock Infantry - TVA22
Musket Infantry - Dark Sheer
Napoleanic Infantry - Smoking Mirror
Rocket Artillery - Kentonio
Self Propelled Artillery - Boulboulgadol
Heavy Fighter - Smoking Mirror
Attack Helicopter - Papajohns and BoneDoc
Heavy Bomber - Timeline
Air Transport - Papajohns
Supersonic Bomber - Shammy
Ground Attack Fighter - BoneDoc
Stealth Jet Fighter - Dragon Warrior
Air Defense System - Pesoloco
Satellite - MazterJo
Light Carrier - Papajohns
Dreadnought - TVA22
Nuclear Ballistic Sub - Akula
Guided Missile Destroyer - Dark Sheer
Amphibious Assault Transport - Dragon King
Tactical Ground Rocket - Dark Sheer
StS Missile - Dark Sheer
Trebuchet - Kilroy

Resources -
-All extracted from DYP - Kal El

Building Icons -
-All extracted from DYP - Kal El

Contributers -

This is in beta format to obtain information from players as to changes you believe to be more realistic. Though all advice may not be implemented, it is all appreciated.


-The only unit that does not have all animations required for its tasks
is the AWACS plane. It lacks the death animation.

-Units that have multiple classifications, cannot use the hotkeys to
execute the abilities they are not classified as. Ground and naval
units cannot execute air based attributes with hotkeys. You have to click the icon of the ability for it to respond. This includes:
-The Guided Missile Destroyer: Cannot execute air superiority using hotkeys.
-Mobile Anti-Air: Cannot execute air superiority using hotkeys.

-The following units do not have AI strategies flagged. This is due to the inability for units classified on a certien terrain to have AI strats of another. So Air units can't have Land AI strats, and vice versa, and so on. These units include:
-Mobile Anti-Air
-Truck Transport
-Light Transport
-Multiple Rocket Launcher
-Rocket Artillery
-Attack Helicopter
-Mobile Anti-Air
-Guided Missile Destroyer (No air defense flagged)

All changes have been made for three main reasons. One was to widen the effectiveness of new units against units two ages old. So if its the industrial era, units from the ancient era will be factored out of combat completly because of their ineffectiveness. Two was to stress combined arms tactics by attempting to make each unit type equally effective and devestating. I felt this a very strong part of realistic combat. Which leads me to three, which is to attempt to make The Realism Epic as realistic as it could be, under the restraints of stone age to nuclear age gameplay.

Because of the immensity of the information involved in displaying the entire unit changes I have put it in a notepad file with all unit attributes, changed or not. This includes all units added to gameplay. They are classified by age and domain. All this information is also located in the Readme file.

Unit Information: Unit Attributes File (23k)



CENTER OF COMMERCE- Acts as a third Palace, It also gives +50% luxury and tax values in the city. It requires The Corporation and 10 banks in your Civ.

TEMPLE OF ARTEMIS- This is a wonder that produces 3 happy people in the city its built and 1 happy citizen in every other city. It also produces 50% more trade. It is one of the seven wonders of the world and requires the knowledge of Construction. It is made obsolete by Physics.

ZEUS'S STATUE- This is a wonder that puts one temple in every one of your cities on the continent. It is also one of the seven wonders of the world. It requires the knowledge of Bronze Working. It is made obsolete by Monothiesm.

GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE- This is a wonder that produces one extra trade in every square that produces one. It is never made obsolete and requires Replaceable Parts to build.

TAJ MAHAL- This is a wonder that doubles the effects of temples. It requires Theology to build. It is never made obsolete.

ANGKOR WAT- This is a wonder of the world that places a tmeple in every city on the continent. It requires Monothiesm to build. It is never made obsolete.

GREAT LANDMARK- This is a small wonder that gives one happy citizen in every city, and two happy citizens in the city it is built in. It also produces 50% more tax and luxury in the city it is built. It requires Steel to build.

COMMERCIAL SATELLITE SYSTEM- This is a small wonder that earns 5% of your GDP to your treasury. It also puts a happy citizen in all cities, and increases tax output by 50% in the city its built in. It requires Satellites and never becomes obsolete.

THREE GORGES DAM- This is a wonder that places a hydro plant in all your cities. It also increases tax output by 50% and must be built near a river. It requires synthetic materials and never becomes obsolete.

GPS SATELLITE SYSTEM- This is a wonder of the world that places a GPS centerin all your cities. it also produce one happy citizen in all your cities, and two happy citizens in the city it is built in. It requires Satellites and is never made obsolete.

GPS CENTER- This is an improvement which increases ground defense, naval power, and air power by +5. It also produces veteran air units. It requires satellites and a commercial satellite system to build.

EMPIRE STATE BUILDING- This is a wonder that produces one extra trade in every tile that already produces one. It is never made obsolete and is discovered at The Corporation.

CIRCUS MAXIMUS - This is wonder that puts one colliseum in every city on the continent. It is made obsolete by Education and is discovered at Construction.


VINYARD- This is a small wonder that requires the luxury resource wine is in the city radius. It gives +50% luxury and tax benefits and requires the Wheel and 3 granaries.

CLOTHIER- This is a small wonder that requires the luxury resource silk to be in the city radius. It gives +50 luxury output as well as increased luxury trade. It requires 3 marketplaces and currency.

GREAT STABLE- This is a small wonder that requires the strategic resource horses be in the city radius. It allows veteran ground units as well as increasing luxury trade. It requires horseback riding.

TEXTILE FACTORY- This is a small wonder that acts as a luxury resource/factory. It makes one person happy in every city on the continent, one more person happy in the city of its origin, increases +50% tax output, and also increases your production by 50%. It requires 5 factories and Industrialization.

OIL REFINERY- This is a small wonder that requires Oil and Coal be in the city radius. It gives +50% tax output, and increases production by 75%. It requires Refining.

ELECTRONIC COMPONENT INDUSTRY- This is a small wonder that acts as a luxury resource/factory. It make one person happy in every city on the continent, one more person happy in the city of its origin, it also increases luxury and tax output by 50%. It requires Aluminum in the city radius and Computers.

RADIOLOGY CENTER- This is a small wonder that requires uranium to be in its city radius. It gives a 50% increase in research output as well as reducing war weariness. It requires Fission.

-HOUSE OF NOBILITY - Improvement - Increases tax output and city defense bonus to represent that nobility added for the ability for the king to tax his subjects and an increased ability to raise armies in times of war or peril.

-SEAT OF POWER- Small Wonder - Only government specific wonder that allows for a third palace in game. It also increases tax and luxury output and increases happiness in the city by 2. This is because of the additional benefiets brought into the city by government spending, and the increase in the ability of central government to display its power and will. This requires 5 House of Nobility in your civ to build.

-CITY SENATE- Improvement - Increases tax output since the senate did equate to a legislative body aimed at funding the state. It also increases happiness in the city because of the added feeling of civic involvement in government.

-PARLIAMENT- Small Wonder - Only government specific wonder that is aquired latter then the discovery the government itself. It increases tax output by 5% like Wall Street does. It also increases happiness in cities all over the continent by 1. I added this because the original republic is a collection of city states, with the national authority headed by the most powerful city state or the capital. An addition of a parliament is to give voice to the rest of the city states in national policy making, making tax output towards those ends more effective, and happier citizens in the nation. This requires 7 City Senate's in your civ to build.

-NATIONAL PRESS- Improvement - This reduces the threat of propoganda and reduces corruption because of the lack of ability for foreign press services to aquire information in your home state, and to unduelly supress corruption in the most brutal means by keeping the public eye out of govenrment actions. This also has an effect to reduce culture in your cities by the lack of an informed public. This requires 1 Communist Party Headquarters in your civ.

-COMMUNIST PARTY HEADQUARTERS- Small Wonder - This wonder allows for the host nation to build armies without leaders. This is to represent the function of known communism (truly soviet communism) in practice to use the majority of funds aquired to meet the needs of maintaining a strong army. Usually in a deprived economy. This also goes to reduce war weariness in the city it is built in.

-APPEALS COURTHOUSE- Improvement - The only government specific improvement that requires a non government specific improvement/wonder to be built. This requires you have 8 courthouses in cities in your civ. This reduces war weariness and corruption by combating the prosecution of innocent people, and further allowing for people charged of anti war sentiment action to be released without provocation.

-CONSTITUTION- Small Wonder - This small wonder is the basis of the governemnt and goes a far distance in improving national pride by laying out the ideals of the nation on paper. By doing so this creates a greater sense of patriotism and will increase your chances at a leaders appearence. It also increases happiness on all cities on the continent by 1.

-CIVIL EQUITY DEPARTMENT- Improvement - This department is created in the after effects of social reform. It ensures that the goals set foward by social reform are met by government and protect the equity of civilians. It increases luxury output and trade by ensuring that all products and services are distrubited equally and at the same cost. This requires you have 1 Social Reform small wonder in your civ.

-SOCIAL REFORM- Small Wonder - This is the beginning of socialist ideals in a nation. For any other government specific advancements to be completed the nation must under go a social reform. In doing so it has an effect to increase happiness in the nation by 3 per city on the continent.

-MILITARY POLICE- Improvement - This improvement increases land defense by 15 because of the addition of military presence in the cities infrastructure. It also reduces war weariness and propoganda by combating these through "law enforcement" terms.

-MILITARY ABSOLUTISM- Small Wonder - To obtain military absolutism one must establish a base of military power through military police outposts. Military absolutism allows the government to build armies and build larger armies. This represents the relience on military for government establishment in a totalitarianism, and goes to stress their ability to procure these armies as a military based government. This requires 5 military outposts in your civ.


Socialism represents a new Modern Government that provides a middle ground between Communism
and Democracy. It provides a lowered rate of corruption then Communism but a higher one
then Democracy, it also sports a lower war weariness then Democracy but a higher one then
Communism. It is to provide more political diversity in the modern era while providing
a worth while government for all parties.

New Government Totalitarianism readme file incomplete.



Chieften - 400% military increase when facing barbarians
Warlord - 200% military increase when facing barbarians
Regent - 75% military increase when facing barbarians
Monarch - 25% military increase when facing barbarians
Emperor - 0% military increase when facing barbarians
Diety - 0% military increase when facing barbarians

This change has made it so when playing difficulties from Regent and foward it becomes more
difficult (then in normal games) to combat barbarians, providing a more realistic look at
the type of opposition barbarians represented. As well as building a more challanging game.



It now costs 5 gold per unit to steal military plans, rather then 10.

Expose Enemy mole is now reduced from 80 to 40.



  • re_2.jpg
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You don't appear to be using any civilisation placement tool...why not?
I was actually planning on using a civ placement tool but I decided not to for a couple of reasons.

1. I'm ******** when it comes to stuff like that.
2. I didn't read the tutorial due to consistent procrastination :)
3. I hear a lot of mods using it have had compatability issues, as well as a much larger population that runs into difficulties running the mod.

I'd certienly like to add Civ placement as an option for anyone wanting to use the mod though, and am certienly thinking much more seriously about adding it into the next beta version. Being it has Realism in the name, I guess realistic civ placement might be a natural step. Graci.
If you ask nicely I could set it up for is very simple.
As it is wrong to talk about my mod on another´s post all has been deleted.
SCIPIO- good luck on your mod
Kitten - Yes, any help would be appreciated. Me being the lazy, i'll do anything to get out of extra responsibility type, i'd gladly accept your invitation to make the realistic starting posiitons available for the Realism Epic.

GraceofBhaal - Yes your meine arch enemy *evil eye*. And yes, I do curse Sid for no MP. My mod has a lot of options and changes not mentioned on the forum page, and i'll be making the readme available outside of the download. So i'd warn against comparing till you have played it :). However, yours may be very similier, which all I can say is, great (though i think great is stretching it in my case ;)) minds think alike. I'll also try and break it into two peices for the narrowband users, but you'll have to give me some time since i'll have to set up more web space. Hannibal fell victim to his own strategy while at the same time repeating the mistakes of those he conquered before, its good to be Roman :). I hope you download it and enjoy it.
Sounds good, potentially.

Please post the final product when finished. Thanks.
As it was wrong to use another´s post to talk about my mod - all has been deleted.
SCIPIO - good luck on your mod
Well now that you describe your ours are significantly different. My mod doesn't concentrate on ensuring continious upgrade paths, its aimed at giving the user more options for combat that are realistic and useful. My mod doesn't really expand unit upgrade paths besides the few new animations released, but I do plan to ensure the foot soldier type unit (aka swordsman) can be upgraded to Assault Infantry with a middle age unit (Armoured Swordsman for my mod). My mod re-works naval combat to represent a more realistic representations of the ships themselves. I also expand Land combat (specifically in the modern era for this beta version, this will expand to other era's as the mod continues) to give more options available while trying to represent the realistic capabilities of the units. I've tried to define my combat system by making every unit provide a special ability for a special price while leaving the same unit vulnerable to another, forcing the use of combined arms to ensure you have every means at your disposal. Much like real life, combined arms will be a must in modern combat, which is why its called the Realism Epic.

For example, I made the AEGIS Cruiser the Naval Combat weapon of choice for the modern era. The reason for this is because in the modern era the Battleship doesn't represent a modern form of naval power since the only nation that still has them is the US and all the US Navy's Battleships are mothballed (in "storage"). This is because of their slow speed, vulnerability to modern submarine's and aircraft, and most of all, their immense cost to maintain. The only thing the Battleship does best is ranged bombardment where their armament of 16" guns can bring down more firepower on a threat then anyother, with the exception of the Nuclear Weapon. However with ship to ship combat dominated by Ship to Ship missiles, and that most naval combat relies on the agility of the ship, Battleships dont move quickly. So I made the battleship the most powerful ship of the Industrial Age (as it was during WWII), however once the Modern Age hits the Battleship is no longer the ship to ship weapon of choice. But the BB's bombardment rating make it something to be revered by friends and feared by enemies. However, its cost to produce (much like its cost in the real world) is very large. So, like the real world, the vulnerabilities (low defense) of the Battleship combined with the cost of the ship make you question if you should wait 7 turns for an AEGIS Cruiser which has a better attack and defense but a less effective bombarder, The Battleship which provides the most significant bombard in the game, the Guided Missile Destroyer which provides air support for sea units as well as missile transport and delivery (4 missiles), the Nuclear Attack Sub for silent attacks, the Ballistic Sub for a silent form of missile transport and delivery (3 missiles), or the destroyer which provides surface submarine counter measures (can see subs). I try and expand your options as well as your neccesities :).

I'll re-write my description of the mod to make a more complete picture because I can see my first attempt was inadequete (im just so lazy :)).

By the way the only reason Hannibal had to march and sail 3,000 miles to Africa, only to be forced to fight with a majority of conscripts was a design. A web concealed and planned to ensure that no option would be left to chance. Everything that happened, every detail that you had described, were a direct consequence of the actions of Scipio. It was no surprise that Hannibal met defeat on the plains of Zama, it was the faults of the General Hannibal that lead to that. Never before in Hanniabls career had he left a battle to the chance of fortune. But on Zama he did nothing to change the circumstances presented to him, to take the field on his own terms as he had done at Cannae and Trebia. Rather he chose to accept his hand and so he was outflanked by the same tactic he had used to ensure his own fame (double envelopment). Scipio was no victor of chance, he was a tried and trusted general that knows one must survey the ground before he prepares to tread on it. Hannibal was a magnificent general, there is no doubt in that. However he allowed himself to become clumsy while his enemy was becoming its strongest. Had he marched on Rome after Cannae it might be another story, but if's will not change history. Hannibal was one of the best, but Scipio was his better.
As it is wrong to use other´s posts to advertize your mod - all has been deleted.

SCIPIO - good luck with your mod
Do Not Download the mod, some elements are causing the game to crash, not allowing one to play a full game. A new version will be posted in as short a time that can be managed to produce a 100% successful game rate. Sorry.
What is the Socialist government supposed to be? I cannot imagine any way to cross-breed a Democracy with a Communism.
A socialist government is in a way a mix of both Democracy and Communism. It isn't so much a mix of the two political ethics, but it is a mix of both the political and economic elements of each. The Socialism works in a manner in which the state ensures that the citizen will be provided will services the public demands. For example, England has a socialistic medical care industry in which the government pays for health services (so everyone can recieve it) by using income from a special income tax. Socialism is basically a combination of communism's attempt for equal wages among the classes and state provided care while ensuring the right to property such as in democratic societies. Socialism basically means that the Society pays for what the Society requires as a whole. Expanding the states responsibilities to the people, while ensuring more political freedom for the individual through the right to private property and privacy as a whole. This incorperates elements from both Hobbes and Marx, and prehaps the most significant example of modern socialism is the nation of Sweden.
As promised:

Zip file has the latest CPT by gramphos and the CPF file for your map...

Short tutorial for CPT: once extracted!

1. Start a game as you want it (on a map that you have a CPF for THUS the filed named "realismmod" I have provided).
2. Save the game.
3. Run the exe (no need to exit Civ3)
4. The Exe will ask for a SAV, find the SAV you saved
5. The exe will ask for a CPF file. Locate the CPF-for the map (file 3 of the download...file named realismmod.cpf)
6. The exe will ask for a file to save it to. (Type in a new name (don't use the file it reads from, as it reads and writes at the same time))
7. A message "Done!" will show up when the SAV is fixed
8. Load the fixed SAV in the game.

Okay...I remembered to have Sioux instead of Iroquois ;)

Remember to credit Gramphos for his tool...and me :p


Thanks kittenofchaos, i'll be sure to mention both Gramphos and you. This saves me some time :yeah:
This incorperates elements from both Hobbes and Marx, and prehaps the most significant example of modern socialism is the nation of Sweden.


Doesn't this somehow go against your implementation of socialism? Lower war weariness and higher corruption and all that?

I mean, if anything, Sweden's government has more access to the nation's total GNP than the US, simply beacuse the taxes are very high.

And it's hard to tell, since we haven't been to war for quite some time, but I find it hard to belive that our war weariness is any lower than the Unites States, who're almost constantly at war...

I wonder where this myth of "socialist" Sweden comes from? Sure, we've elected governments with "well-fare state" ideals, and the taxes are huge compared to many other nations. But Sweden is a modern democracy, with as much individual rights as any other western country.

Hmm... Reading this again I realize that you may not have meant that the US is a Civ Democracy either. That kind of breaks down my comparisons above. But still, what's up with this corrupted, war tolerant Sweden? It's not exactly the Soviet Union you know. Closer to the UK, Germany or Canada actually...
Never once did I say Sweden was any less Democratic then the US or the EU. Now did I make any suggestion that Socialism, or Communism for that matter, is a bad form of government. I went on to not say Sweden is a socialistic government but the best example available of what socialism embodies. That government exists to support the institutions of the citizenry, while retaining more balance amongst the classes. Class seperation, on an economic standpoint, is rampant in the more pure variations of capitalism. To attain this balance the government has to take a larger role in economics, something that democratic governments don't do often, nor like to do.

When I refer to the political system (i.e. socialism/democracy/communism) I refer to them in their ideological form, something that is Utopian in vision but impossible in the attempt to form it (since the idea of government plays from the fact that the poloticians involved in the governmnet are Utopian in the physical creation and embodiment of it ideals. Something we know not to be true of man.) When I refer to government, I refer to a nation or nations that exectute the political system. No democracy today or ever has been true to the ideals they represented, nor has a communism, or socialism. This is partially because (imho) of the fallacies we are all suseptable to, as well as some of the perfect ideals within the political system itself, those to high to ever ascertain.
I'm sorry if I sounded harsh or whining. I didn't really intend to. It is very true that you never said anything about socialism being good or bad.

The thing that made me post however, was the fact that "socialism" in your mod gets lower war weariness and higher corruption, while you mentioned Sweden as an example of a socialist nation. It just ruffled my patriotic hairs the wrong way :-).

I understand that you need to make a new government different from the others to make it useful in the game. I just don't get the justification for the name. Sweden, or other social democratic European countries, simply doesn't fit your version of socialism. And the word "socialism" isn't usually used to mean "something in between democracy and communism". This government seems more militaristic than social democratic...

That doesn't mean that it doesn't make for a well balanced gaming feature. But renaming it perhaps? How about Fascism (probably requires a change or two, and may be too similar to Wolfshanze's)? Or something more abstract? "Mobilized Democracy", "Military government", "Theocracy"?

Hmm... Not very good suggestions, are they?

Once again, sorry if I came of as a bit of a bastard. My English is probably a bit lacking in stylistic precision.
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