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The search for a survivor...


Dec 18, 2001
Antony stands outside his stone mansion near Nar Shaddaa talking to a man in a cloak.

Antony: I want you to find any remaining descendents of Poldohtar Taurnaina. Is this clear?

Man: Yes it is sir.

Antony: Good, now go Hiberius!

Hiberius sets of to the southwest. His mission will take him on unknown adventures.....
Originally posted by Civanator
Antony stands outside his stone mansion near Nar Shaddaa talking to a man in a cloak.

Antony: I want you to find any remaining descendents of Poldohtar Taurnaina. Is this clear?[/i]

OOC, not that I HAVE any living characters...: Thanks Civanator! I would post the finding, but seeing as I was the one who caused your.... um.... capture earlier, I will leave this task to you. You have my permission to create any characters you find, from traits, to stats, to names, not that permission is really necessary. ;)
Well, there just aren't enough storylines, so i am going to start a fruitless search for any remaining Taurnaina's.

Hiberius is in a village on the Tinerz River south of Nar Shaddaa.

Hiberius(walking up to random people): Do you know anyone by the name of Taurnaina? Do you? Or you?

Hiberius' search in that village is fruitless, so he leaves for the Dark Wood, a supposedly barbaric place.

a map of his journeys:
Hiberius is resting on a log in the forest. He had traveled for about 3 miles into the forest. The sun was out, but it was as dark as night under the trees.

Hiberius: ugh. I am tired. I hope I find some way out. This forest is endless!

A strange sound stirs in the bushes, and Hiberius investigates. Out comes...

OOC: I am letting someone put in their version of the story. Just don't kill Hiberius, yet.
Originally posted by Civanator
OOC: I am letting someone put in their version of the story. Just don't kill Hiberius, yet.

I want to put this in, but... it just wouldn't be right. Would someone else be willing to give it a shot?
out comes a bear. It slahes him in his foot as he tries to run away... The foot practicly fells off... The foot is gone!!!! HE passes put because he is loosing somuch blood.. Then he awakes in a straw hut... He noticec that someone has fixed him, he now has a treeleg.. He goes out of the straw hut and sees... (now someone can continue..)
OOC: Despite Sir John's traditional spelling errors, I shall be continuing from his post, at both his and Civanator's behest.

Emerging from the hut, Hiberius is stunned to see...

Wild man: Who be you? Me fix leg. Leg wood now. Leg feel good?

Hiberius: Why yes, thank you, but, could you tell me, are you related to a Poldohtar Taurnaina, by any chance? (He pauses, then, seeing the blank look on the wild man's face, he continues,) Ummm... Was your father's or mother's father Poldohtar Taurnaina?

Wild man, after consideration: You talking about crazy metal-man? He put stones in fire, then take out and hit them, and there were weapons! (This was said with much arm-waving and gesturing) His name Pod Tarna.

Hiberius: Yes! Was he your father's or mother's father?

Wild man: No. I just hear stories 'bout him from mother.

Hiberius: And who was your mother?

Wild man: Mother name was Malta Tarna.

Hiberius, to himself: Matatari Taurnaina had another son! Then that would make you... the heir to the family!

Wild man: Me air? No, me person.

Hiberius: No, I mean that you... own all his things now. Lots of things, tools, weapons, devices...

Wild man: No, me no want that. But son... Ald Tarna! Come here!

(Hiberius watches the edge of the forest expectantly, only to feel a poking at his back, turning and seeing...)

Hiberius: He looks just like her... It is truly you! An heir to the line! My search is over!

OOC: I think we found someone! Civanator, now you get to take him back to Nar Shadaa.
OOC: I was gone on vacation. I will continue from Noldy's post.

Hiberius and Ald walk away from the hut, toward DePaolo, where they can get refuge.

Hiberius: So, you are a relative of Poldohtar Taurnaina...

Ald: A who? me a person.

Hiberius: Never mind...

Ald: Why never mind? you need to mind. mind gives think, think give... And he goes on and on.

Hiberius (to himself): This is going to be a long trip...

Hiberius has found the heir to Poldohtar's belongings. But he wonders what Antony would want with a hermit...
Originally posted by Civanator
But he wonders what Antony would want with a hermit...

OOC: I wonder too. You'll have to clear that up later.

The journey countinues, somewhat uneventfully, around the village and across the Tinerz River. The travelers are currently on final approach to Nar Shadaa, and Hiberius' nerves are frayed to he breaking point. In recognition of this and... other thing (i.e. threats of bodily harm), Ald Tarna has been quiet for the past two days. And, at last, it comes into sight...

Hiberius: FINALLY! Now I have to get you to Antonius, before... HEY! GET BACK HERE!

Ald Tarna, in his excitement, has bounded toward Nar Shadaa to see what he can see of his first "city", which is little more than a village. Hiberius sighs, and trudges off to look for the little miscreant.
A guard halts Ald Tarna before he can enter.

Guard: What do you think you're doing?

Ald: Me go in city. Me want to see.

Guard: I'm afraid that can't happen. You must get permission, as there is a rebelious group crawling around in there.

Ald: Get pemisin from who? (he can't say permission)

Hiberius walks up just as the guard is about to respond.

Hiberius: From Antony. He wants to see you Ald.

Hiberius takes Ald to Antony's palace. Hiberius wonders if Antony is still alive.
OOC: Well, you have to take him in to see Antony, as I have no clue as to why he wants to speak with Ald.
OOC: :lol:

Hiberius and Ald enter Antony's palace. Ald is running around, amazed at everything that shines or gleams.

Hiberius: Ald, come here.

Ald: Coming...

Hiberius: Ald, be on your best behavior, we are going to see Antony. He is very old, if not dead. He is the Son of Antonius, who was a friend of your Grandfather Laitatan. Laitatan sacrificed himself to save Antonius. Antonius vowed to Laitatan before he died that he would repay him, and that is why you are here.

Ald(thoughtfully): Ok, ok.

They come to Antony's room door. It opens and they step in. Looking out the window is Antony. He turns when the doors close.

Antony: Ahh, Hiberius. You have faired well on your journey, have you not?

Hiberius: Yes, I am alive, but i lost my leg from the knee down. In fact, a wild man saved me. He was the rightful heir to Poldohtar, but he didn't want to come, so he sent his son, Ald.

Antony: Thank you Hiberius. I will give you a grand room in my palace for your hardships during this almost impossible task. I will see to it that you get extra care for your leg.

Hiberius: Thank you sire.

Antony(Turning to Ald as Hiberius leaves): So, you are Ald?

Ald: Yes. Me Ald Tarna. Me very god person.

Antony: So you speak broken English, eh? Let me try.

Antony clears his throat and starts a conversation with Ald in broken English. They go on, and finally Ald starts to understand his position in life, and his past. Antony has the best teachers teach Ald proper English(well, i guess ut would be Roman, but for storytelling it is English), proper manners, and dress styles. They teach him everything he needs to know to go about his daily life. Also, Ald is promoted to High Noble, and he is to find a mate.

OOC: Noldy, time to add Ald to your character list ;) And he is High Noble.
OOC: High Noble? Thanks! Of course, he will now speak in exactly perfect... Fanatican. Also, at some point (i.e. after the next tc), you will still need to provide a concrete reason for this whole... quest.

PS: Actually, Poldohtar is NOT Ald Tarna's (a/k/a Aldadan Taurnaina) grandfather. Maltatari had another son by a different father before she met Poldohtar, but never told him. So Poldohtar is actually just his grandfather-in-law, more or less, although Aldadan still has his inheritance.
OOC: The reason is that Laitatan sacrificed his life to save Antonius, Aurelia and Antony. So now Antony wanted to help the Taurnaina family by bringing them back into existance, and to continue a life-long friendship Antonius and Poldohtar forged.
OOC: The truth finally comes out! But, more seriously, thanks again!
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