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The Sun Really Never Sets on the British Empire

Rex Tyrannus

280lbs of gross stupidity
Feb 22, 2006
Charlotte, NC USA
Hollywood has known it for a while. Remakes are always cheaper than actual creativity. So I've decided to reach into the grab bag of the past and pull out a gem in need of a re-hash.

The Sun Never Sets on the British Empire is an SG I was in about a year ago. We resigned late game when it had become hopeless. I've always wanted to revisit the idea, thinking our doom was largely due to the huge map with 18 civs, and we starting on a tiny island four tiles removed from Paris.

So this is, first of all, to gauge interest in rehashing an old idea. Second, if there's interest, to figure out how best to accomplish the goal. What is that goal? To own a land tile in every column on the map. That and to be Britain while doing it.

I don't think I want to use an earth map again. That map honestly sucks for a game of Civ. However, I also don't want an easy Pangaea walk in the domination park. So discuss amongst yourselves, I'm feeling farklempt.

So far, we have...

1. Rex
2. Bersersk (sorry settler is too tough, I was hoping for Tutorial )
3. Sunrise
4. Lukep (If Monarch)
5. Stuge
6. ChrTh
An archipelago with relatively low water level (making it a map with multiple small continents) would make it a tad harder than continents, and just as historically accurate.

I would say capitulated land tiles should count, since Britian colonizes a few land with indigenous civs (eg India, Malaysia).

Technically speaking, the goal should be: To own a land tile in every column that has at least one on the map ;)

Lastly, you may or may not treat this as a sign up ... ie. if there are more than enough sign ups, kick my butt out of here.
@Ben, Victoria would be my first choice as well, simply for the history.

@Fox, yes, one tile in every column where land is present. Thank you.

Fox said:
Lastly, you may or may not treat this as a sign up ... ie. if there are more than enough sign ups, kick my butt out of here.

Well, so far, it's you and me only. Either the idea sucks or I've offended the community about thirty-four times too many. Let me try to advertise it a little better. BRB.
What difficulty are you aiming for?

I'm most comfortable at Settler, so if it's Settler or less I'd be willing to give it a go ;)
If you put me last on the roster (since the game hasn't shown up yet :wallbash: ) I'll play.
Rex, how I wish I had a CIV capable PC to participate, but alas I don't so I'll just have to watch the fun unfold from a distance.

I would think that you want a map that's going to make you need astronomy to get to some parts of the map would be the best. Guess that means continents or something like what grey suggested would be a good idea as you could try and spread horizontally across all the islands.
I left it in Singapore as I am on a long term assignment in the UK. I've got a laptop but that couldn't play any games other than solitaire. And it sucks as I've got loads of time to play too.
Gee, a sensible rexian SG. ;) I'd like to join up for this. Summer vacation is coming and I haven't got a job, so... CIV.

As for the map, my experience with continents is that it just produces two big blobs of land. Fractal could be more fun but then someone would have to check the map before the game to ensure that it's suitable, i.e. not pangaeaic...ic.
So far, we have...

1. Rex
2. Bersersk (sorry settler is too tough, I was hoping for Tutorial :))
3. Sunrise
4. Lukep (If Monarch)
5. Stuge
6. ChrTh

Ozzy and Fox, you're giving up your slots, right?


Leader: Victoria is my first choice, but I'll take Elizabeth as well. Churchil is too modern for the theme, methinks.

Map: I'd like to have four continents, if possible. Perhaps one of the lurkers can build us a map?

Opponents: Two categories, colonialists and natives. Colonialists should be Louis and Isabella (any others?). Natives should be Ghandi, Shaka, Washington, China?, Egypt...er...who else? We should start on the same continent as the other colonialists, the natives should be spread out.

Difficulty: I'm fine with Monarch, but not with the enhanced AI on Monarch. Prince is fine for me, as well.

Victory conditions: All open (domination likely)

Variant: We must possess* one land tile from every longitude that actually has a land tile. This is our primary objective. To actually consider this a victory, this condition must be met at some point during the game. However, shame to the empire that loses its grasp on some backwater colony.

*Possession counts as actually having the tile in your control, or under control of a vassal state.
Depending on what the other players want to do, Prince could be a fun and easy Domination romp, but probably wouldn't provide a lot of challenge unless the map is weird. I think it's a fun idea to spread the natives about. Since this is Warlords, why not Wang Kon (or however his name is spelled) rather than Quin?
I think Vicky makes the most sense for the variant, so I'm fine with her. In terms of difficulty, well ... I haven't played for 10 months so I'm wary of Monarch, but I think I'll manage to cope.
why not Wang Kon (or however his name is spelled) rather than Quin?

Did the brits ever colonize Korea? My history sucks ass through a swizzle stick. I think Korea was annexed by Japanese imperialism in the early 20th century, so that might count. On that note, do we want to include only British-subjugated colonies, or others held by France or Spain? Aztec, Inca, Mali, others?

BTW, I chose china because of Hong Kong. I don't think Britain ever controlled much of China, did it?

Here's a wikipedia article for reference.
If there is a free slot and you would accept a SG virgin, I would be more than happy to take a part of this journey.
@Speedster, I'd take a seventh, if the group didn't complain. We'll probably have a few skips here and there anyway, so it'd probably still seem like six anyway.
@Speedster, I'd take a seventh, if the group didn't complain. We'll probably have a few skips here and there anyway, so it'd probably still seem like six anyway.

SEVEN?!?! :gripe:

Just kidding ;) ... although you might want to keep me and Speedster away from each other in the roster since he's a "virgin" and I'm a little out of practice.
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