Thought of a unit idea that the team can help us with. Would be a worker unit, avaliable to all of the WETLANDs races. Tinkers as workers. 25% more effecient then a regular worker. The unit for it will be somewhat wierd looking as I was thinking a wagon should be used. That or we could use them as settlers for late game play. I'd prefer them as a quicker worker unit in the game. Workers can be upgrade in Civ3 or not? Will have to check in the editor.
Also need a gai'shain unit to do the same thing for Aiel. That one will be a bit tricky to get into the game, but I'll just make it an enslave only unit. The gai'shain will be 25% faster as well.
Rcoutme, do you think you can find these units? Remember the gai'shain need to have long robes, pref. white.
Cam, I think the tinker unit could fit nicely into the Shogun style upgrade system. Also, when we do the Asha'man, should we keep the same graphics for the upgrade, or will you be able ot make a slightly different one for each upgrade. Also, should the unit be a king type unit, or just very costly in shields?