• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

The World Turned Upside Down

The Commonwealth also criticizes the US plan to bomb Athens, it is the city that gave birth to Western civilization. We should be preserving it not destroying it.

Why does a state of war exist between you and any nation that aids us, when no state of war exists between the two of us? We had an option of attacking you. There were many possible places to attack. We have a VERY SMALL military. That means we could have done something. HOWEVER, we didn't attack. We have hopes for our nation to be established through the pen rather than the sword, through amity instead of hate, with our nations remaining close (OOC: commonwealth could work even), but being able to make our own choices and elect our own government. We want no place in your civil war. We urge you to consider our independence, and not threaten both it and anyone else who supports so much as the ideals of democracy with war.

After a brief conference between the Kaiser and his associates, Germany has come to the realization that Mittelafrika, and indeed all the other insurgents, are ungrateful. We had already formed a Constitution which the Nazis and Communists both sought to destroy, and given the Mittelafrikans great representation in the Reichstag. Still, you seek to destroy what we worked so hard to build up over a hundred years!

Germany will agree, for the security of mind for both the Social Democrats as well as Mittelafrikans, to adopt a Parliamentary system where the Monarch and the Reichstag both hold equal sway. This way we give reform a chance as well as preserve tradition.

However, the unlawful enemies of the state present in the Communists and Nazis are members of illegal parties and shall be rubbed out, however we will agree to compromise with the Mittelafrikans.
From Abyssinia
to Germany:
We are very offended by your unilateral, baseless assumption of any Abyssinian involvement in or support of the MittelAfrikan independence movement. Your jumping to conclusions about nations will be your own doom, as you may end up alienating those that would otherwise be friends and allies with your silly paranoia. Unless you obtain any proof, hard evidence, of Abyssinian involvement in the MittelAfrika crisis, we demand an apology immediately! Until then, we will remain aloof of the conflict but no longer supportive of any German efforts to crush any sort of dissent, whether in its African holdings or anywhere else. You're on your own.
The South Africans echo the sentiments of the Abyssinian government.
Holland, Poland, Hungary, Serbia, Romania, and Bulgaria all agree to the USSR-USA's proposal for peace.
Edit: Nevermind.
To United States:

We demand an apology for the destruction of our navy. We also ask you remove your forces from Crete, and end your involvement in the Greek Front. Italy and its Balkan allies can handle it from here. We will not allow your terror weapons to destroy such ancient cities such as Athens, birthplace of western civilization.

We will not apologize. Be thankful that our public is tired of war, or we would see to it that Italy returns to the position it was in in the mid 1800s. We will gladly remove ourselves from Greece and Europe. If our contributions in making sure your pathetic nations remain sovereign are not appreciated, then we will leave and never return. We hope that the thousands of Italian dead that are surely to follow in the fighting Greece warm your treacherous heart.

We will agree to the proposed Soviet peace offer.

OOC: To quote the great Eric Cartman, "Screw you guys, I'm going home."
There is, still, however, one more thing to take into consideration: the nuclear detonation over Stalingrad, and an attempt of similar destruction at Athens. The Council of Nations should investigate if there were unneccessary casualties, both military and civilian, or destructions and that whether it violates the international laws of war. Also, the U.S. general, or anyone directly responsible, for that matter, whom ordered such destruction, whether it was successful or thwarted, must be put on trial at Council of Nations' Judiciary. And U.S.'s removal of their forces from Europe seems irresponsible for U.S. government to do, shows their immaturity at simply abandoning an alliance over a mere underappreciation, and that simply cannot leave U.S. not responsible for the consequences of this war, noting that it was U.S. who started the war over an assumption. Furthermore, ATO should not overlook the insult U.S. has given, calling ATO "pathetic nations".
The Council of Nations will do nothing to the Americans...there is no Council without America, no meaningful council anyway. Stop with your useless rhetoric when the Council could be doing more important things.
Then it is evident that USA has become nothing more than an international tyrant. If that is not a serious issue the Council must attend to, then what is? How could it be, when it was USA who started the war and possibly commited war crimes, gets to leave with impunity?
OOC: so, two things Ive been trying to accomplish done in a day, by two people, and guess what I get out of it? Ø
From Abyssinia
To Council of Nations nations:
We would like to take advantage of the heated diplomatic exchanges going on to defend the U.S. as being integral to the effectiveness of the Council of Nations itself. The fact that the U.S. troops have seemed to figure prominently in the ATO campaign in Europe is testament to its significance.

The loss of life in Stalingrad and the near-destruction of Athens are lamented by the Abyssinian Empire, its Honorable Emperor, and its people, and we sincerely hope such tragedies do not befall any other people or nation in the near or distant future, REGARDLESS of their level of regional cultural significance. However, bashing and lambasting a nation that took a step to end a war that's brought on nothing but destruction to a continent is no answer. Lashing out at the U.S. has thus caused A.T.O. to lose one of its major members, and an isolationist U.S. may eventually become hostile to the rest of the world as well and only enflame the imperialism and aggression against others that it has already been accused of.

Investigation of the matter is necessary, but expulsion of the U.S. from the CoN will only further alienate the U.S. from the global community and deprive this worldwide community from having a say in holding the U.S. accountable for any actions now and in the future if such a need comes. Expulsion should be left as an absolute last resort, and should be decided upon by ALL members and only AFTER the U.S. has been given a chance to plead its case.

Abyssinia invites the nations of the world to a re-opened Council of Nations as soon as possible to resolve the issues and hostilities amongst nations that were once close allies. Let not this war spiral into yet another, more disastrous one.

OOC: can we re-open the CoN and post on that thread now, or no?
If the United Kingdoms of Scandinavia is unable or unwilling to reopen the Council of Nations by *In-game date that's RL equivalent is tomorrow*, we shall set up permanent facilities in Tokyo.
OOC: Dude, did the US kill its own senators?
From Abyssinian Empire
To Indochinese Alliance (Vietnam, Siam, Guangxi, Nippon):
We are now already in a scientific research association together. Let us expand our friendly relations further. What do you think of expanding your alliance to include us?
We have prepared a list of basic provisions for such an alliance to give you an incentive to expand your regional bloc and assure that none of us get shortended:
  • The government type of the involved nations is not to be the primary basis of the Alliance system.
  • In case of riots and rebellions in any involved nation, the Allied states should only send troops at the official legitimate government's behest, not a moment before.
  • Should an illegitimate rebel group seize the capital and force the legitimate government into exile, the Allied states are obliged to offer the Government-in-Exile a temporary place of government until it is restored. The Alliance is then to take appropriate course of action to oust the rebels from power and restore the legitimate Government.
  • The Alliance would essentially be a full military assistance partnership. In case an ally is invaded, the others should respond in assistance.
  • If a member becomes involved in a war due to a mutual defense treaty with a nation OUTSIDE this Alliance, the Alliance has no immediate obligation to declare war on that member's enemy(ies) but should offer some economic or military advisors as support. The Alliance should then discuss whether collective declaration of war upon the member's enemy(ies) is appropriate, or whether sending arms and soldiers to assist the war effort would suffice.
  • The Alliance should also coordinate collective research projects, and each Ally is expected to contribute to the collective fund set up in the East Asian Research group.
  • Trade restrictions only hamper trade amongst the Allies. It should be discussed whether or not a free trade agreement without high tariffs should also exist amongst the Allies.
What do you all think?

From Abyssinian Empire
To Republic of South Africa:
Would you consider a mutual defense treaty between our nations?

From Abyssinian Empire
To Brotherhood of Islamic Nations (Dar-al-Islam, Afghanistan, Turkestan, Persia, Azerbajan, Turkey, Sinkiang, Pakistan):
Our war is behind us. Let us sign Non-Aggression Treaties to reaffirm the treaty that we had earlier signed together.
From Abyssinian Empire
To Indochinese Alliance (Vietnam, Siam, Guangxi, Nippon):
We are now already in a scientific research association together. Let us expand our friendly relations further. What do you think of expanding your alliance to include us?
We have prepared a list of basic provisions for such an alliance to give you an incentive to expand your regional bloc and assure that none of us get shortended:
  • The government type of the involved nations is not to be the primary basis of the Alliance system.
  • In case of riots and rebellions in any involved nation, the Allied states should only send troops at the official legitimate government's behest, not a moment before.
  • Should an illegitimate rebel group seize the capital and force the legitimate government into exile, the Allied states are obliged to offer the Government-in-Exile a temporary place of government until it is restored. The Alliance is then to take appropriate course of action to oust the rebels from power and restore the legitimate Government.
  • The Alliance would essentially be a full military assistance partnership. In case an ally is invaded, the others should respond in assistance.
  • If a member becomes involved in a war due to a mutual defense treaty with a nation OUTSIDE this Alliance, the Alliance has no immediate obligation to declare war on that member's enemy(ies) but should offer some economic or military advisors as support. The Alliance should then discuss whether collective declaration of war upon the member's enemy(ies) is appropriate, or whether sending arms and soldiers to assist the war effort would suffice.
  • The Alliance should also coordinate collective research projects, and each Ally is expected to contribute to the collective fund set up in the East Asian Research group.
  • Trade restrictions only hamper trade amongst the Allies. It should be discussed whether or not a free trade agreement without high tariffs should also exist amongst the Allies.
What do you all think?

The Length and Quality of your IC posts is like an angel coming down to Earth, and almost makes up for the horrors of your OOC posts.

Unless one of the other members of the Indochinese Alliance objects, Nippon casts its vote in favor of Abyssinia's membership.
The rest of the Indochinese Alliance agrees.

@Charles Li, yeah you're out.
There is, still, however, one more thing to take into consideration: the nuclear detonation over Stalingrad, and an attempt of similar destruction at Athens. The Council of Nations should investigate if there were unneccessary casualties, both military and civilian, or destructions and that whether it violates the international laws of war. Also, the U.S. general, or anyone directly responsible, for that matter, whom ordered such destruction, whether it was successful or thwarted, must be put on trial at Council of Nations' Judiciary. And U.S.'s removal of their forces from Europe seems irresponsible for U.S. government to do, shows their immaturity at simply abandoning an alliance over a mere underappreciation, and that simply cannot leave U.S. not responsible for the consequences of this war, noting that it was U.S. who started the war over an assumption. Furthermore, ATO should not overlook the insult U.S. has given, calling ATO "pathetic nations".

It is clear to us that our troops are not wanted in Europe, as made evident by the Italians shooting down one of our bombers and the Kaiser seeing fit to dispose of his political enemies rather than end the war. We see no reason to remain in a region that is hostile to us. We are leaving and we are taking our soldiers, supplies and money with us. You are welcome to try to stop our troops from going home, but you will not like the consequences one bit.

No one objected to our use of nuclear weapons when we discussed with ATO that we would, in order to end the war. None objected to the plan when their troops were fighting, no ATO member proposed an alternative plan, no one cried for us to stop, save Italy in concerns to Athens and we told Italy that use of atomic weapons would be the only way to swiftly end the war in Greece without major loss of life or industry for anyone; we will see how well he fares in the Hellenic region without American air support and bombers to weaken the Greek defenses while fighting a prolonged guerrilla war in the mountains and cities. And those nations of ATO who condemn us and criticize us after we saved you from total Soviet domination and annihilation ARE pathetic. We have sent upwards of 100 divisions to Europe to keep you free and alive, and we are repaid with betrayal and criticism. Because of your actions, the Soviets are far from defeated and still knocking on Europe's door and Greece will likely be stronger than ever. We regret nothing about our actions in concerns to the atomic bombs, except that Italy was too shortsighted to see Communism destroyed in Greece. And need we remind you that Stalingrad and Athens were ENEMY CITIES, not those of an ally or neutral; these are industrial and political centers, targets clearly open for bombing, both of a conventional or nuclear manner. We could have leveled them with millions of bombs; we saw fit to do so with two. The destruction of the cities of the enemy are a time honored tradition, be it the Mycenaeans destroying Troy during the Trojan Wars, the Spartans and Persians burning Athens to the ground at the end of the Peloponnesian War, the Romans leveling Carthage in the Second Punic War and sowing the fields around it with salt, the Macedonian ravaging of Tyre in the Macedonian Wars of Conquest, the Crusaders attacks on Jerusalem and Constantinople throughout the Crusades, Napoleon's destruction of Alexandria in the invasion of Egypt or even the British burning of Washington DC in the War of 1812. Destroying the cities of an enemy is nothing new; in a time of war, it is inevitable, so do not think to criticize us for doing what thousands have done before us and thousands more will do in the future.

It is rather hard to be an "international tyrant" when we have spent the last 3 years defending and liberating the vast majority of Europe. We find it amusing that you call us "irresponsible" for bringing our troops home, implying that we should stay, and then call for our generals and commanders to be put on trial. Anyone, be they from CoN or any other nation, attempting to take Generals Patton or LeMay in to custody for trial will be shot, probably by the generals themselves, or the thousands of soldiers that will undoubtedly be surrounding them as they return home, where they will be welcomed as the heroes they are.

Also, we do not consider a dozen CoN investigations, all of which pointed to the American Accord to be "assumptions". We consider them to be fact. No where, anywhere in the world, is there any proof that anyone other than the American Accord, least of all ourselves, perpetrated the attacks on our Congress. Every single corner of the world has been searched, multiple times in fact, and NOTHING has been found to dispute the initial (and subsequent) CoN findings.
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