• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

The World Turned Upside Down

OOC: well, when you refuse to let anyone else interview Juan Peron for start, then suspiciously he winds up dead, then our key witness is killed in an american attack, ...

Just playing devil's advocate here, not argentina anymore
OOC: well, when you refuse to let anyone else interview Juan Peron for start, then suspiciously he winds up dead, then our key witness is killed in an american attack, ...

Just playing devil's advocate here, not argentina anymore

Juan Peron was open for interview since he was arrested and, unless we are mistaken, was interviewed in the numerous CoN investigations. We were unaware that he had died, as well as this "key witness" of whom you speak.
AFTER the CoN interviews, we asked for one and were denied.
To World
From Eire:

With the conclusion of this war the new Government of Eire would like to announce its decision to bring our forces home, this we promised our people and this we will carry out. We wish our allies all the best.
To: Italy
From: Greece

Following the horror of the A-bomb, a horror which we want to spare our people, we will accept peace under the following terms:
(a) Italy can have Crete. OOC: We can have our death-labor camps elsewhere, thankyouverymuch, That is, if the Americans give it up.
(b) Greece will pay Italy [1 IC] in reparations. OOC: Greece is a poor, poor nation. HoI2 has Greece at teeny-tiny IC.
(c) Italy may repatriate Greeks who are social parasites in its country.

EDIT~IC: The big dog pushed the other dog from the tiny chunk of meat and there was a brawl. The chunk of meat has a gun.
To Nippon:

The United Kingdoms of Scandinavia has thrown off the mantle of Neutrality and will henceforth pertain to no longer pursuing neutrality as her National Diplomacy. We will be using the Council of Nations Headquarters to estabish the Royal Military Academy of Scandianvia, and to provide a central administration for all of the Military proceeding that occur forthwith in Scandinavia. We shall no longer provide a headquarters for the Council of Nations now, and wish the mantle to be transferred to the Japanese on their Island State. We have seen to it that all of the Representatives from all nations have returned safely, including that of the Greek Representative. Because of Nippons willingness to establish a permanent headquarters for the Council, then so it shall happen.

To: Ireland:

The United Kingdoms of Scandinavia wishes to Formalise the friendship that grew over the devestation of WWIII, and hereby propose the Eire-Scandinavia Alliance. We believe that this is to symbolise the aid and support that we recieved from Ireland from the beginning of the War, and that support was seen through till the surrender of the Soviets in 1943.

We hope that this alliace will be the beginning of a long and prosperous relationship between our two nations.

Yours Sincerely,

Karl Staaf,

Prime Minister of the United Kingdoms of Scandinavia

On Behalf of King Gustaf V of the United Kingdoms of Scandinavia
Scotland deems it lamentable at Council of Nations' ineffectiveness when it comes to findings such as this. One nation grows out of hand, and there is no one to stop it. Scotland was never informed of nuclear detonation from any of the contacts USA provided. All we got was "stay out of Athens and Stalingrad". Although Italy's action was not commendable, it was a relief that the time-honored traditions were brought to halt: tens of thousands more did not suffer the horrible fates such as high level of burns, homes destroyed, thousand years of western culture eradicated, etc, not to mention the unexplained illnesses shown from Stalingrad veterans. But, Scotland never accused USA anything, yet, it was still to be revealed, but unwillingness of Council of Nations make it futile to continue this pursuit.
Germany grudgingly salutes the US, all things considered, for their necessary assistance in the war against the Soviets. Our nations had been allies and assisted each other in times of need (South America and Europe respectively), and considers the deed of protection fulfilled. However, considering the threat in Europe nearly eradicated Germany (though now Germany is subject to eradication by self), we will repay the US in time for their help if they so want it.
Scotland deems it lamentable at Council of Nations' ineffectiveness when it comes to findings such as this. One nation grows out of hand, and there is no one to stop it. Scotland was never informed of nuclear detonation from any of the contacts USA provided. All we got was "stay out of Athens and Stalingrad". Although Italy's action was not commendable, it was a relief that the time-honored traditions were brought to halt: tens of thousands more did not suffer the horrible fates such as high level of burns, homes destroyed, thousand years of western culture eradicated, etc, not to mention the unexplained illnesses shown from Stalingrad veterans. But, Scotland never accused USA anything, yet, it was still to be revealed, but unwillingness of Council of Nations make it futile to continue this pursuit.

Next year, the United States will harness the power of the sun and unleash it upon the enemies that plague our alliance. After years of research, we will use the first nuclear weapons in the world. With the dropping of these bombs, the Soviets and their Hellenic puppets will be finished. We will be obliterating the cities of Stalingrad and Athens, knocking out a major Soviet industrial center and the seat of Communist power in Greece. This will force our enemies to their knees and allow us to finally achieve victory.


We thought we had made ourselves clear. We are also curious as to what "unexplained illnesses" you speak of, as no such illnesses have been reported.

As for Germany, we thank you. Though we we feel the civil war you are entering is an internal matter, we will aid you in repulsing any external threats that may attempt to take advantage of your civil disorder to take what may not rightfully be theirs while the war continues.
OOC: TLJ is correct: what unexplained illnesses? the Soviet government denies any such claims.
Go for it. Korea's got open chances at life now.
OOC: Okay awesome.

Kim Il-Sung, a truly great man. In Nippon, he rallied his countrymen for an independent nation and achieved it, becoming the dominant force for the Conservative Party and effectively the new leader of the Korean Republic.


Although the Korean people voted for an independent nation, do not mistake this for anti-Nippon sentiment. In fact, Korea looks favorably upon it's former adminstrators and wishes to extend a hand of friendship, in the form of free trade between our two great nations.

Kim Il-Sung
President of Korean Republic

To: World
From: Korea

We applaud the Council of Nation's decision to move it's headquarters from Scandinavia to Nippon.

We also back the United State's decision to drop the Atomic weapon on Athens and Moscow, seeing it as the most humane way to end the war.
Scotland agrees with Italy's claim on not bombing Athens with atomic weapon and strategic bombing, and those only, but asks why Italy took drastic and sudden measures, shooting down US bombers.

We tookdrastic measures because the United States would not listen to reason or our requests for the otherwise.
To Greece
From Italy:
We will not allow your communist government to continue to reign and oppress the Greek people. It will be removed with or without the United States.
OOC: Yeah an Italian campaign in Greece; there's no way it can fail!
OOC: I was referring to the Italian campaign in Greece during World War II in RL, which was a miserable failure until Germany sent in competent and experienced soldiers.
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