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The Worst and the best events

as mentioned in another thread, I love the one where you get the option to cause unrest in a city, destroying thier buildings and improvments.

An early monsoon destroying your buildings can be among the most devastating. I swear it threw me off course for an entire game last time.

of course the inflation one (while not as obvious) can be the greatest... IF YOU GET IT EARLY (i think you need something like 4000 spare gold and free market civic to have access to this one.
well that typhoon hit me early, delayed my first settler, I quit when I was asked to be an vassal all three of my cities
The worst event is the continuous chain of mine disasters in my capital's fat cross, in spite of paying to prevent it from re-occurring. It's tedious, if not exasperating.

The best that comes to mind is probably the tower shields that equate to cover promotions. Sort of a quest -level reward without the quest. I figure it's better than balanced ax handles, because each A.I. city has an archer, while melee are less comon.
The worst event is the continuous chain of mine disasters in my capital's fat cross, in spite of paying to prevent it from re-occurring. It's tedious, if not exasperating.

In my current game, this happens every 3 turns or so, and i have about 4 mines in my capitals fat cross.

I am starting to think my fanancial advisor should just add this to my capitals city maintainence
The best that comes to mind is probably the tower shields that equate to cover promotions. Sort of a quest -level reward without the quest. I figure it's better than balanced ax handles, because each A.I. city has an archer, while melee are less comon.
yes i got that when i 3 turns from sword rushing my neighbor, i was a great event :D
The best quest is the one asking for colosseums and statue of Zeus to be built. You get a golden age.

This was great in my last game because I got this just after entering a golden age with Taj Mahal so it became a double golden age. Later I captured the Mausoleum and burned a Great Prophet for another golden age so I got like 30 turns of golden age! :eek:
as mentioned in another thread, I love the one where you get the option to cause unrest in a city, destroying thier buildings and improvments.

You're Dutch, aren't you!

(sorry, more cross-thread posting couldn't resist)
i got two of the best considering what type of game i'm playing atm. Joao, trying for domination without war if i can, off in search of land to sprawl over starting with carracks to get a headstart before the bad guys can even think about swimming off the coast. got the harbormaster quest and was so excited i said "honey!!!!!" and pointed to my screen, almost speechless. hubby was playing wow and isn't as fanatical about civ as i am (he's played 2 BtS games so far), so i had to explain it to him, but then he was happy for me. i couldn't even make the carracks at that point but i was beelining that direction anyway so it wasn't even a sidetrack ;). i took nav1 promotion, yay more of a headstart!

then i got a random event of a great general visiting the castle in my capital and offering to move in as a military instructor for the paltry fee of 256g or so. eh, not all that paltry, i had about 600g at the time. i'd never even heard of that event. but worth every penny since i haven't attacked anybody other than barbs yet, so no progress towards earning a GG *giggle*.
I got a flood that destroyed a city wall (and more) in a city the turn after an enemy moved his unit stack there. So he no longer (or more accurate, less so) needed to bombard the city.

I survived his attack, thanks to a lucky spearman (just a reference to threads about something completely different).
I hate when a quest pops up as you are researching what makes it obsolete. Had that happen once (War Chariots Quest...while I'm researching Alphabet. Man, if I wasn't, Gengis would've been stomped sooner)

My favorites are the ones that give you a little boost one way, or a big one another way, like the playright one.
In my present game, I had just finished building a monument in my capital when it was destroyed by a hurricane. The best event in the same game was when very active Hindu missionaries spread my state religon to no less than six cities in two neighbouring civs.The religion was already present there, but this meant a very nice augmented income since I had built the shrine. After that, my three neigbouring civs actually started to build Hindu missionaries on their own.
The best event for me hands down was when a charismatic leader took control of my party and I had the choice of either +2 :) in every city or all of my Gunpowder units recieved the March promotion. Marching Infantry backed by a Medic III GG is some kind of powerful.

Unfortunately, this event only happens under Police State and it's not something that I'm in very often.
The best event for me hands down was when a charismatic leader took control of my party and I had the choice of either +2 :) in every city or all of my Gunpowder units recieved the March promotion. Marching Infantry backed by a Medic III GG is some kind of powerful.

Unfortunately, this event only happens under Police State and it's not something that I'm in very often.

Wow! I might have to spend some time running Police State in my next game. Of course, if my rampaging hordes didn't have to pause and rest every once in a while, I'd no doubt crush my self under maintenance costs in no time.
In my current game, I got a quest called "Greed" for the first time.

Spoiler :

The quest highlighted a horse resource in a neighbor's territory, and told me that my generals needed me to gain control of that tile.

I figured it would be no problem - I'd capture 3 cities, get the horses, and be done with it. It ended up being an insanely long war, with my science slider at 0% and merchant specialists everywhere, just to pay the bills. Every time I took a city, I discovered there was another one hidden away, extending cultural influence over the area. When I finished off everything on the peninsula, there turned out to be tons of cities hidden in the jungle down the coast.

I can't begin to guess how many axemen I built. Just about everyone else in the world declared war on me at some point in the campaign. My only friend, Boudica, wouldn't lift a finger to help.

When I was finally done destroying the dutch and my economy was in shambles (and it was 4:15am on a work day), I finished the quest. What did I get for it? 5 horse archers. (By that time, I was building musketmen.)

It's probably a good quest under other circumstances, but boy was it a let down this time.
Spice: rofl. I got that quest in one of my games. A few Navy SEALs, and some other mixed units into Ethiopia territory, sack one of there cities, woohoo! Horses and 5 Cav units to help in the war.
Best run of luck happened last night. I was Elizabeth or Rome, but unfortunately the nearest source of Iron was in a rival's capital. I'd started building away from the rival to take advantage of a copper/stone location, and had a thrid city planted 5 spaces due West of the capital. Since I didn't have a religion and as the Great Wall was about to be built, I decided to take a gamble and rush all my forces to capture the city so that I could gain the Holy City plus Iron.

Well, 1 turn before I declare war I get a Greed quest to capture the very source of iron I was aiming for anyway. That was awsome in and of itself, but ontop of that, Barbs were attacking the city and my rival had his troops outside of the city itself. My five CR1/CR2 Axemen only had to fight a single, unpromoted archer, on a grasslands city.

A few turns later I'm gifted 6 Praetorians, and the Great Wall is built. Needless to say, a few rivals got wiped out last night.
The best event for me hands down was when a charismatic leader took control of my party and I had the choice of either +2 :) in every city or all of my Gunpowder units recieved the March promotion. Marching Infantry backed by a Medic III GG is some kind of powerful.

Unfortunately, this event only happens under Police State and it's not something that I'm in very often.

I think nearly everyone knows the new throne event only for Hereditary Rule (free Great Prophet, Great Merchant or Great Military Instructor in your capital). So the question is, are there events for Representation and Universal Suffrage too? Btw, where do you know it's only for civs under Police State?

I had in my latest game very good event. I had two choices, and I think it's not connected to any civic/building.

1) Get +1 commerce in the plot.
2) Pay 122 gold. Get +1 commerce in the plot. Also: 67% chance for (both or neither) +3 healthiness in Mutal and +1 free Scientist in Mutal.

I chose the latter, and odds worked. Really nice boost, even though I didn't work that tile.
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